Table of Contents
This timeline is the collective effort of thousands of anons over the span of a decade, passed down from generation to generation, rescued from wiki to wiki.
Record the milestones, disasters, and achievements, of today, so it will not perish from the memory of the anons of tomorrow.
What needs Work
- Link to the 4chan News page or 4chan Blog for any site-wide structural changes.
- Add more primary/secondary sources, from thread screencaps to news reports, or even archived websites on
- If you desire to make your page invisible on google, message the website owner and ask him to make a robots.txt.
- 1988 - The dawn of an era: Christopher "moot" Poole is born in New York City, New York.
- 1996 - A man named Masayuki Shiba creates a BBS called Ayashii Warudo (Strange/Suspicious World). Users are anonymous. Warez and cp are posted, and there is a “gesu” (scum) board where a group of the same name discussed and conducted website hackings and invasions. Many similar BBSes are formed, collectively called Nanashi Warudo (Nameless World), they develop a culture based on memes. Ayashii World functions as the hubsite of Nanashi World in a similar way to how 4chan would later function as the hubsite of Anonymous. AW's popularity increases exponentially. History of Ayashii World.
- 1998 - Ayashii World doesn't have good servers, and it keeps crashing. After the owner receives personal threats over the server issues, he shuts the site down. They need a replacement. They get their replacement with Amezou, the First Channel, run by Amezou-shi. It starts off as a bunch of links to alternative BBSes for wayward Ayashii Worlders, but soon becomes its own forum and introduces a new style of threaded message board, dependent on bumping and saging. Its popularity increases exponentially.
- 1999 - The administrator of the first channel closes the site due to vandalism, before that, he makes a plea for its users to make more sites like Amezou. A man named Hiroyuki Nishimura sees all this and creates Ni Channeru (2channel), the Second Channel, using code based on the first, with enough servers this time to handle the exponential growth. Meanwhile, Lowtax creates Something Awful.
- April/May 2001 - Lowtax creates the ADTRW (Anime Death Tentacle Rape Whorehouse) board on Something Awful.
- August, 30, 2001 - 2channel is in danger of dying, so a backup forum is created, called Futaba or 2chan (two-leaves). Futaba invents a board called /b/ for random content. The site supports images and develops a unique culture all its own, growing out of the seed culture brought by the 2channelers.
- 3 March 2003 - The first English language channel is created: world2ch, made by RIR6, a 16 years old Japanese. At first, it supported text only. Its userbase consists of a mix of Japanese and English users, the only time that this happens for any considerable amount of time. The English speakers there are members of ADTRW, and they are also familiar with Futaba and visit it as a pasttime. Later, English users would convince the owner to make an imageboard. He makes two, officially becoming the first western imageboards.
- 2003 – The 2chan appreciation thread is created on ADTRW, becoming the gateway between the eastern Internet culture and western. World2ch is discovered and posted on said thread, gaining a steady influx of English speaking users.
- September 29 - moot registers, just because it looked like (Futaba Channel) which was an ADTRW pastime. According to former 4chan mod Jonnydigital, moot's original intention was only to own an e-mail address, but he quickly gets thinking…
<html><moot></html> regging
<html><moot></html> FOUR CHAN
<html><moot></html> brace for faggotry
- September 30: moot announces in Something Awful's ADTRW forum. Thread is titled " - English!"
- October 1 - 4chan is founded by moot, a member of the Something Awful forums, intended to be used as an English version of 2chan, a Japanese imageboard created in 2001 out of an extremely popular Japanese BBS called 2channel. moot creates /b/ (Anime/Random) and makes a topic at Something Awful and world2ch about the website, which is received extremely well. moot also holds a contest to decide what 4chan's logo should be. Within three hours of creating the contest, around 50 banners are submitted, after which moot decides to simply make it so that it would cycle through the best banners randomly every time a page was loaded.
- October 2 - 4chan's hosting company receives an e-mail complaining about "lolikon and guro posted in /b/, to which moot writes back that neither of the two is illegal. Later in the day, moot creates a second board, /h/ (Hentai). The email was sent by Shii/Menchi because the people of world2ch felt 4chan ripped them off (Which is inaccurate, since world2ch was a sister site to 2ch and 4chan was a sister site to Futaba/2chan) moot later befriended them. The rules page describes /b/ as a test board which will later become an anime board. moot describes /b/ in a news post as "a retard bin".
- October 6 - moot creates four new imageboards: /c/ (Anime/Cute), /d/ (Hentai/Alternative), /w/ (Wallpapers/Anime), and /y/ (Yaoi), along with an oekaki BBS board (/i/). The /y/ board is unique in that (at the time) it was user-moderated. moot also fixes a retention bug that cause posts to be deleted too quickly and raised the maximum number of log entries for each board from 500 to 5000 (2000 for /b/).
- October 9 - Two new imageboards are created: /g/ (Guro), to clean the nastiest imagery on /h/, and /s/ (Sexy Beautiful Women), both of which are user-moderated. moot announces that 4chan received over one million hits in the past six days and may be looking for sponsors to help pay the bills. /s/ is managed by Boco_T and PotatoSan. Boco_T also drew two of 4chan's title images: one of Osaka from Azumanga Daioh, and one of Cardcaptor Sakura drawn in the style of Fist of the North Star.
- October 16 - 4chan is announced to 2chan, resulting in a massive amount of Japanese users coming to the site, at least doubling the traffic of all boards and decoupling the traffic of /c/. The onslaught of unexpected traffic causes /b/ to crash for two days, killing it for the first time.
- October 21 - is moved to United Colo, a collocation and webhosting company, following a discussion on the Something Awful forums.
- October 29 – The site is back online. moot makes various changes to the imageboards, including Japanese character display and adding the day of the week to posts. He also announces that the boards will now use a MySQL database (a modified form of 2chan's futabaSQL called yotsubaSQL) and added a robots.txt file to the site to keep out some auto-downloaders, along with an .htaccess file to prevent hotlinking. /g/ temporarily suffered a problem with tripcodes, and all boards had a problem where users said their posts were not appearing and they were getting a Japanese error message. Both of these were fixed within the day by modifying the anti-spam script and fixing the imageboards' .php files, respectively.
- November 1 - moot begs for donations in the first of a long history of times, complaining that the site is running extremely slowly and that he would have to block Japanese domains unless something was done, and that the cost of moot's server bill was now $400/month. moot warns that 4chan will die slowly unless enough donations are received.
- November 2 - moot resets and deletes all posts, drops all MySQL tables, and reduces the maximum post limit for each board from 3000 to 750. MySQLd and PHP were optimized and moot laments that he cannot implement auto-pruning after ten pages like 2chan.
- November 8 - Two more imageboards are added: /a/ (Anime) and /l/ (Lolikon), because /c/ was flooded with NSFW images. moot announces the future release of a database of archived 4chan threads that requires a paid subscription, which had been suggested by Spork, a mod, a week before. By this time /b/ lost the anime/random subtitle and became just a random board.
- November 10 - moot and his friend thatdog begin testing on the beta-archive and set up a new board, /r/ (Trains) to test it with. The same day, thatdog registers and sets up a similar train board on his site. /r/ quickly fills with /b/tards in order to help moot out.
- November 20 - Apex tells moot that 4chan has to go. 4chan dies for the second time. 4chan then is hosted by GoDaddy.
