====== IRC ======
Like to //Idiotic Retard Chat//, do ya? Click [[http://rizon.net/info/access|here]] and come to [[VIP|#vipquality]] or [[GNAA|#saovq]]. Real men use XChat or irssi, but webchat works fine.
===== What is IRC? =====
IRC is a program for [[vipper|people with autism]] designed in [[nazi|1988]]. A "server" ran at a website (eg, irc.sageru.org port 6667) is used to host "channels" (chatrooms) that are prefixed with a ''#hashtag''. Users in an IRC server are generally free to create their own channels, and make them private or public (can be found in the server's channel list). For added security, a room has multiple levels of officers who can silence the general chat and kick or ban bad users. Rooms can also require a password or invitation to be joined.
IRC is an extremely simple protocol, and as such, has thousands of bots and clients; it is [[textboard|text-only]], which has led to its own unique form of [[ascii|ASCII art]].
===== Channels =====
* #saovq -- pretty dead these days, [[autism|let's fix that]]
* #tinychan -- textboards and 8chan refugees
* #ripirc -- ???
* #gikopoi -- the room for [[:games:gikopoi]]
* #netplay -- for [[:games:netplay]] and [[:games:cool_free_games]]
* #tanasinn -- the room for this wiki!!!
* #sageru -- A channel for [[6ch|bee science]]
* #boards -- channel for graybox's boards. boards won! dead LMAO
* #schemebbs -- Unofficial channel for http://textboard.org/prog/
* #bees -- [[autism]]
* #jp -- beekeeping strategies and bridge demolition
* #qa -- Anime, otaku life, NEETs
* #drugs
* #4-ch
* #animu
===== Irssi Guide =====
/network add -nick NICK -user USER -realname NAME -autosendcmd '^MSG NickServ identify PASSWORD; WAIT 2000' NETWORKNAME
/server add -ssl -auto -network NETWORKNAME -port PORT SERVERADDRESS
Replace variables "nick, user, name, password, networkname, port, serveraddress" with the values you like. Then, you can ''/connect networkname'' to connect to an IRC server.
''/alias w window goto $*'' lets you jump to a room like ''/w 3'' (jump to window 3) or ''/w #tanasinn'' (go to the room #tanasinn).