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bees [2021/10/25 11:55] electronbees [2021/11/17 13:06] (current) – agiat
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 Beechads are a feared presence in certain IRC communities. Beechads are a feared presence in certain IRC communities.
-===== Diabetes connection =====+===== Honey - urine connection ===== 
 +==== Diabetics ==== 
 +//diabetes mellitus// -- "honey siphon"  
   *   *
 <blockquote>James Gilpin is a designer and researcher who works on the implementation of new biomedical technologies. He's also got type 1 diabetes, where his body doesn't produce enough insulin to regulate blood sugar levels. <blockquote>James Gilpin is a designer and researcher who works on the implementation of new biomedical technologies. He's also got type 1 diabetes, where his body doesn't produce enough insulin to regulate blood sugar levels.
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 Once fermented into a clear alcohol spirit, whisky blends are added to give colour, taste and viscosity, and the product is bottled with the name and age of the contributor.</blockquote> Once fermented into a clear alcohol spirit, whisky blends are added to give colour, taste and viscosity, and the product is bottled with the name and age of the contributor.</blockquote>
 +==== Buddhist ====
 +==== External Links ====
 {{tag>new autism kopipe}} {{tag>new autism kopipe}}