- November 22 - The site returns following two days of downtime after the server is reformatted to RH9, making the site considerably faster. moot deletes /r/ (Trains) and announces that the thread archive will be up shortly. The next day, the RH9 apt-get repository was cleared out, causing GIFs not to be thumbnailed correctly for a few hours.
- November 28 – moot announces downtime to fix some problems.
- November 29 – Downtime cancelled. Staff member DJ Lucid managed to fix every single problem without needing to reformat the servers.
- December 16 - A new board is created, /t/ (Torrents), along with a torrent tracker. moot tightens the rules regarding /h/ and /l/ and cracks down on rule breakers. moot also considers blocking Japanese domains due to the fact that they make up half of 4chan's traffic and post only extremely rarely.
- December 17 - moot blocks all Japanese domains from accessing the site, significantly reducing 4chan's server bill while maintaining the same level of contribution. Apparently, moot says that in the two weeks before the announcement, Japanese domains had accounted for 650 GB but only made about fifty posts or so.
- December 20 - 4chan changes its board software from modified GazouBBS (modified 2chan code) to Futallaby, created by 1chan's thatdog.
- December 29 - Following a massive flood of real-life child pornography, /l/ (Lolikon) is temporarily deleted. moot announces that although he has blocked Japanese domains, his traffic from the rest of the world has now passed the rate from before December 17, meaning that moot's server bill is still $400/month.
- January 8 - /l/ (Lolikon) returns along with a new imageboard, /r/ (Request), which was created after many posts on /t/ were requests instead of links to torrents, so a new board was created for torrent requests, although it quickly morphed into the /r/ we know and love today.
- January 13 - "/b/tard" is first used on /b/, in a followup to someone suggesting that "/b/astard" be a collective name.
- January 25 - Censored Vagina announces that the torrent tracker has been taken down due to it being a major strain on the server, along with the /t/ board. Censored Vagina announces that the torrent tracker will return shortly, albeit it in a considerably smaller form, with a maximum of 40 torrents.
- February 11 - Something Awful user "nubdestroyer" attempts to get 4chan shut down, this time by e-mailing GoDaddy, the owner of He succeeds. 4chan moves to where it is today.
- February 14 - After GoDaddy suspends the domain three days before without moot realizing it, moot registers as a temporary domain until everything is sorted out. Thus, 4chan died for the third time.
- February 19 - /t/ (Torrents) returns, albeit without the tracker, along with a new board, /f/ (Flash). moot adds a new server,, on which /f/ is hosted.
- February 21 - Two discussion boards are added, hosted on 0ch: /amh/ (Anime-Manga-Hentai) and /bbs/ (4chan Discussion). The next day, Censored Vagina makes a newspost announcing that the cost of running 4chan for the rest of 2004 added up to $2,200 and that the money would be needed in donations. The links on 4chan are reflected to link to instead of so that users will not need to write's IP into their hosts file.
- March 1 - moot announces that the site will not be able to continue because the March server bill is too large to pay and that more donations will be required to pay it or 4chan will die. He makes one final request for donations and hopes for the best. According to a news post image about the original /q/, /q/ - Questions was added this day.
- March 8 - After a week-long swarm of donations, moot announces that not only does he have enough money to pay the March bill, but that enough money was donated to keep the site running into 2005. moot thanks all donators and posters and announces that he is currently in "Cancun, Mexico".
- March 28 - The domain becomes permanent, with now occupied by domain squatters (people who buy domains that will get a lot of traffic, such as, and put ads on the page). moot tells users to inform all people linking to 4chan about this change so that the domain squatters receive as little traffic as possible and therefore not profit from the incident. moot also deletes /g/ (Guro) around this time, possibly due to issues with PayPal.
- April 1 - As an April Fools' Day prank, moot posts pictures of a man in a graduation uniform shortly after getting his diploma from Stanford University, and posts another picture of the man on April 4, this time showing him next to a statue in Mexico. moot claimed that the man in the photographs was him, and that his name was Robert Bopkins, and this was believed by most of 4chan for a long while until moot appeared in the flesh at the 2005 Otakon Panel, revealing himself to have a teenage-like un-nerdy appearance which surprised many /b/tards.
- April 4 - Spork (4chan mod) creates an official IRC channel for 4chan, hosted on The channel was later moved, hosted on, where it remains today.
- April 19 - 100K GET on /b/ is reached. Many were creating new topics rapidly in hopes of getting the GET for themselves, but 100K GET turned out to be an unrelated text reply in a thread that attempted to be 100K GET. The reply was completely unrelated to the thread that it was in, only saying "lol internet" with no image. To this day, it is considered to be the most win that a GET has ever been.
- April 30 - moot announces that the text boards are back up, running on board software created by Shii (4chan mod and friend of moot from SA). Two of these text boards were added that day as well: /dis/ (Discussion) and /sug/ (Suggestion) (now both deleted).
- June 15 - TheRowan, owner of HentaiKey and host of 5chan, attempts to get 4chan shut down. This time by e-mailing PayPal who controlled 4chan's donations at the time. He succeeds.
- June 20 - A day that will live forever in short-term memory. 4chan dies for the fourth and longest time, for nearly six weeks. moot blames lack of contribution and donations, asshole posters, and GNAA flooding, among other things, as the reasons for 4chan's death.
- August 7 - 4chan returns in its fifth incarnation following six weeks of downtime after gathering up enough money and support. Many new moderators , developers and server administrators are added as well. News posts by staff members are made under the name of “The Team”
- August 15 - 4chan changes its board software to a "super-hacked" version of Futallaby coded mostly by W.T. Snacks. It contains many new features such as replying with an image, hiding posts, the Name and E-mail fields, displaying image names and sizes, and linking to other posts by adding a » next to the post number. Tripcodes were also added to /f/.
- August 16 - Saved thread reveals that the following boards existed already: /m/, "/n/" (Trains), and /cm/ (Cute Male). /cm/ was created to keep male content out of /c/. The discussion boards "/anime"/, "/ascii/" and "/game/" already existed. /r/ was named "/r/ - Request". Top of page boards list: a/b/c/d/f/g/h/l/m/n/p/r/s/t/u/w cm/y anime/ascii/dis/game/sug.
- September 8 - Three new boards are added: /k/ (Weapons), /o/ (Auto), and /sm/ (Shota/Male). Jibaku (4chan mod) announces that /b/ is severely lacking in quality and asks users to contribute better.
- October 1 – 4chan turns one year old.
- October 9 - Four boards are added: /ib/ (Oekaki Random), /ip/ (Oekaki Pro), /v/ (Video Games), and /tech/ (Technology, discussion board); one board, /n/ (Trains) is deleted. The oekaki BBS board, /i/, is deleted to make way for the two new oekaki boards. Around this time, /z/ (ZOMG NONE!!1), a user-moderated board which utilizes the “Idiot King” model from SA’s FYAD, where the userbase has to vote for its mods, is created. The board features flashing backgrounds, annoying embedded music, and legendary posts. Their first moderator was Soviet Russia !lM51PoudCg) .
- October 30 - 4chan hosts a panel at the AnimeUSA 2004 Con in Vienna, Virginia. The same day, 4chan experiences DNS problems, and asks that people edit their host files once again.
- October 31 - /l/ (Lolikon) and /sm/ (Shotakon) are deleted due to threats of legal action. On November 5, moot registers and moves /l/ and /sm/ there instead. On * * * * November 15, /g/ (Guro) is deleted as well due to threats from YowCow to seize 4chan's donations account due to guro being against YowCow's ToS.
