\\ \\ \\ \\ {{{{{image|delayclose.jpg}}}|px delayclose.jpg}}}|px}}\\ \\ \\
\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\
\\ \\ \\ |
===== Generic box template =====
* **title** - The box title. Default: "I am a box"
* **text** - The box text. Default: "I contain lots of interesting things "
* **image** - The image on the left of the box. Default: "delayclose.jpg"
* **img_border** - CSS for the border around the image. Default: "1px solid rgb(127,127,127)"
* **img_width** - The images desired width. Default: "100"
* **border** - Colour for the box border. Default: "rgb(125, 106, 141)"
* **head_bg** - Colour of the box head. Default: Same as //border//
* **bg** - Background colour of the box. Default: "rgb(224, 190, 253)"
* **width** - Width of the box. Default: "450"
* **color** - Text color for the box text. Default: "rgb(0, 0, 0)"
===== Example Box =====
{{box |title=Example Box |text='''This box.''' It is an ''example''. |image=USA_10191_x10207_Monument_Valley_Luca_Galuzzi_2007.jpg |img_border=2px solid rgb(224, 190, 253) |img_width=120 |border=rgb(0, 43, 184) |head_bg=rgb(231, 165, 86) |bg=rgb(186, 0, 0) |width=300 |color=rgb(186, 215, 134) }}
Will create...
===== Use in sidebar =====
{{Box |bg = rgb( 255, 255, 255 ) |head_bg = #DDAACC |border = #B58BA7 |title = DQN |text = DQN DQN LOL |image = jj.png |img_width = 74 |width = 220 }}
Will look like this ▶
220px is the de facto standard sidebar width. Don't change it if it is not necessary.
[[Category:Articles_with_one_or_more_notification_boxes|Category:Articles with one or more notification boxes]]