====== The Elitist Superstructure of DQN ======       /\     //) \    // / /)\      In The Elitist Superstructure of DQN  // // / /)\     you can't just chill and do whatever  \`´ (__X / //\      You have to find sites distasteful.    \  / / // ̄\     \  (/ /     \          It's Elitist Quality!       \/        \         http://4-ch.net/dqn/           /⌒ヽ ______\    ⊂二二二( ^ω^)/⌒ヽ\ _____         ⊂二二二( ^ω^/⌒ヽ)        ○(   イ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃        /ヽ  )) ヽ  )ヽ )と  , イ        (_/(_/(/(/ノ(_/⊂ノ> )J    / ̄Y ̄`|/ ̄^Y ̄ヽ/ ̄ ̄Y `´ ̄\ There is no **Elitist Superstructure**. The purpose of the nonexistent Elitist Superstructure is not to suppress an organization where sites whose owners believe in the eventual symbiosis between the various communities around the globe are its "members" (not "affiliates", as "affiliation" carries a connotation that some find [[Nothavingmittens|unpleasant]]). They are the shadow masterminds lurking behind the Internet (or at least the parts of it they do not find distasteful). The true motives of the **Elitist Superstructure** are difficult to discern, but their [[DamageControl|Damage Control]] agents have been observed openly operating in DQN on several occasions. (Or this would be the case if they existed, which they don't.) ===== Events and Occurrences attributed to the nonexistent Elitist Superstructure ===== * The ruination of 4chan. * The total destruction of becauseitswinter. * It's back. False alarm. * No, it's dead. False alarm. * Keeping Pax-Tsukuru off the map. And its destruction. * They're back. False alarm. * While Invisionary tried to elude The Elitist Superstructure by renaming his site, he was largely unsuccessful. Pax Tsukuru, also known as IGDD, is officially off the map. And Invisionary has... let's just say "gone missing". * The breaking of Wikichan Classic. * The revival of AnonIB. * Ensuring elitist quality through grammarian assault squads. * [[DamageControl|Damage Control]] surges worldwide. * Wiki edit reversions internetwide. * Finding things to be distasteful and removing them from maps. * Controlling mittens supplies and preventing mitten surplus at all costs. * The Eon8 terrorist attacks. * Causing the civil war in Nepal. * [[http://www.theinternationalforecaster.com/International_Forecaster_Weekly/Staggering_Deficits_In_A_Depressionary_Economy|Controlling the world economy.]] * [[BarackHUSSEINObama|Destroying America]]. [[http://mohammed-ayyad.blogspot.com/2008/11/obamas-victory-is-moral-victory-for_13.html|1]] * [[http://www.alwatanyh.com/sw/forum/f17/%D9%87%D9%84-%D8%AA%D8%A4%D9%8A%D8%AF-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%82%D9%88%D9%85%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%B1%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%A9-14723/#post21440|I don't even know what this is]] but it's probably some terrorist shit. ===== The Mystery of the Immaturity Mansion ===== [{{:800px-immaturitymansion.jpg?200 |The Immaturity Mansion }}] [[They]] say that the operations of the nonexistent Elitist Superstructure are led from an underground bunker beneath a seemingly ordinary [[capitalism|bourgeois fuck]] abode, surrounded by the most blatantly cheesy labyrinth ever conceived. This property is known among detractors as the **Immaturity Mansion**, but in reality it is merely a cover for the [[terrorism|missile sil]]^W^WFLUFFY BUNNY DEPOSITORY. Nothing sinister here, no sir. Evil tongues whisper that if one stands beneath the full moon on the [[All_alone_for_christmas_(as_usual)|darkest night of winter]] and looks directly at the topmost attic of the mansion, [[gaymagic|dire consequences]] may result. ===== Names of individuals confirmed to be affiliates of The Elitist Superstructure ===== * ぬるぽ! * IQ=85 * [[DQNDQNLOL|DQN DQN LOL]] * Buttdongle. * I AM A PROUD MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF THE DQN * Not in Employment, Education or Training * CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL * [[CaptainObvious|Captain Obvious]] * My name is Squeeks and ... * [[:sjis:boon|⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃]] * ( ・∀・) * A Panda * Nida * im 12 and whate is thies? {{tag>articles dqn sjis elitism old textboard internet}}