- November 1 - squeeks registers, a site not related to 4chan's text boards. moot complains that squeeks is stealing his thunder. The site is based on 2channel rather than Futaba, and consists of text boards rather than imageboards, and is run on a heavily modified version of Kareha coded by !WAHa.06x36. Man of Wax (4chan mod) begs for donations and advertising on the front page of 4chan. /z/ was deleted shortly after this time.
- December 1 - Earliest known time when /tl/ - Torrents/Loli existed (likely hosted on
- January 6 – Cracky-chan saga - The first picture of a strangely artistic teenager appear on /b/. Anonymous becomes infatuated with the girl and scours the Internet for her pictures. A tripfag under the name of cracky-chan!N1toQkxgzc starts posting.
- January 13 - 4chan's IRC channel moves from to This is announced on the front page, along with one of the first lines ever spoken in 4chan's Rizon channel: <html><moot></html> i wish to be the little girl.
- January 19 - Four new boards are added: /e/ (Ecchi), /3/ (3DCG, stands for 3-D Computer Graphics), /g/ (Technology), and /n/ (Nature & Wildlife). /g/ and /n/ are worksafe.
- January 27 - Three more boards are added: /ic/ (Artwork/Critique), /p/ (Photography), and /x/ (General Photo). Although there was already a /p/ board for photography before, it is the replacement, with new features (such as EXIF data), /x/ takes a general photography board, where all photography goes, and /p/ becomes specifically about pictures taken by users or artists.
- February 3 - moot and shut register, a side project they had formulated during 4chan's downtime in summer 2004. The site was basically meant to be a weeaboo site with news and reviews of things like anime, hentai, and general Japanese imports. However, the project is quickly abandoned and the site now redirects to
- February 5 – The Cracky-chan obsession becomes so big W. T. Snacks wordfiltered her name with similarly sounding names (Creaky-chan, fappy-chan, etc). Many stalkers created fansites.
- February 6 - The last known time that /tl/ - Torrents/Loli existed.
- February 13 - 700K GET is fixed by the mods, with the word "ZERO HOUR" written in extremely large letters and the post count reset to 1, and the message, "ONLY 699999 TO GO GUYS!!". However, the post count is restored within the day.
- February 26 - Following a IRC townhall, moot creates three more boards: /gif/ (Animated GIF), /hr/ (High Resolution), /wg/ (Wallpapers/General), and removes /x/.
- March 29 – A Livejournal from Cracky, freakygirl, is found. The owner of a Cracky-chan website, claims it’s fake, though it may have been a move to protect her identity. Another Livejournal, kittykat soon gets found, whether fake or real.
- March 31 - moot purchases a new server (, backup of and announces that it will be up in April. He also announces that 4chan will have a panel at Otakon 2005 and announces that he would soon recruit a new administrator following DJ Lucid's (4chan admin) departure.
- April 1 – Aprils Fur’s Day - For April Fools' Day, moot makes a front-page newspost containing a picture of Robert Bopkins (thought to be moot at the time) in graduation gear shortly after graduating from Stanford University, along with the message "GREETINGS FROM MIDDLE SCHOOL!". moot also creates a new board, /fur/ (Furry), despite his promise never to do so. Although many think it the board is simply an April Fools' Day joke, the board remained the next day, and the board was started to be taken seriously. However, on the morning of April 3rd, everyone who had posted in /fur/ was banned for three months (including /b/tards who posted on /fur/ to denounce furries), following which 4chan was almost rid of furfags. This event has remained embedded in the mind of every furry in hopes of moot ever making a new, permanent version of /fur/.
- April 3 – Shii cracks Cracky-chan’s tripcode. Since the password was “sweet”, the theory of a fake tripfag gains solidity.
- April 6 – Another of Cracky-chan’s Livejournal get known under the name of “scarecrownmaiden”. It contained many more artsy pictures, even nudes. The journal gets deleted quickly by the owner.
- April 7 - 1M GET is reached on /b/. It was considered an "alright" GET, neither fail nor win. 1M GET was posted by a namefag under the handle Senator Rodden Clitoris, who posted picture of Sae Sawanoguchi from Magic Users Club having an orgasm, with the text/copypasta "Female Orgasm", which was deleted within a few seconds. The mods instead chose another thread with a picture of a budgie in a jar and changed its posted number to 1000000 and stickied it, fooling many into believing that it was the true 1M GET.
- May 7 to June 25 - /3/ - 3DCG was probably deleted somewhere in this period, according to ancient 4chan screenshots.
- June 6 – Cracky-chan pics become a bannable offense, according to W. T. Snacks, per alleged request of Cracky-chan herself.
- July - /b/ Warchief Rend Niggerhand opens Crackypedia, a place with all storts of stalkerish information about Cracky
- July 1 - Many of 4chan's boards were closed unexpectedly and announcement was supposedly made by "moot's secretary" was posted on the front page, announcing that moot had abandoned 4chan and that 4chan would cease operations in a few days due to lack of funding. The next day, moot made a newspost announcing that that this had all happened behind his back, and that the post was neither true nor official.
- July 29 - /b/ reaches 2M GET, a picture of someone holding up a notepad with "2000000 GET?" written on it, and the text "HAY GUYS! 2MIL GET! -Delcious Ironing" [sic]. This was (badly) photoshopped with a smiling ugly man and the text, "HAY GUYEZ WOULD YOU BE UP FOR SOME ADULT FUN AT MY COUNTRY CLUB SOMETIME -Delcious ron", which spawned a whole series of other shopped GETs.
- August 12 – Saturgay, /b/ gets spammed with images of Seizure 5, Hard Gay and Sageman
- August 13 - Shortly after celebrating one year of uptime, 4chan starts its panel at Otakon 2005, the first time ever that /b/tards actually met the real moot, after which moot revealed that "Robert Bopkins" was not only not him, but that Bopkins' name was actually Eric J. Ross and that moot picked the photos at random. Everyone has a really good time and moot hangs out with the other /b/tards who flip out over the fact that they are experiencing mootfaggotry IRL.
- August 23- 7chan is created
- August 28 - Donate or Die 2005 starts, with moot announcing that he requires $20,000 in donations to purchase three new servers (,, and a second Frenzy started, with camwhores showing their tits and vagoo if users donated to 4chan. Within a week, $14,000 was raised, which was actually enough to purchase the three servers, although they fell short of their goal. Later, on September 15th, moot announces that donations will cease September 30th, and even then can only be delivered by snail mail.
- October 1 - 4chan turns two years old. Dan makes a commemorative picture.
- October 16 - 3M GET on /b/, with a picture of Waha and Pedobear and how they would be seen in America. The post linked to itself, prefixed by "»3000000" and "TIME PARADOX/what a lame GET/Surely you jest!". It was, unfortunately, a tripfag get, posted by 4chan mod Pixel Hotness !Ol2RiO/0Ro. The GET was considered "meh" and was suspected to have been a modGET.
- October 25 - moot announces that "things are looking up" and announces that many new features will be added to 4chan, including the DevBlog. He also begs for people to advertise because he needs money to construct additional pylons.
