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denshaotoko [2021/10/28 10:44] โ€“ horsemysterydenshaotoko [2021/10/28 11:24] (current) โ€“ horsemystery
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 +====== Densha Otoko ======
 [[Japan|Japunese]] short story about a girl on a [[train]] who meets a guy, the guy starts [[Rape|hitting]] her up, some disgusting pencilneck intervenes, the main character leaves the stage and it goes downhill from there despite the promising setup. [[Japan|Japunese]] short story about a girl on a [[train]] who meets a guy, the guy starts [[Rape|hitting]] her up, some disgusting pencilneck intervenes, the main character leaves the stage and it goes downhill from there despite the promising setup.
 Also, densha otoko? Moar liek Densha [[Otaku]], amirite guise? Also, densha otoko? Moar liek Densha [[Otaku]], amirite guise?
-[[dqndqnlol|DQN DQN LOL]]+[[dqndqnlol]]
 Category:Japan Category:VIP Category:Japan [[Category:Film_and_Television|Category:Film and Television]] Category:Japan Category:VIP Category:Japan [[Category:Film_and_Television|Category:Film and Television]]