**Rise and Fall of the Seven Bashful Pillars of VIP-lantus** is a VIPtronic album, released on [[1993|December 30th, 2012.]] ===== History ===== After [[VIPtronic_666pack:_Horses'_Corpses|VIPtronic 666pack: Horses' Corpses]], BEAR NAGINATA MC has launched the project for another VIPtronic album. After a long debate to decide the album title, the spear-wielding bear onesidedly opted for the redundant title, in an uncharacteristic worded fashion. Thus, the submissions poured slowly until the deadline date of December 27, later moved to December 29 to allow late bloomers (not [[http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%96%E3%83%AB%E3%83%9E%E3%83%BC#.E3.82.B7.E3.83.A7.E3.83.BC.E3.83.84.E3.81.A8.E3.81.AE.E7.9B.B8.E9.81.95.E7.82.B9|this kind]] of bloomers). The result is a slightly shorter effort than 666pack, and received a rather tepid welcoming when confronted with its predecessor. ===== Covers =====
{{7_pillars_Front_Cover.jpg?480|fig:7_pillars_Front_Cover.jpg}}  {{7_pillars_Back_Cover.jpg?480|fig:7_pillars_Back_Cover.jpg}}
===== Download ===== * [[http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?1e593f4xun21y19|Direct link (Mediafire)]] * [[http://www.sendspace.com/file/wqk5y2|Direct link (Sendspace)]] * [[http://www.fapis.com/entry.html?id=40430|Torrent download]] ===== Tracklist ===== |01.|VIPPER |intro |01:01| |02.|BEAR NAGINATA MC |At the Shores of VIP-lantus |03:09| |03.|[[Marisa_Cosplayer|Marisa Cosplayer]] |星とロックとうーさーと |03:39| |04.|[[DJ_ROCKET_PROPELLED_CHAINSAWS|DJ ROCKET PROPELLED CHAINSAWS]]|SYRUP BRUSH |03:34| |05.|Sammy Feldstein ~~!therattlebag |~~~~ヾ(^∇^)おはよー♪ (Good morning AMERICA) |02:20| |06.|FiTEBeaR |Silicone-based butt Anti-frustrant |02:39| |07.|[[Captain_Dangus|Captain Dangus]] |as we fall beneath andalusia |02:02| |08.|[[BLACK_ANGLE_OF_DEATH|BLACK ANGLE OF DEATH]] |Ostrich Disaster Syndicate |01:38| |09.|grey |I confessed to senpai but he mumbled something about a visual novel|01:40| |10.|[[ITALIAN_VIPPER|ITALIAN VIPPER]] |Treasures Hidden in Mysterious Dungeon A |02:27| |11.|Trev |Coalescence and Gravitational Redistribution of Dihydrogen Monoxide|02:41| |12.|The Cultist |Industrial Buttlus |04:01| |13.|[[BLACK_ANGLE_OF_DEATH|BLACK ANGLE OF DEATH]] |All I want for Christmas is a soft pillow |03:06| |14.|[[DJ_ROCKET_PROPELLED_CHAINSAWS|DJ ROCKET PROPELLED CHAINSAWS]]|INTSGNSINXDX |03:07| |15.|VIPPER |Year of the Snake |01:37| |16.|[[ITALIAN_VIPPER|ITALIAN VIPPER]] |Underwater Temple of the Deity with Everchanging Names |02:17| |17.|[[Marisa_Cosplayer|Marisa Cosplayer]] |IN7RO |01:31| |18.|FiTEBeaR |Your Are In a Forrist [FBNR Diesel Showroom Holiday Mix] |04:48| |19.|I'm In The Mess Hall |Clumsy Loli Radio Hostess (REmix) |01:15| |20.|DO( ゚∀゚)Y |Caged Light |05:46| ===== External links ===== * [[http://www.secretareaofvipquality.net/saovq/kareha.pl/1341655497/|[VIPtronic 7] Puny humans!  いくぞ!! [Call to arms]]] [[Category:Electronic_music|Category:Electronic music]]