- October 30 - moot and Snacks have a long fight over IRC as moot takes the site down for a few hours to fix some problems. moot rages against Snacks for being a lazy coder and threatens to take away his server access, and generally being very arrogant towards Snacks. They both go to sleep, and continue in the afternoon the next day for about three hours, until moot tells Snacks that he will remove his server access (along with his moderator powers), which he does shortly afterwards, making him unable to moderate or code. Snacks then "leaves" 4chan for good.
- November 1-2 - moot challenges Xenon, a popular flash artist camwhore whose artwork is often spammed on /f/, to a camwhore battle, which moot loses. moot then tells Xenon that since he beat him, Xenon received temporary admin status and moot declared November 2 to be "the Day of Xenon". Xenon used his new privileges to change /b/'s CSS layout, resulting in /b/'s background becoming pink and the Powerpuff Girls theme song being embedded into every page. /b/'s title was also changed to "All Hail Xenon".
- November 3 - moot, liking the idea of fucking around with /b/'s layout, changes /b/'s background to a seizure-inducing GIF flashing yellow and white, with the techno-country song "Cotton-Eye Joe" by Rednex embedded into the pages. /b/'s title was then changed to "ON A STEEL HORSE I RIDE", and a sticky was created in which the new layout could be discussed.
- November 4 - Shortly after midnight, /b/'s layout was changed again to a pink McDonald's-themed background, with "moving JavaScript Golden Arches" as Lurkmore put it, along with a 1980s McDonald's jingle added as background music. This hack lasted for three days and was hated by almost everybody. During this time, Xenon released the chatlogs from moot and Snacks' fight, causing massive outrage on /b/.
- December 19 - moot posts a thread in /v/ asking for applications to be a janitor (person who can delete posts but not ban), which was up to that point unheard of. News of this spread to /b/, and many applications were received, and the janitors were implemented within the month.
- January 30 - moot implements forced anonymous on /b/, with users unable to post with a name, tripcode, or subject, remaining until March 26, 2007, which, by then, it had definitely worn out its welcome.
- February 6 - and crash and are not fixed until three days later. During this time, the secret board, /5/, hosted on the orz server, was deleted.
- February 12 – Cracky-chan discovers her cult and decides it’s enough. She makes a public statement on 420chan telling everyone to stop. Later, Kirtaner closes the board.
- February 17 - The three new servers purchased during the Donate or Die 2005 campaign are successfully brought online. Each served as a backup for three of 4chan's content servers, with backing up cgi, backing up zip, and backing up orz (img was already backed up by In addition, the new servers took care of all post submissions, speeding up the boards significantly.
- February 18 - The day after the new servers are installed, 5M GET is achieved, during which the posting rate increased twenty fold. The servers were put to the test, with maxing out its line at 99.31 Mbit/s (~12.41 megabytes per second). The 5M GET was a picture of cat taken at an angle that made the cat look large, with the text "Needs more towercat". Users were divided between whether it was win or fail, although moot himself called it "more garbage" in the DevBlog.
- March 14 - Last known time when /ib/ (Oekaki/Random) and /ip/ (Oekaki Pro) existed. /a/ was still titled Anime.
- March 23 - 6M GET was achieved on /b/, with a picture of Senator Bill Frist holding up a card and the text "In after 6M GET". It was mostly considered a winGET due to the potential for epic shoops.
- April 1 - /b/'s CSS is fucked with yet again, with the page layout being changed to's layout, with a looping voice saying "Don't think. Feel and you'll be Tanasinn." Letters were randomly changed to the three-dot triangle symbol.
- April 6 - Three new trial boards are added: /co/ (Comics & Cartoons), /po/ (Papercraft & Origami), and /sp/ (Sports). Two days later, five more boards are added: /cgl/ (Cosplay & EGL), /ck/ (Food & Cooking), /mu/ (Music), /n/ (News) (Changing the previous /n/ to /an/ - Animals & Nature), and /tv/ (Television). /ib/ (Oekaki/Random) and /ip/ (Oekaki/Pro) most likely merged into /i/ - Oekaki on one of these two days. The mysterious /yg/ - Yogurt board is also created on April 8, and Saber adds /ss/ - Straight/Shota to not4chan.
- April 10 – When a user shows his ban reason as being DSFARGEG, he is banned and his thread stickied. Later seven threads are stickied, are stickied along with another DSFARGEG post, which consisted on a puppet from a Japanese show riding a motorcycle.
- April 11 – /b/tards start to spam /b/ with the same puppet. Every post gets stickied and banned. This concluded with entire pages consisting only of stickied bans. DSFARGEG would be banned on sight from them on.
- April 13 - Earliest known time when /i/ (Oekaki) existed. By this time, /a/'s title has been changed to Anime & Manga.
- April 14 - moot announces that the three servers purchased during Donate or Die 2005 have been collocated and are up and running and also announces that he will rarely use the front page for small updates from now on, instead choosing to announce them on the DevBlog and blotter. moot also announces that 4chan will have a panel at which he will appear at AnimeCentral 2006, which took place on May 6. The next day, moot removes most of the wordfilters on /b/ and implements new ones.
- April 20 - 7M GET is reached, but due to the high strain on the server, the file was deleted, and the post had no text. However, mods retrieved the MD5 data from the picture from their database and found that it was the popular image macro of Chopper Dave from Sealab 2021 shouting "UH OHHHHHHH". Also, 13-year-old Mitchell Henderson kills himself, after which /b/ raids his memorial MySpace and the "an hero" meme is born after a classmate of his posted a poem she written on his memorial account in which she constantly referred to him as "an hero".
- May 11 - Eight threads are stickied, all consisting of modified versions of a picture from some Japanese show with a puppet riding on a motorcycle and the text "DSFARGEG". All posts were followed by (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) and DSFARGEG almost always resulted in a ban or a sticky.
- May 18 - /b/ reaches 8M GET, one of the first GETs to be auto-stickied. It was considered a WinGET, due to the fact that it was a picture of George Zimmer and the text "HI, I'M GEORGE ZIMMER, FOUNDER AND CEO OF MEN'S WAREHOUSE. THIS IS 8000000 GET. I GUARANTEE IT".
- June 15 - Comedian Tom Green starts his own late-night call-in talk show hosted from his own living room, hosted every night at 11 PM EST. Over the next three months, /b/ trolls his show, with around 10% of all calls on the show being prank calls from 4chan. /b/ also focused on a section of his show, "Girl Talk", which featured five stereotypical "dumb chicks" giving advice on relationships. The trolling of Girl Talk was so intense that it was canceled on August 19th because of it, combined with bad response from viewers. It would eventually become a tradition to raid Tom Green whenever he went.
- June 17 - A group of anons crapflood the Zelda Guide Forums for fun, after which a member threatens to "hack" 4chan. This prompts their leader, known as "Captain Cornflake" (the name of his raid account on Zelda Guide Forums, he was anonymous on /b/) to post this information to /b/. Many Anonymous joined the raid following this post and crapflooded the forums nearly into oblivion during the night while the moderating team was asleep. As the moderators were surveying the carnage the next morning, one mod actually pleaded for /b/ to stop and said he would give them their own board to spam, which just increased the raid. The forums now require manual admin verification, which keeps out many legit users, resulting in an anon victory.
- June 19 - Yet another epic raid occurs, with /b/ destroying after a user there posted about their dislike of 4chan. Following a major porn flood after which the site admin threatened to sic the FCC on 4chan, one anon discovered a source code document hidden on the site containing the site's SQL database password (which Anon posted on /b/) as well as loads of unchecked MySQL injection vulnerabilities. Anonymous also discovered that the fucking dumbass's FTP had the same password as his MySQL database, following which tons of anons logged in to the FTP account and deleted everything, destroying the entire site, including premium accounts and the database, and bringing the site down for two days.
