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 +====== A Guide to Anonymous Boards ======
 This text comes from thread on SAoVQ, it aims to be a serious resource to help people jump into English-speaking anonymous boards that aren't 4chan. Please help us improving this draft! This text comes from thread on SAoVQ, it aims to be a serious resource to help people jump into English-speaking anonymous boards that aren't 4chan. Please help us improving this draft!
-====== What is an anonymous board? ======+===== What is an anonymous board? =====
 The concept of the anonymous board was born on the Japanese site 2channel in [[1993|1999]]. The essential idea is that every poster is completely anonymous. The board may be strictly text only or image and text (commonly referred to as an imageboard). The concept of the anonymous board was born on the Japanese site 2channel in [[1993|1999]]. The essential idea is that every poster is completely anonymous. The board may be strictly text only or image and text (commonly referred to as an imageboard).