[{{ :breathtaking.gif?200|Neo, a Matrix hacker}}] ====== Matrix ===== Decentralized FLOSS hybrid of IRC, Discord, and e-mail. It's like * [[IRC]] for grown-ups ... (better than irccloud etc) * [[email|e-mail]] for people with ADHD ... (federated instant messaging) * [[Discord]] for schizos (strong encryption features). What are you waiting for..... ===== Channels ===== [[vip_quality|VIP Quality]] rooms only. * [[https://matrix.to/#/#vip:philosophy.rodeo|#vip:philosophy.rodeo]] -- VIP "space" (channel group) * [[https://matrix.to/#/#tanasinn:matrix.org|#tanasinn:matrix.org]] -- room for this wiki * [[https://matrix.to/#/#vipgames:matrix.org|#vipgames:matrix.org]] -- netplay and pirated games * [[https://matrix.to/#/#gikopoi:matrix.org|#gikopoi:matrix.org]] -- [[games/gikopoi|Gikopoi]] meta * [[https://matrix.to/#/#neets:matrix.org|#neets:matrix.org]] -- NEETs and allies * [[https://matrix.to/#/#saovq:matrix.org|#saovq:matrix.org]] -- [[secretareaofvipquality|Secret Area of VIP Quality]] IRC ===== Servers ===== Can generally connect to any other server. This URL goes in the "homeserver" field of your client ^ URL ^ Name ^ Notes ^ |https://matrix.org | Matrix.org | The flagship server | |https://halogen.city | Halogen City | cool dudes | |https://halogen.chat/ | Halogen Chat | ???? | |https://matrix.philosophy.rodeo | Philosophy Rodeo | philosophy chats | |https://matrix.midov.pl/ | Midov.pl | Adheres to [[https://github.com/domgetter/NCoC|"No Code of Conduct"]] | |https://nerdsin.space | Nerds In Space| shitposters | |https://matrix.kiwifarms.net/ | Kiwifarms | Internet shitposters. Rare downtime when getting DDOS'd | |https://matrix.waifuhunter.club/ | Waifu Hunter Club | signup @ https://chat.waifuhunter.club/ | {{tag>new software}}