====== Multichan ====== **Subpages:** [[:multichan:threads]], [[:multichan:manifesto]] multichannel, called **Multichan** or **Multich** is a [[2020]]- public domain experiment to add cool new features to the [[textboard]] concept. It features: * Federation * [[Tripcode]]s * Thread tagging * pseudo-boards * Atom feeds ===== Features explained ===== The initial thread view is just a big index of threads, like this example on [[https://0chan.vip/threads/|0chan]]. But it can be filtered based on [[https://0chan.vip/tags/|tags]] (e.g., [[https://0chan.vip/tags/internet+nerd/|internet+nerd]]), or by which board a thread was originally posted to (e.g., [[https://0chan.vip/threads/local/|local threads]]). Every site, filtered view (tag or by host), and thread has an accompanying [[rss|Atom feed]], which means that topics / discussions can easily be subscribed to by different apps or consumed into different chat services. This board is a //pseudo-imageboard// because links to images on an [[vip|approved host]] will be embedded A variety of moderated [[http://0chan.vip/b/|"psuedo-boards"]] are made by associating a password with a tag, and the person who claimed the tag can then write a custom "message of the day" above their thread list, hide threads, and hide comments *within the pseudo-board view*. The actual threads and comments will not be affected. **Some relevant discussion boards:** * [[http://0chan.vip/b/gikopoi|/gikopoi/]] * [[http://0chan.vip/b/tanasinn|/tanasinn/]] * [[http://0chan.vip/b/neet|/neet/]] Alas, there is no [[SJIS]] art on 0chan, because the admin is a [[fascist]]. ===== Community ===== The federation used to be ~7 servers working together until an internet terrorist struck in July of 2020. The entire network was crippled, save for one [[https://ripirc.org|lone server]] that still preserves an archive of //what was//. The flagship board, 0chan.vip, was resurrected in October of 2021 to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of the project. You can join the [[irc]], [[Matrix]], or [[Discord]] to chat with some members of the [[multichan]] community. ===== URLs ===== * https://github.com/153/multichan -- Git repo * https://0chan.vip -- main [[textboard]] {{tag>new textboard internet vip}}