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underthemoonlolitoissho [2021/04/29 17:09] – external edit [2021/10/29 12:44] (current) agiat
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 +<WRAP sjis right>{{ :under_the_moon.png?200|}}
 +{{ Loli_under_moon.jpg?180|fig:Imagine to your heart's content}}</WRAP>
 +====== Under the moon loli to issho (月の下でロリといっしょー!) ======
-{{Loli_under_moon.jpg?180|fig:Imagine to your heart's content}}  **Under the moon loli to issho** (月の下でロリといっしょー!) is a phrase from [[My_life_is_ruined|My life is ruined]] by DQN-kun.+**Under the moon loli to issho** (月の下でロリといっしょー!) is a phrase from [[My_life_is_ruined|My life is ruined]] by DQN-kun.
 In Japanese, the phrase "loli to issho" can be translated to "together with the loli". The next line of the lyrics is [[Bumsex|"bumsex bumsex bumsex bumsex"]]. It is speculated that the latter implied what activity DQN-kun wished to do with the loli. In Japanese, the phrase "loli to issho" can be translated to "together with the loli". The next line of the lyrics is [[Bumsex|"bumsex bumsex bumsex bumsex"]]. It is speculated that the latter implied what activity DQN-kun wished to do with the loli.
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 There are also two songs based on the phrase, both aptly named "Under the moon loli to issho". You can view information on the first [[Under_the_moon,_loli_to_issho_(song_1)|here]]. The second can be viewed [[Under_the_moon_loli_to_issho_(song_2)|here]], but we'd like to [[Black_history|forget it exists]]. There are also two songs based on the phrase, both aptly named "Under the moon loli to issho". You can view information on the first [[Under_the_moon,_loli_to_issho_(song_1)|here]]. The second can be viewed [[Under_the_moon_loli_to_issho_(song_2)|here]], but we'd like to [[Black_history|forget it exists]].
- +------ 
- +[[|Original post at DQN]] 
-Category:DQN Category:Loli +{{tag>DQN loli}}