{{Kuma_breakdance.gif|fig:Kuma, acting cool.}} [[(_゚_ヮ゚)|( ゚ ヮ゚)]] A REALLY cool guy! He's no pedophile, he's just [[becauseitswinter|friendly]]!! You're so used to reading [[Neon_Genesis_Evangelion|incoherent psuedopsychological drivel]], that when someone actually says something clearly, you're confused. I think this is a new illness ...    ∩___∩    | ノ      ヽ   /  ●   ● |    |    ( _●_)  ミ  彡、   |∪|  、`\ / __  ヽノ /´>  ) (___)   / (_/  |       /  |  /\ \  | /    )  )  ∪    (  \        \_) KUMA ("Bear") is a natural kind of guy. He likes to frollick through town and chase after some [[loli|pretty girls]] (some evil folk dubbed him "Pedobear" for that). He doesn't want to work and just enjoy himself. So he's a pretty cool dude. But sometimes he has to defeat himself rather roughly whenever his arch rival, [[Ronald_McDonald|Ronald McDonald]], tries to get in on his act again by destroying his beloved [[nature|environment]] or other evil schemes. KUMA is fierce against opponents:                                   _ /- イ、_              ,;^,^,ヽ                 /: : : : : : : : : : : (             ;^|, |, |, |                /: : : : ::;:;: ;: ;:;: ; : : : ::ゝ            r|, |, |, |, }               {:: : : :ノ --‐' 、_\: : ::}    ∩___∩ |   ( |               {:: : :ノ ,_;:;:;ノ、 ェェ ヾ: :::}    | ノ      ヽ ! `´. ノ   、           l: :ノ /二―-、 |: ::ノ   /  ●   ● | 入 /   ,,・_           | //   ̄7/ /::ノ   |    ( ●_)  ミ / , ’,∴ ・ ¨           〉(二─-┘{/  彡、   |∪|   / 、・∵ ’  /、//|  ̄ ̄ヽ / __  ヽノ  /        /   %%//%% |//\ 〉 (___)    /        /    %%//%%   /\ /          /        /        /  [[Category:_AA_Characters|Category: AA Characters]]