If you're testing a new release of Cherimoya, use this as a guide to find out what to test. Also, if you find any problems, please notify us at our [[http://nero.secondsource.info/p/forum/forum_viewforum.php?14|forums]]. Make sure that your problem wasn't already mentioned, though. ===== A. LiveUSB creation ===== - Is [[http://www.linuxliveusb.com/|Linux Live]] able to create a functional LiveUSB? - Is [[http://www.pendrivelinux.com/multiboot-create-a-multiboot-usb-from-linux/|Multisystem]] able to create a functional LiveUSB? ===== B. Startup ===== - Does the live system go to the login screen at any time? (if yes, //check if you have enough RAM//, in a virtual machine it needs 1 GB, and see if the problem recurs) - Are there any strange errors or annoyances? ===== C. Usability ===== - Do the wireless cards (if any) work flawlessly? ===== D. Applications ===== - Is the terminal's font monospaced? Does it show at prompt, or another user entirely? - Does the game "Touhou: Perfect Cherry Blossom" have sound? (For "Imperishable Night", you need to activate MIDI in game, it has no WAV files) ===== E. Installation ===== - Is the installer (tribe) able to start without - Are there any problems while installing? If there are, copy your /tmp/installation.log file to [[http://pastebin.com/|pastebin]], and post the link to our forum. ===== F. Post-install ===== - Are any features missing from the installation, compared to the liveCD? [[Category:_Articles_that_need_more_categories|Category: Articles that need more categories]]