- July 4 - The first of many in a series of /b/ CSS hacks in July as the background was turned red and the text yellow. July 10th saw the theme song from "Bill Nye the Science Guy" embedded into the background (no layout changes however), while July 15th harbored a sticky in which "Also Sprach Zarathustra" by composer Richard Strauss (2001: A Space Odyssey theme song) was embedded. Toward the end of July, ten threads were stickied, taking up the entire first page of /b/, and the theme song from Inspector Gadget was embedded into /b/.
- July 6 – Crackypedia closes per (alleged again) Cracky-chan’s request. The owner posts a macro with the date of closure, viewcount (17464) and the message "Hope you enjoyed it folks, I told you it wouldn't last forever."
- July 7 - 10M GET is reached, considered the most failed GET of all time, simply a picture of Hazuki from the anime Tsukuyomi -Moon Phase- on a merry-go-round, with the text "hazukiget". Ironically, it was much later revealed to be a modGET, but with no trickery involved; Shii (4chan admin; coder of discussion boards) got the GET out of pure luck, proving that all modGETs, staged or not, will always be fail.
- July 12 – The great Habbo raid of July 2006 - 4chan (along with Encyclopedia Dramatica, YTMND, GNAA, Bantown, and myg0t) storm Habbo Hotel. A virtual online role playing game where, among other things, people pay real-life money for online money. Thousands of "nigras" (black characters with afros wearing business suits, the official raid costume) filled nearly every room on the site, especially the Pool Deck, during which the pool was blocked for hours because the pool had AIDS. The sheer number of Anonymous was so great that the Habbo mods could not ban the nigras faster than the accounts were being created, resulting in the mods having no choice but to reset their server, after which the raid continued for a few more hours on Habbo servers in other countries, particularly the German Habbo Hotel (where the nigras would form in swastika patterns). The Habbo raid is often considered /b/'s best and spawned the "Nigra" meme and the "Pool's closed" meme. The word "AIDS" was later wordfiltered on Habbo as a result of the raid.
- July 20 - moot announces that they will have a panel at Otakon 2006 from August 4-6 in Baltimore, Maryland, with enough seating capacity to allow 680 people compared to the 230 from Otakon 2005.
- July 22 - /v/ reaches 1M GET, considered to be one of the greatest non-/b/ gets of all time. The GET was a picture of PONG, the first-ever video game, thus a very fitting get for /v/.
- August 4 - Otakon 2006 starts and so does 4chan's panel. Many important 4channers are there, including moot, shut, Shii, and the apparent return of W.T. Snacks. An epic sermon was delivered by "Reverend" Lemmy Caution to spread the gospel of Raptor Jesus, and moot even created a new board, /con/ (Conventions), for people at the con to use, which was deleted a few hours after the con ended.
- August 12 - The 4chan :codes: (words put between colons that are turned into smilies, like how posting :happy: would display a happy emoticon, for example) are released to the site. They are soon spammed all over the place, and threads are pruned extremely quickly.
- August 16 – The Tom Green raids - Tom Green, an Canadian host in an Internet call in show, Tom Green’s House Tonight, gets massively prank called by /b/tards, who made him hold a paper with the work b written on, wear a wig, suffered an hour long of DESU spam and meme spouting such as “Do a barrel roll”. All these calls ended up clogging the lines and keeping actual fans from calling in. Green gets pissed enough that he announces on live TV: “thanks to you assholes this will no longer be a call in show”. The next show in line was GirlTalk, which also got raided by /b/. This raid is possible because neither shows screened their calls.
- August 22 - A group of Anonymous go on a midnight raiding spree, eventually attracting tons (~100) of Anonymous to their posse in raid threads. They charged, destroying (a pro-anorexia community), deleting all accounts on the site. After this (by now around 1:00 AM of August 23), they attempted to raid the myg0t forum, but the raid failed due to myg0t's massive size. Instead, they raided (not only furries, but teenage furries with diaper fetishes), locking the forum and rendering it totally unviewable by 10:00 AM. At around this time, they turned their attention to WikiFur, leaving it in complete disarray. With mods extremely worried, moot does something drastic around noon of August 23…
- August 23 – The /b/-day - moot (in a somewhat justifiable fit of anger) posts a sticky (later referred to as the Bob Ross sticky, for he used an image of Bob Ross) announcing that anyone who posts illegal content will get you permabanned and possibly arrested, and that even people who REPLY to illegal threads will receive a two-week global ban, with the definition of "illegal threads" referring to CP, jailbait, personal info, and raids (some of /b/'s most cherished traditions). This led to a massive outcry due to the fact that this policy was technically introducing rules to /b/, whose main goal was to be a rule-free board. The sticky was deleted and replaced with a new sticky restating the policy, which was then de-stickied and re-stickied over and over by moot and some other mod, and, along with spamming from angry /b/tards, caused to crash, leaving 14 boards, including /b/, /an/, /b/, /c/, /cm/, /g/, /k/, /m/, /o/, /p/, /r/, /s/, /t/, /v/, and /w/ inaccessible. A civil war broke out, with many /b/tards permanently leaving 4chan and taking up new homes at 7chan, IIChan,, and 420chan. moot got rid of the policy very shortly afterwards due to the enormous backlash. However, didn't return until August 25, two days later. Eventually, it would be considered that the events of the /b/-day where a failure, because a week later /b/ was doing the same routine as if it never happened. On the rest of the Internet, however, this resulted in a massive increase of alternative image boards, like WTFux, 7chan, and others where many banned users took an exodus to. This marked the rise of the /i/nsurgence, given that 7chan housed an /i/ board, long forbidden by moot, for the first time the /b/tard would orchestrate raids on an organized fashion.
- September 4 - World-famous Australian "croc hunter" Steve Irwin is killed by a stingray barb to the heart while filming a documentary. /b/ is immediately flooded with this information and one of the first threads to announce it was stickied for a week, becoming the most replied-to thread in /b/ history with slightly over 5,200 replies (later beaten by the "#fortune" sticky on April 27, 2007). Many Rule 34s and general parodies are posted in /b/ during that time.
- September 11 – Habbo, Revisited - In response to Steve Irwin's death, the fifth anniversary of 9/11, and hatred for Habbo Hotel, /b/, led by AFRODUCK, starts another massive raid on Habbo, with around 5,000 Anonymous partaking in the raid (~600 nigras on the Pool Deck alone). They blocked every single room, announcing that not only did the pool have AIDS, but also had stingrays as well. The raid continued for 3 days until September 14.
- October 1 - /b/ celebrates its third anniversary, and places blue-and-pink striped party hats on the top of each thread. /b/tards made pictures interacting with the hats, causing many threads that are epic win (a good chunk of epic thread screencaps are from this day). Dan makes a second commemoration.
- October 20 - Jake Brahm turns himself in to authorities following a now-infamous copypasta that he had written, reposting it around 40 times within the previous 30 days, in which he warned of simultaneous terrorist attacks against seven football stadiums across the United States on October 22nd. Two days before this, on October 18, the Department of Homeland Security was notified about the copypasta and attempted to track down and arrest the creator of it; when the Wauwatosa, Wisconsin police department (Brahm's town of residence) received a tip on October 20, he turned himself in and faces up to 20 years imprisonment, thus making him the only person to have been party v& for his actions as of 2007. The phrase "DON'T MESS WITH FOOTBALL", uttered by FBI agent Les Wiser during a news report on Brahm's arrest, has since become a meme, and was briefly added to teh rules for /b/.
