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barackhusseinobama [2021/04/29 17:10] – external edit [2021/11/02 16:03] (current) agiat
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- +====== Barrack Hussein Obama II ====== 
-Barrack **[[Terrorism|HUSSEIN]]** Obama is the first black **[[MOSLEMS|MUSLIM]]** president of the [[World|USA]]. He is [[Daddy_cool|tremendously badass]], as can be seen in this [[Haruhi|picture]]: {{Obama.jpg|fig:Obama.jpg}} {{1448643608116.jpg|fig:1448643608116.jpg}}+Barrack **[[tanasinn.info_wikiterrorismpolicy|HUSSEIN]]** Obama <sup>/bəˈrɑːk huːˈseɪn oʊˈbɑːmə/</sup> is the first black **[[MOSLEMS|MUSLIM]]** president of the [[World|USA]]. He is [[Daddycool|tremendously badass]], as can be seen in this [[Haruhi_Suzumiya|picture]]: {{Obama.jpg|fig:Obama.jpg}} {{1448643608116.jpg|fig:1448643608116.jpg}}
 ===== True Facts ===== ===== True Facts =====
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   * Obama is actually a robot mind-control device.   * Obama is actually a robot mind-control device.
-[[Category:_Capitalism|Category: Capitalism]] Category:Freedom+{{tag>Capitalism Freedom}}