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thiccvon [2021/04/29 17:09] – external edit [2021/11/05 11:13] (current) – added fan art. edited hitler to make him look like a bit like von kaise agiat
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 During World War I, he received the silver star, purple heart, and golden sun. He had over 20,000 confirmed kills, and helped in 300 guerrilla operations. By the time World War I finished, he was offered the chance at a promotion to Lieutenant Corporal. He refused, however, as he predicted another war. He and Adolf Hitler worked together in creating the 3rd Reich. He helped on many of the operations. Right before Hitler committed suicide, Hitler gave T H I C C Von his brain, which he then enhanced to become the T H I C C Von of today. During World War I, he received the silver star, purple heart, and golden sun. He had over 20,000 confirmed kills, and helped in 300 guerrilla operations. By the time World War I finished, he was offered the chance at a promotion to Lieutenant Corporal. He refused, however, as he predicted another war. He and Adolf Hitler worked together in creating the 3rd Reich. He helped on many of the operations. Right before Hitler committed suicide, Hitler gave T H I C C Von his brain, which he then enhanced to become the T H I C C Von of today.
 +===== Fan ‘Art ’ =====
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 +  ^Hitler   ^THICC Von</code>