- October 30 – Habbo, Revisited 2 or the Habbo fail raid – Somewhere around 100 nigras gather around Habbo Hotel, but are banned quickly.
- November 7 - After moot doesn't pay the bills, the site goes down for two days, during which a page was put up explaining that the servers were gone because moot didn't pay and that the problem would be fixed within "24-48 hours" (crossed out with "FIFTY-BILLION YEARS" written next to it). Many /b/tards, looking for a temporary *chan to go to until 4chan returns, cause a major spike in traffic for other *chans as /b/tards go there temporarily. 7chan and 12chan were destroyed by the flood of traffic and suffered severe downtime.
- November 21 - /b/space day – A /b/tard loads a keyloggers on a public PC and gives /b/ over 40000 MySpace accounts and passwords. Of course, they proceed to have a field day over it.
- November 30 - moot announces that more banner ads from AdBrite will be added to 4chan in December due to the fact that donations are no longer possible. As a result of the extra money, 4chan becomes faster after moot uses the money for extra bandwidth capacity.
- December 20 - Hal Turner, a white supremacist talk show host from New Jersey, plans his final radio show due to lack of funding, in which he takes calls for three hours straight. However, a combined surprise raid from 4chan, 7chan, YTMND, Something Awful, and Bantown destroyed Hal's show, with 150 prank calls being made in three hours, with almost none of his real listeners being able to call in due to clogged lines. Hal then posts the phone numbers of the callers on his website (some of which were minors), sparking a huge outrage among /b/. Bantown then uncovered his personal information, including his real phone number, after which ~160 calls were made to his house. Hal gave in and removed the phone numbers from his site, but as we all know, Anonymous does not forgive.
- December 25 - Hal Turner spends Christmas with his family over at his father's house; news of this spread, and Bantown quickly found his father's number, leading to a massive amount of calls and Hal supposedly being kicked out of the house. After this, Hal claimed that the FBI was investigating 4chan (an Anonymous later called in to Hal's show claiming that he had contacted the FBI and that they had said that no such investigation was taking place) and redirected his website to the FBI page.
- December 31 - A happy ending for 2006 after Hal Turner surrenders to 4chan after much raiding and lulz, and announces that he is almost off of the internet completely. He announces, "I am not certain where to go from here. My entire existence - short of my physical presence on this planet - has been utterly wrecked, by people I never met from places I've never been." Anonymous knocks back a cold one and lols heartily.
- January 3 – Hal Turner’s third radio show gets dropped midsession allegedly because a hacker called Slogh held a grudge against him, and launched a botnet to DDOS the site.
- January 5 – Hal Turner redirects his website to the FBI for a while in an effort to deter trolls.
- January 9 - moot posts on the front page, announcing that 4chan would soon have interstitial ads due to dwindling revenue. moot also allows all of the trial boards created on April 6, 2006 to become full boards, except for /sp/ (Sports), which is deleted.
- January 10 - All text disappears on /b/, with users only being able to talk through pictures or the E-mail field. Needless to say, this was win, and caused /b/ to be fag-free for a few hours.
- January 22 – Hal Turners has enough and deletes his site.
- January 24 – Ian, owner of 7chan, gets a notice from his host saying that the board /i/ violates the TOS. He deletes it. Meanwhile, Hal Turner gets kicked from his datacenter, and on the way to get a new way crashes his car.
- January 27 – The great chan death of January 2007 - 4chan has a power failure and dies in the usual manner, however, so do all the other major imageboards of the Internet. 420chan was kicked out of hosting, 12 was suspended by the FBI, died for unknown reasons, and 7chan couldn’t handle the influx of all the users bases put together and crashed. Even wikichan went down, never to return.
- February 1 – Hal surrenders and claims to quit the internet. However that statement got the New York Times and a couple of watchers interested so he had more money for funding-.
- February 10 – Hal Turner redirects his own site to and claims the “Canadian Communist” Kirtaner hacked him. However a WHOIS search showed the truth.
- February 12 – Hal gets his page back.
- February 15 - Two new boards are added: /tg/ (Traditional Games) and /x/ (Paranormal), the latter being created due to the popularity of 7chan's /x/ board and a rising creepypasta culture on /b/. moot also announces the winners in a contest for new banners.
- February 16 - Janitor applications are opened and then closed four days later, with the new janitors being implemented around early March.
- March 7 – Hal makes another radio show, anonymous raids him again. He dedicated the show about the 21/4 raid.
- March 21 - Anonymous discovers photos of 16-year-old Kelly Isenhower of Georgia sucking off her dog, as well as her phone number and address. Needless to say, Anon went batshit, raiding her DeviantArt and MySpace, calling her parents and telling them about the incident, and even e-mailing the photographs to her school principal, although she was adamant that the photos were shopped (which they obviously weren't). She was suspended from school indefinitely, her dog was taken away, and everyone now hates her, including all her former friends and her parents. Anonymous rejoices.
- March 26 – The Great re/b/oot - moot announces a re/b/oot and aims to restore /b/ to its former glory. Two stickies are created, one being a letter moot received that inspired him to start the re/b/oot, and another sticky being his formal apology for "letting /b/ turn to shit". /b/'s background changed to a seizure-inducing flashing yellow and white background with the song "Cotton-Eyed Joe" embedded in the background. The Name and Subject fields return to /b/, effectively ending forced anonymous and allowing tripcodes. Many people were banned by moot in both stickies for comments such as "/b/ sucks", and in many other threads as well. Later, a third sticky was made which was a locked thread with only two posts, with the OP announcing that he was "afraid of being banned by the crazy bitch-ass mods" and also said, "You might as well make rules for /b/ now faggots", followed by which the poster was banned. Later in the day, 23M GET was achieved, which was a picture of a Pokemon with text InfernalRape and the past consisted of INFERNALGET. Considering this to be an extreme failGET (as did all of /b/), moot banned the poster, instantly transforming it into a winGET.
- March 27 – Transmission - The next day, /b/'s title changes to “Transmission” with Trans italicized and the background turned /b/lack, and techno music was played, specifically “You could easily have me” by Motronomy. A sticky was posted containing a picture of Diglet and said, "/b/ is /b/ again". Many users were banned in the thread for suggesting otherwise.
- March 28 – Revolution - /b/'s title changed to “Revolution” and the background was changed yet again to gray with red tripcodes (allowing users to impersonate moot every easily), techno music was added with the prominent line, "I am the creator". A sticky was posted in which a user was banned for posting DSFARGEG.
- March 29 – Showdown - The day after that, the title was Showdown and the background was changed to a rapidly flashing rainbow background, as well as the posts. A techno version of the song "Eye of the Tiger” with elements from “Let Your Backbone Slide”, called “Tiger Said Knock You Out” by Neon Kobra, was added as background music. Four stickies were created, each with a GIF of a rainbow-flashing number 5 and the four stickies contained one line each of the song's opening verse (This is a showdown/A throwdown/Hell no, I can't slow down/It's gonna go).
- March 30 – Intermission - The next day, /b/ returned to normal, with a normal layout and no background music, during which /b/'s title was changed to "Intermission".
