====== (*゚ー゚) ====== {{ :sjis:3320110724-22047-16axf4n.png|Shii+Giko}} **Shii** (しぃ), sometime called Shii-chan, is often depicted as a female and cute [[:cat|cat]] with asterisks on her cheeks, living in a cardboard [[wiki:boxes|box]], [[:category_ronery|waiting endlessly]] for her [[:fireburninginlove|love]] to come back. She is [[sjis:giko|Giko's]] girlfriend. It's unclear whether her name is supposed to mean "C", "ayashii" (strange), or "she". Other characters (especially [[Mona|Moraler]]) like to hate on Shii a lot.     ∧ ∧___  Hay guys!    /(*゚ー゚) /\  /| ̄∪∪ ̄|\/    |        |/      ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ >>11 But look how fast I go on saovq.  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄∨ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   __∧∧__ /\(゚ー゚*)  \          (´´ \/| ̄∪ ̄ ̄|\     (´⌒(´   \|____|≡≡≡(´⌒;;;≡≡≡          (´⌒(´⌒;;     ズザーーーーーッ   .∧∧   (*゚ -゚)        _(つ/ ̄ ̄ ̄/_      \/    /            . ⊂⊃        ノ  .⌒∧ ∧⌒ヽ       ノ UUU.(*゚ー゚*)UUUヽ      ノUUUUと   つUUUUヽ     (UUUUUU| |UUUUUUヽ              .UU  ===== The Other Shii ===== once i posted shii's name on a wiki so he called my girlfriend a fleshlight and kickbanned me, do'n't post his name here or you'll get in big trouble to. there is no other she ====== Shii's Song – Wind's Nocturne ====== Online, some users created a romance involving the two [[:cat|cats]], romance that has been [[:unlimitedtranslationworks|translated]] into English and made into a flash animation called "Shii's song/wind's nocturne": Here's a [[https://youtu.be/irF5fEMixng|Youtube video]] version dating from 2006. The Shii's Song video was one of the first to mix English and [[:japanese|Japanese]] in it. As a matter of fact, it may have been one of the first instances to introduce the [[:japanese|Japanese]] [[sjis:start|Shift-JIS]] characters to the Western [[:web3.0|web]] as early as 2002. The original [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-4n4kZeF2U|"Wind's Nocturne" song]] is coming from a [[:games|game]] series called Lunar. {{tag>AA_Characters sjis}}