===== Films ===== * [[2001:_A_Space_Odyssey_(film)|2001: A Space Odyssey (film)]] * [[Back_to_the_Future_III|Back to the Future III]] * [[Forrest_Gump|Forrest Gump]] * [[It_Came_from_VIP_(loli_porn_film)|It Came from VIP (loli porn film)]] * [[Mission:_Impossible_II|Mission: Impossible II]] * [[National_Lampoon's_Vacation|National Lampoon's Vacation]] * [[Revolver_(film)|Revolver (film)]] * [[Stagecoach_(film)|Stagecoach (film)]] * [[The_Eiger_Sanction_(film)|The Eiger Sanction (film)]] * [[The_Searchers_(film)|The Searchers (film)]] * X-Men ===== Genres ===== * [[Documentary_film|Documentary film]] * Drama * Porn ([[Adult_only|Adult only]]) * [[Science_fiction|Science fiction]] * [[Western_(genre)|Western (genre)]] ===== People ===== * [[Clint_Eastwood|Clint Eastwood]] * [[Faggots_in_spandex|Faggots in spandex]] * [[John_Ford|John Ford]] * [[John_Wayne|John Wayne]] * [[Stanley_Kubrick|Stanley Kubrick]] * [[Tom_Cruise|Tom Cruise]] * [[Uhnold_Schwaaaaazzenigger|Uhnold Schwaaaaazzenigger]] ===== Years in film ===== * [[1939_in_film|1939 in film]] * [[1993_in_film|1993 in film]] ===== Other ===== * Batman * Creativity * Hollywood [[Category:Articles_that_need_more_categories|Category:Articles that need more categories]] [[Category:Articles_in_need_of_elitist_fucks|Category:Articles in need of elitist fucks]]