====== Subgenius ======
A **Subgenius** is, in effect, the proto-[[VIPPER]]. Secret society, mythos of questionable internal consistency, art-overtaking-truth, infinite splintering, -- just pay [[Daddycool]] "Bob" VIPcoins $35 to become a member of the [[elitistsuperstructure|elite]] community.
===== Mythos =====
==== Locations ====
* [[indonesia|Malaysia]]
* [[Texas]]
* [[Ohio]]
==== Allies ====
* [[NEET]]s
* [[Dokyun]]s
* [[Schizo]]s
* [[Discord]]ians
* [[Devo]]
==== Enemies ====
* [[USA]]
* [[Jews]]
* [[Scientology]]
* [[normalfag]]s
===== Projects =====
* //The Book of the Subgenius// (1983) -- holy text
* alt.slack (1980s) -- the original "no holds barred" [[USENET]] forum
* [[Devo]]-[[USENET]] cult -- http://www.subgenius.com/bigfist/fun/trivia/X0015_DEVO.TXT.html
* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaWYaOW0Vjo|ARISE! The Subgenius Video]] (1992) -- postmodern, essential viewing
* Slackware ([[1993]])-- an ancient [[Linux|lunix]] operating system
===== Kopipe =====
* Quit your job. Slack off! The world ends tomorrow, and you may die!
* Eternal salvation, or triple your money back.
* Give me Slack or KILL ME!
===== Links =====
* [[http://www.subgenius.com/scatalog/membership.htm|Salvation and ordainment]] -- just [[vipcoin|$35!]]
* [[http://www.subgenius.com/pam1/pamphlet.html|Pamphlet #1]] (HTML)
* [[https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=1A265A39135BC2B8F3E1A000F9694DC8|Book of the Subgenius]] (PDF)
* [[https://subgenius.fandom.com/wiki/Alt.slack|alt.slack]] wiki
* [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_of_the_SubGenius|Wikipedia]] (written by conspiracy)
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