====== 4-ch ======
4-ch is a [[textboard]]. It uses [[kareha|Kareha]] as its board software, was formerly owned by [[Squeeks|Jay Squeeks]], is now run by bps ssz, and is ISN'T secretly run by an [[Elitist_Superstructure|Elitist Superstructure]].
4-ch has discussion boards for a wide variety of topics.
===== Quality Boards =====
* [[?do=showtag&tag=sjis|AAbar]]
* [[dqn|/dqn/]]
* General
* [[otaku|Internet Addicts Anonymous]]
===== Notable Memes =====
* [[Mittens]]
* [[:sjis:beadyeyes|(・-・)]]
* [[:sjis:grandpa]] and [[:sjis:junior]]
* [[:sjis:reis_diner|Rei's Diner]]
* [[:sjis:Teacher_Student|Student Teacher Thread]]
{{tag>textboard internet culture dqn}}