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※ In the right environment, nothing should be shifted and the columns should line up: | .|\|/ | | .| | ∧∧.|/⌒ヽ、| ∧_∧ .| ∧∧ | |(,,゚Д゚)||,,゚ Θ゚)|(; ´Д`)|(=゚ω゚)| ※ It's probably fine if their legs don't line up, just focus on the columns for this one: | ∧ ∧ | ∧∧ | ∧___∧ │ ∧_∧ | | (*゚ー゚) | (,,゚Д゚) | ( ´∀` ) │ (・∀・ ,,) │ | U | │ (i i). | ( ) | ( ) │ | ~| | │ ~| | | i i | | | | .| | U U │ し`J │ (,__,ハ,__,) | (_(__) |