====== Squeeks ======    人       (__)       (__)     ( __ )      ( ・∀・) < My name is Squeeks and this wiki  (つ   つ   sucks dick like the rest of those  | | |     "lets make a DQN wiki"  (__)_) Former 4-ch administrator, now replaced by bps ssz. He has a rather large pile of [[shit|fecal matter]] on his head . His full name is Jay Squeeksand. ===== Controversy ===== During the Background Wars of 1993, Squeeks was revealed to be anti-mittens, yet pro-goatse. It remains to be seen whether he actually squeeks. What this means is yet to be known. Unfortunately, he contracted terminal bonitis. ===== My name is Squeeks and these are some links ===== * [[http://archives.4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1142599412/|( ・∀・) < My name is Sqeeks and I like mittens]] {{tag>sjis mods people internet old}}