FIRE BURNING IN LOVE comes from one of DQN-kun's experimental periods, attempting to draw on Japanese influences: the song is so avant-garde that significant proportions of DQN-kun's fans disagree on what the song actually is. The more generally accepted version is reproduced first, with the second interpretation following.


You greatly overestimate the power, and patience, of DQN

Just like your love

One tear falls on a cold September night…because I'm lonely

私はオタクですよ! Because I have no life.

It's too much metal for one hand!

Is this even in the song?

It's too much metal for one hand

When those terrorists come from the sand

This world has peacefully ended.

Your bright, cheery smile is like a beacon of light to my cold, calculating eyes.

under the moon loli to issho

WHERE DO WE DRAW THE LINE?!? IS this to be TOO MUCH? がっかりする。


What does the scouter say about his power level?

When I thought nobody was around,

I spread out my arms and jumped off the ground

The echo of the "BOOOOOOON!" sound

Awoke the DQN


It's too much metal for one hand

When those terrorists come from the sand

This world has peacefully ended.

Your bright, cheery smile is like a beacon of light to my cold, calculating eyes.

ファイナル・ライン・ゲット ファイナル・ライン・ゲット

A Dog of Flanders

You are not Nero.
It's Korean.
I am very scared
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   I am very hungry.