- April 1 - Following two days of normal /b/, techno music was again added as background music, but the CSS remained unchanged, signaling the end of the re/b/oot.
- April 20 - 4chan administrators are forced to temporarily shut down after a thread containing four uncensored images of child pornography became stuck on the front page for over an hour (during which nobody could post) and could not be deleted due to MySQL problems. Rather than getting v&, the plug was pulled on and was restored around 12-15 hours later. During the downtime, since 7chan was down as well, a massive amount of /b/tards flocked to 420chan, thus ruining 420chan's most special day, 4/20.
- April 21 – Hal Turner fail IRL raid – Hal Turned hyped the shit out of a supposed IRL raid, called two cop units, and ambulance and various friends. Only four channers, two anons and two girls (Or traps?) came in.
- April 27 - "Fortunes" are introduced to /b/, a feature that moot had implemented from the very beginning but had never told anyone about. Basically, if you put your name as "#fortune", you will get a random fortune at the top of your post, chosen at random. moot announced it to the public after another mod told him to reveal it, causing mass spamming of fortunes. A thread in which someone guessed their own fortune was stickied and became the most replied-to thread in /b/ history up to that point, beating the Steve Irwin thread in just 19 hours with 5,336 posts.
- April 28 – Subeta raids - 4chan, 7chan, and especially 420chan combine forces to attack Subeta, a faggot role-playing website similar to Gaia who stole Longcat and turned him into an item for their faggoty site. When the chans complained, Subeta DDoSed 420chan, leaving it in ruins and sticking Kirtaner (420chan's owner) with a $6,000 server bill. The *chans then DDoS Subeta, which they find hard to do due to lack of effort, as well as Subeta's 2000 GB monthly bandwidth and lack of large images. Nevertheless, two major Subeta fansites were shut down permanently and Subeta was down for two days. Keith (Subeta's owner) eventually apologized and removed Longcat from his site after a long and bloody battle, at which many Anonymous rejoiced. On this same day, Encyclopedia Dramatica, one of /b/'s most famous recruiting posts, encountered a severe hard disk failure and does not return until June 8.
- May - first known instance of a Rickroll in 4chan's /v/. Related to Grand Theft Auto.
- May 13 - moot changes /b/'s layout so that everything is the same color (excluding checkboxes and fortunes), meaning that users will have to press Ctrl+A (Select All) or disable CSS in order to view text. A sticky is posted in which moot explains that the color change is to keep stupid people out, which moot closed a few hours later at around 1,900 posts. moot also announced that threads would go back to the limit of 250 posts and 100 images instead of 1000 posts and 500 images, so that topics can be pruned easier and that the directory dumper would be harder to abuse. The color change lasted a week (during which posting rates decreased by 10%) after which it was disabled, triggering some anger from some /b/tards who wished that the cancer could have been kept out longer.
- June 5 - /co/ reaches 1M GET; the thread disappears within five seconds or so, and due to the strain on the server, the file was deleted as soon as it was uploaded. The post also had the text, "reducto get", referring to Reducto from Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law, meaning that the picture was most likely one of him. The next day, /b/ reaches 29M GET, which the original poster deletes after three hours after being persuaded to do so in another thread.
- July 12 – The Great Habbo Raid of July 2007 – Commemorating one year of the most epic raid ever done, /b/ sets out to raid Habbo hotel once again. This time, the mods decide that “If you can’t beat them, join then” via declaring international Afro day. However this resulted in racist implications. There were many complains about the raid, mainly coming from lack of organization, but everyone agrees it was just as funny as the last year. At the same time, Tom Green makes a midnight show, completely drunk, and gets one single prank call from the anons. He spends the rest of the show shouting BARREL ROLL and MUDLIFFS at every caller, ended up closing the show half an hour earlier.
- June 16 - 30M GET is achieved one hour after midnight, when many /b/tards are asleep. It was an extreme failGET, as was 10M GET and 20M GET. Consisting of the text "Shit. Getting closer" and a picture from some anime, it received around 2400 replies before being deleted 15 hours later.
- June 18 - moot brings back forced Anonymous on /b/ after someone insults him. Many think it is merely a temporary change, and they were right. The forced Anonymous remains in place for just over a month.
- July 20 - Sometime around 5:40 P.M. EDT, forced anonymous is turned off again. No reason is given at the time, nor is a sticky posted. It is later revealed that moot turned it off at the urging of the other 4chan staffers, all of whom were going to Otakon.
- July 17 – Anonymous raids via spam bots with the spoilers for Harry Potter’s seventh book. They manage to close the site down
- July 21 - The Great Deathly Hallows IRL Raid of 2007 - /b/ gets a leak of Harry Potter’s seventh book, obtained from Gaia (Ha!) and proceed to spoiler it for everyone else.
- July 23? - /b/'s background music is changed to a remix of "Chocolate Rain" by Tay Zonday.
- July 26 – The Fox News Report – HACKERS ON STEROIDS - Fox News makes what is the probably most hilariously retarded act of journalism in history. Covering anonymous and internet hackers in ways completely irrelevant, such as showing the footage of an exploding van and that a mother whose sons' MySpace account got hacked and took to defensive measures such as buying a dog. They coined many memes such as HACKERS ON STEROIDS, INTERNET HATE MACHINE, buy a dog, exploding van and lulz, a corruption of lol.
- July 27 - /b/ raids the shit out of Fox News, spamming MyFoxLA and MyFoxDC forums until the admins deleted them, getting into a completely unprotected and stealing the personal info 1.5 million users from via a UNIX script, all blaming whilst eBaumsWorld. Other Anonymous IRL raided the Fox News LA Studio by ordering pizzas, male hookers and fast food and many others things. This raid would have happened the same day but, for a weird reason, no new threads could be created on /b/ during that day.
- July 31? - Forced Anon returns on /b/.
- July 31 - G4's Attack of the Show's plan to talk about Anon at 4chan created forced names/tripcodes of ATOS's guests and anchors for the day on /b/.
- late August (August 16-August 21) - The first known instance of an autoposting script on /b/, for something called Agloco. It won't be the last.
- September 5 – /rs/ - Rapidshare is created.
- September 11 - /b/tard Trey Burba upload the photograph of a pipe bomb on /b/ claiming that he will bomb his school, however he forgot to remove the EXIF data from the camera and he was Doxed. He later claimed everything was a social experiment but the damage was done, the FBI arrested him the next day. He was charged with felony and received three months of house arrest.
- September 21 - Forced Anon is removed from /b/ for some reason, resulting in moot and W.T. Snacks impersonations (among other things).
- October 1 - 4chan celebrates its 4th birthday with the return of the purple and blue party hats to /b/. A good time is had by all. The yearly commemoration is made by Mac.
- October 19 - 25 – The Caturday Nap - A number of users from Lulznet enter the 4chan IRC channel, demanding that it be moved from its current location on to Their request is not taken seriously and they are banned from the channel in short order. During the exchange, moot said “whatever, Im gonna go make soup”. Angered, Lulznet beings a DDoS attack against 4chan. The attack is relatively successful, with all of the 4chan servers’ timing out relatively quickly, in response moot simply plugs them out. Simultaneously, Encyclopedia Dramatica attacks Wikichan for the sake of it.
- October 20 – With 4chan off the map, /b/tards flock to 7chan and other sites, as usual. 7chan’s server cannot take this much traffic and wavers in and out of service. 420chan enters partyhard mode to keep the site out of /b/tards.
