**WE EDIT THIS PAGE WHEN NO CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE IN THE LAST SEVEN DAYS** fuck   __ _  (  ) )  | | |  (つ   つ   ( ・A・) < pǝuǝddɐɥ sɐɥ ʇɐɥʍ poƃ ɥo puɐ sʞǝǝnbS sı ǝɯɐu ʎW  (  ̄ ̄ )       ( ̄ ̄)   ( ̄¯)    \/ IF THERE'S ANYBODY OUT HERE WITH US, ON THIS ROOF, PLEASE LET US KNOW. ''%%. __________%%''                   \    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄    ___________\ < My name is cattable. Tell me anything.poitpoitpoitpoitpoitpoitpoitpoitpoitpoitpoitpoitpoitpoitpoitpoitpoitpoitpoitpoitpoitpoit    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | | ̄   \________ ''%% ____________| |%%''    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/    |  ̄ ̄| |        /       .|             / "⌒ヽ |.イ |        |   .ノ | || |   .    ノく__つ∪∪      ((       ヽつ so yeah i was thinking maybe we could like start dropping hints that an ethurchan replacement is around sometime on like iichan or somewheres. * **** O HO WHY NOT JUST SPAM IT ALL ALONG THE 4CHAN       /\     //) \    %%//%% / /)\∵∴   At tanasinn.info you can just ∵hill  // /∵∴ / /)\     and do whatever and tota∴∵∴relax.  \`´ (%%__%%∴ / //\      You can al∵∴wear mittens.∴∵∴    \  / / // ̄\     \  (/ /     \          It's tanasinn Quali∵∴∵       \/        \         http:%%//%%tanasinn.info/           /⌒ヽ %%__%%%%__%%%%__%%\    ⊂二二二( ^ω^)/⌒ヽ\ %%__%%_∵∴∵∴         ⊂二二二( ^ω^/⌒ヽ∵∴        ○(   イ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃        /ヽ  )) ヽ  )ヽ )と  , イ∵∴∵∴        (_/(_/(/(/ノ(_/⊂ノ> )J∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵tanasinn    / ̄Y ̄`|/ ̄^Y ̄ヽ/ ̄ ̄Y `´ ̄\∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴ \(-3-) > I enjoy long walks on the beach and discussing Satanism. ('♀')/ > Did thou always hath such quips for occultism? \(-3-) > I don't give a DAMN about occultism. Occultism is elitist. (°♀°)/ > So we shan't please ourselves in rather intelligent debate of your beliefs, shalt we? \(°3°) > Are you sure the "shan't" expression has some fundament in English language? ('♀')/ > I don't know, but it sounded happy. \(°3°) > We love happy things! indeed. (゚ヮ゚) > Happy things. \(<.<) > Hey. Who the fuck is he? (>.>)/ > I dunno. ===== See also ===== * Mittens * Mittens * Mittens * Mittens * [[USB_Mittens|USB Mittens]] ===== BUY CHEAP VIAGRA ONLINE ===== IT'S INEXPENSIVE. * **** NOW THAT THE SPAMMERS ARE GONE THERE IS NOT A WHOLE LOT OF EDITING GOING ON IS THERE * **** Oh ho, why not add more DQN songs and import some old etherchan stuff ourselves?I tried to no avail, Mr. I Say The Obvious.'' **WE EDIT THIS PAGE WHEN NO CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE IN THE LAST SEVEN DAYS**'' ===== See also ===== * fuck * weeaboo * [[djkvnskvnsknfejkwnfwE_fnwk_fuifu_NNINIIKNNKkj|djkvnskvnsknfejkwnfwE fnwk fuifu NNINIIKNNKkj]] * harbl * [[ITT_we_edit_this_page_when_we_has_consumed_large_quantities_of_illicit_drugs|ITT we edit this page when we has consumed large quantities of illicit drugs]] ===== I'm gay ===== lol ===== He's gay ===== what a fag ===== I'm gayer ===== penispenispenis ===== Wait ===== Wat? Yawn... I think the great Kopipe revolution has scared everyone away. function rate_thread(goldenmanbabies) { ''%%   document.rateform.vote.value = goldenmanbabies;%%''\\ ''%%   document.rateform.submit();%%'' } Go back to bed, Lowtax. last edit was two years ago what the fuck Category:VIP Category:DQN