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If you want to make your internet site more entertaining for visitors, you should consider linking movies on pages of your site. Videos from sites like YouTube also Facebook will help to preserve your visitors coming back and cause them to spend more time on your site. Embedding videos from common video sharing sites is relatively uncomplicated also entails little more besides copying and pasting certain HTML code to your Web page.

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fig:Sponsored linkfig:Sponsored linkfig:Sponsored link


  1. Browse to the Web page that includes the video file you need to link to or implant on your website.
  2. Click the "Embed" or "Link to" link on the video Web page. If the site does never automatically copy the HTML code in the link box to the Windows clipboard, highlight all regarding the word, and then press the "Ctrl" and "C" keys at the similar moment.
  3. Open Windows Notepad or another HTML or text editor plan, later peruse to the HTML file on your PC in which you need to insert the video code. Open the file with the editor.
  4. Scroll to the location within the HTML code where you want the video or link to display. Press the "Ctrl" and "V" keys at the identical time to paste the code inside the document. Conserve the file with the editor and nearby the system.
  5. Browse to the control panel application for your website, consequently open the "File Manager" or other similar application. Upload the HTML file to your website.
  6. Peruse to the Web page file you uploaded. When you open the Web page, you need to be capable to perform the movie if you chose one embedding option or a link to the video if you chose not to display the real movie on your website.



Things you'll need

See also

Link Category:Sponsored pages