===== Let's go to Constantinople ===== {{#ev:youtube|fcI5rNR5TGM}} ===== Doors of Perception ===== [[image:LSD.jpg|thumb|right|A Freudian slip, named AFTER famous psycho-analyst Sigmund Freud, IS when one fag FUCKS ANOTHER fag In the balls. I'm a Homosexual.]] [[tanasinn|HEY GUYES let's totally really get some LSD and trip balls in the desert]]\\ Hey GUYES let's totally buy some weed from [[Niggers|DEVIL]]\\ \\ In [[September|October]] [[1993|1955]], Hux∵ley had an [[recursion|experience]] while on [[petrochemicals|∵LSD]] that he considere∵d more [[VIP_QUALITY|profound]] than [[Commercial_Jingle_for_"God_Finger"|those detailed]] in The Doors of Pe∵rception. ‘Huxley was∵ overwhelmed to the point where he decided∵ [[Gay_magic|his previou∵∵s experiments]], ∵the ones detailed in Doors and Heaven a∵d Hell, had been no∵thi∵ng but enter∵taining sideshows.’[∵1∵3] He [[Ctrl_V_page|wrote]] in a letter t∵o [[JISAKU_JIEN|Humphry Osmond]], that he experienced "the direct, total awareness, from ∵the inside, so to say, of Love as the primary an∵d fundamental co∵smic fact. ... I was ∵this fact; or pe∵rhaps it would be more ∵accurate to say that∵ ∵this fact occupied the pla∵ce where I h∵ad been. ... And t∵∵he things which had entirely filled my attention ∵on that first occasion, I now perc∵∵eived to be temptat∵ions - temptations to escape∵ f∵rom the central reality into a false, or at least imperfect ∵and partial [[CAPS_LOCK|Nirvanas]] of [[Japanese_Schoolgirls|beauty]] and mere knowledge." The e∵xperien∵ce made its wa∵y into the final chapter of Island. This raised a troublesome point. Was it better to pursu∵ a course of careful psychological∵ experimentation.... or was the real value of these [[Kimchee|drugs]] to 'stimulate∵ the most basi∵c kind o∵eligious ecstasy?'\\ \\ \\ ===== the quick red ===== XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS XENAKIS bees ===== I'm so fucking HARD ===== I am only on a small dose! But I'm still editing! Haha! Fuck all of yalls! You are like the shits to me. You are like someone who skips Endless Eight and says Kill La Kill is a "good show". You say other things but I literally vomit from my amphetamine-dried mouth when I think about them, and that shit is painful. {{Lssd.jpg|fig:You will observe that THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS a contractor.|thumb|right}} {{Lsd_kid.jpg|fig:My THIGHS and buttocks ARE bigger THAN Rosie O'Donnell and cooler THAN Tom Jones.|thumb|right}} DRUGS MAKE GOOD RAPE\\ when you want a young girl or boy [[http://www.clickorlando.com/news/22862991/detail.html|who doesn't know rules of the game/world]] just feed them alcohol or what the fuck ever give them xanax [[http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1158666/Detective-forced-alleged-gang-rape-victim-sex-police-station.html?orly|rape their shit.]]\\ [[IMAGE:Blackguycontrollingthedrugtrade.jpg|left|thumb|Wickity Wickiy Wack]]\\ ===CONSEQUENCES OF KETTLES=== If Kettles count as a drug, they just left a trace of oil on my implants book, I guess [[http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1235095380/|I'm going to die]] form cholesterol oversaturation, [[http://beloitdailynews.com/articles/2005/03/07/news/news04.txt|what the fuck]]\\ [[http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/04/17/ground-black-people-cookb_n_541817.html|NIGGERS]] only smoke weed and do cocaine [[http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/2010/04/22/2010-04-22_white_crook_robbed_banks_in_expensive_africanamerican_mask.html|i hate niggers]]\\ I never met [[http://detnews.com/article/20090730/OPINION01/907300347/1008/Detroit-mechanic-hid-life-as-Klansman|anigger]] that didn't fuck a white person in business [[http://www.tcpalm.com/news/2010/mar/25/vero-beach-man-charged-with-having-100k-worth-of/|they control the drugs in america]]\\ ==== whgat ==== {{Pabloescobar.jpg|fig:Im 16 and I HAVE $140 In a JAR.|thumb|left}} no stop it ==== lots of mild amphetimines pussy ==== I haven't been here in niggers ==== half woMan half Man half pocket calculator ==== [[http://www.band-name.com/bands.html|KRAFTWERK]] ATE MY [[http://www.larrycarlson.com/images/4br0_larrycarlson.jpg|FUCKING]] DICK! ==== im drunk ==== its ilicit cause [[http://www.telegraph.co.uk/motoring/news/7620484/Driver-escapes-jail-despite-driving-down-busy-motorway-with-leg-hanging-out.html|i gonna hit the road like rite now]]. its gonna be all rollecoaster like wheeeeeeeeeeee i think.\\ **update:** survival rate = 95%\\ \\ ==== the cake ==== it is I! [[penis|yoru whipped-cream totem]]. ==== I just snorted 2 pills of Adderall ==== holy fucking shit the colors ==== smoke caffeine everynight ==== [[http://www.energyfiend.com/death-by-caffeine|only do sleep deprivation for special occasions. It has to stay something special.]] if you are not microsleeping while you edit you are not ==== HOLY Christ i'm gay. ==== {{Homoerotic_siamese_jesus_junkie.jpg|fig:HOLY Christ|thumb|right}} don't do it druge might [[http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode18/usc_sec_18_00001531----000-.html|get you laid]], might get you a higher senes of reality, might get you [[http://www.pressofatlanticcity.com/news/press/atlantic/article_47eb7870-4cac-11df-b2b8-001cc4c002e0.html|happiness]], might get you [[http://www.digitalspy.com/music/a176999/mccartney-beatles-went-crazy-on-drugs.html|wealth with music]], might get you [[http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10369832|creativity]], might get love, might get long term relationships, drugs might get you [[http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1217208749/|anything you want]], drugs might do what you want, drugs come large in [[http://cbs2chicago.com/local/plastic.bag.ban.2.670165.html|small]], but they will never [[http://www.myfoxorlando.com/dpp/news/030709_drug_testing_for_the_unemployed|help you]]\\     _.-~~/     /  /    / ∩∧ ∧   CAN I COME OUT OF THE CELLAR (I'M DONE BEING GAY NOW)    / .|( ・∀・)_   // |   ヽ/   " ̄ ̄ ̄"∪     \\ \\ \\