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callout_thegathering [2021/10/19 00:17] electroncallout_thegathering [2021/10/19 06:17] (current) electron
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 +====== Callout: the Gathering =======
 +<WRAP box>
 +Subpages: [[callout_thegathering:flowchart|flowchart]]
 Will you manage to start the Revolution or find yourself called out? Will you manage to start the Revolution or find yourself called out?
Line 106: Line 111:
 ==== Card Ideas ==== ==== Card Ideas ====
-|Red:   |Socialist  | +^Red:   |Communist  | 
-|Black: |Anarchist +^Black: |Anarchist 
-|Pink:  |Feminist   | +^Pink:  |Feminist   | 
-|Green: |Eco-warrior| +^Green: |Eco-warrior| 
-|Yellow:|Liberal    | +^Yellow:|Liberal    | 
-|White: |Fascist    |+^White: |Fascist    |
 === Tactics === === Tactics ===
Line 150: Line 155:
 |Reddit              |red/yellow/white|                                                                                                                            | |Reddit              |red/yellow/white|                                                                                                                            |
 +{{tag>games new oc vip}}