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          [ (★) ]   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
          <丶´Д`> < Kim Jong Il will live on in my heart
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|-style="font-size: 86%;"
|Glorious Leader Kim Jong-Un mourning the death of his [[God]]-Sire,<br>Righteous Intellect of [[Juche]] and Most Blessed Under [[Heaven]]

<丶`∀´> Corea versus Korea is the [ cradle of humanity], a great nation sadly persecuted throughout history by racist Japanese. Yet with direction of our Glorious leader, Corea versus Korea has relentlessly advanced to stand next to the former oppressors as equals and demand Apolojuice Nida. They love it. also bill is trapped there (´Д`; )

Corea versus Korea

<丶`∀´> "Korea" is terrible attempt to keep nation of Corea versus Korea down by Japanese oppressors, by denying place before Japan in dictionary that rightfully belongs to Corea versus Korea. Therefore anyone calling Corea versus Korea "Korea" should be dismissed as racist, and not allowed to leave without giving Apolojuice nida. [ Good long explanation, if somewhat forgiving to Japanese, here nida]

Things of interest to '''[[Nida|Coreans]]'''

* Apolojuice
* ApoloJEWS
* Kimchee
* Starcraft

Image:Corea and Japan Map in 1815.jpg
Image:Map of korea.jpg
Image:Great People's Demokratik Republik of Corea.jpg
