Table of Contents
Japan is a small island nation of over 125 million people, all of whom live in Tokyo or Osaka except for around 100 million people who don't (and who may therefore live in Saitama). Recently, Japan has found fame among people for its industrial successes, as well as its anime and gaming sub-cultures. In the past, it has also found fame for its invasions and nationalism
<html><aa></html> <丶`Д´> <html></aa></html> JJOKBARI CAUSE TROUBLE FOR COREA! FUCKING JJOKBARI DIE IN FIRE!
- U r a hakamaku makalekaku jotomokontohabari because mememmdmemdmmemememememrmfnnmnnnjf
Strain test banana kannon sama shinozu Yazyzuuuuuuzuuuuzussssf
Geography of Japan
Foreign Politics of Japan
Nuclear Umbrella
Welcoming of Gaijins
Japanese people are known for its friendly attitude towards its overseas fans.
Automotive Industry
Beer left: God, intoxicated by the nation's glorious Beer.
Japanese Culture
- God
- Anime
- Kawaii
- VIP QUALITY EUROBEAT Well okay, technically most of it comes out of Italy, but it's really only sold in Japan.
- ParaPara See above
- w
- tanasinn
Places in Japan
- Akihabara
- Kyoto, the anagram lover's Tokyo
- Yoshinoya
Japanese Dislikes
- 1-san
See also
- World
- Corea
- Beer
Category:Japan Category:Wapanese Category:Za Warudo Category:Places Category:Beer Category:Countries