Cherimoya has it's own KDE enhancements. ===== Konversation ===== For Konversation, our default chat client, we've preconfigured it to work with I2P & AnonOps servers. You can review the /etc/skel/konversationrc [[konversationrc|here]] to check out what we've configured. ===== Steghide Servicemenu ===== **Package in [[User_Repositories#AUR|AUR]]**: **Package in [[User_Repositories#CCR|CCR]]**: **Package in KDELook**: **Homepage**: **Source code**: Rather than get an entire new GUI just for Steghide, making it a little right-click menu for the Dolphin file manager will work better and save more space. However, this package is not well maintained, and does not work at all (at least as far as I can see). We need to fix it up first. Category:Cherimoya