- October 21 – A 7chan mod decides it’s enough and attaches an upgraded version of partyhard.css to /b/, sending everything to hell. Later they decide to DDOS Lulznet, they fail and Lulznet brings them down, having their host null them for a while. The p4ch3c0 redirects 7chan to Habbo hotel. /b/tards schedule raids while they wait.
- October 22 - /b/tards and /i/nsurgents gather at Freechan and begin to plan a counter attack. The surge of users puts the site down for fifteen minutes and the OP of the invasion threads gets banned due to fear of Lulznet retaliation. The Lulznet DDOSs are pulled down, 7chan returns but moot is still hanging on to his soup.
- October 24 – They find the Lulznet IRC and DDOS the shit out of them. moot finally runs out of soups and 4chan and /b/ are back with a new meme called brb, soup. The 4chan status page is created.
- October 26 – No Cussing Club raid - /b/ decided to raid a kids club that, as the name suggests, was against swearing and somehow managed to get the praise of a governor. Simultaneously, new measures are planted on /b/ to stem the tide of newfaggotry. As a result, the possibility of combos was eliminated, the #fortune ability was disabled, and the cancer's hold on the board was reduced somewhat.
- November 5 – The EFG Day Raid – Commemorating the anniversary of V for Vendetta, anon change the classical nigras for a new model resembling the V for Vendetta character. Though extremely unorganized and failing most of its activities, the raid of notorious for managing huge swastigets and other forms of /b/lockade.
- December – moot changes the front page
- December 14 – BRB, compromised - obtains moot’s domain password, hereby taking control of 4chan by having CeLe, owner of, 4chan’s hosting, hand them over. CeLe was a good friend of DIDITFORTHELULZ’s admin, XyriX. Together with his team [Lulz] and his girlfriend Angyl they tried to make a “4chan for the people”. There is a recorded phone conversation where Angyl tries to get a fansign picture of a very angry moot in exchange for giving them the site back. Glexia suspended 4chan’s and teamdouche’s (Angyl’s former team) accounts after they Dox’d Angyl together with Anonymous Borg (Locutus_of_loli, actor in the Caturday Nap). Why they helped, its unknown. moot got the site back after he gave the ransom. I wonder where the pictures are.
- December 21 – The FBI makes reports the arrest of Trey Burba in their website, showing that they really don’t have any idea of how /b/ works.
- December 30 – Hal Turner announces that he is closing his site. In a last moment, 7channers and anons from #insurgency tell the g00ns, who used their actual hacker skills to steal all the data regarding donations and subscribers. It turns out Hal made more money from the former than the latter. Plus that bandwidth totaled way less than he told.
- January 1 – His server is hacked once again – This time the hackers finds something interesting, an email exchange with an FBI agent, showing that Hal Turner was in fact Psy-Ops infiltrating the neo nazi movement. Of course, they spread the news like wildfire.
- January 10 – The exchange is discussed on a neo nazi site (Stormfront?), Hal Turner officially breaks off the neo nazi movement and vowed to end his show immediately. On his site, after a long streak of messages, he officially ends the Hal Turner show.
- January 29 – Hal Turner makes an official announcement on his dead site that he has no relation whatsoever with the FBI.
- February 12 - moot posted on the news page basically talking about imminent changes on 4chan (new trial boards, more janitors, etc).
- February 19 - The following boards were added: /fa/ - Fashion, /fit/ - Health & Fitness, /hc/ - Hardcore, /n/ - Transportation (Replacing /n/ - News), /sp/ - Sports, /toy/ - Toys, and /trv/ - Travel.
- February 20 - The /jp/ - Japan/General, and /r9k/ - ROBOT9000 boards are added.
- March 6 – Tom Green gets raided again. This time anons called, asking him to do stuff like a successful gentlemen re-enactment, time-stamping his hand and finally gets an anon who decides to shout FAT NIGGER six times until he’s cut. Around here was when the infamous raid channel #tomgreen was born. Janitor applications go live.
- March 17 – Another Tom Green raid, he befriends a caller on Skype and decides to let him on and call another caller. The first one was cut short because he began to shout FAT NIGGER, now a Tom Green classic. The second one asked him to do a Barrel Roll and the third one put on a Guy Fawkes mask and began to masturbate vigorously. Another called brought up his issue with Drew Baltimore.
- March 18 - The "Yotsuba" and "Yotsuba Blue" themes are added.
- April 11 - /n/ - Transportation was invaded by news posts in seeking to turn the board back to /n/ - News, but in a few hours the threads were removed and the posters banned.
- May 2 – /b/-day 2 - Out of curiosity, moot decides to turn /b/ off for one day. The ensuing wave of adrift /b/tards, with no place to go since 7chan was pretending to be bought by 4chan, redirecting to the site, they flocked at /r9k/. There, they discovered that they could impersonate moot, and decided to flood the shit out of everything. As the day progressed more and more /b/tards drifted towards the other boards, mainly /r9k/, /k/, /s/ and /x/.
- May 22 – Operation Jewtube – In response to protests from My Chemical Romance fans regarding criticism of the band, /i/nsurgents from Britchan troll the media by making videos about the protest, adding a final note telling that they were going to kill themselves at the end.
- June 13 - 4chan's /b/ got spammed with obfuscated JavaScript code with the simple instructions. In reality, it effectively turns your computer into a botnet.
- June 18 – The old /b/ day and the Boston fail meet up - /b/'s title was changed as well to old /b/, the love Theme from Metal Gear Solid 4 is embedded with the subtitle “/b/ has changed. it's no longer about original content, epic GETs, and win it's an endless series of reposts, perpetuated by newfags and trolls fail - and its consumption of /b/, has become an unstoppable cancer. /b/ has changed." and “This is our final mission” was written on the announcements. Before, the title/ has already been renamed /vaporeon/," "/tom/" and "/b/oston." The board was later locked, and unlocked with two stickies. Confused /b/tards though this was it, /b/ was going to be deleted and vowed to at least try to kill the cancer, the cancerous threads became “One last X” threads and other vowed to delete their /b/ folder. However, on other boards, a small text appeared: "today, 6/18. Boston common. park street. 7pm.". By 7PM, a link to an USTREAM video was posted on all the boards. moot successfully tricked all the newfags for 4chan to see.
- June 25 – The SOHH raids – In response of taunts from the JGO (Just Buggin’ Out) forum, /b/ decides to raid the rap site SOHH. They infiltrate the forums, pish accounts and exploit vBulletin until they get admin passwords. They deface the site and eventually DDoS the forums and later the site. The rest of SOHH’s userbase flocked to other site like AllHipHop and /b/ also destroyed them.
- July 10 – a /b/tard spamming “Google 卐” “See results” manages to make /b/ get the swastika appear on Google trends.
- July 11 - The Great Habbo Raid of July 2008 –Following the tradition, plans were already in motion to raid Habbo Hotel once again. This time the action was located in Canada. However many /b/tards raided one day earlier with the excuse of reconnaissance. Though they managed many swastigets the mods eventually retaliated,
- July 12 – /b/tards all over the *chans joined in Habbo Canada to raid. The zerg rush was absolute and very unorganized, even though the veteran nigras made tools for the newfags. The Canadian moderation was more reactionary than the American and banned nigras back and forth. At the same time, in an effort against
- July 13 – In an effort against scientology, /b/tard search bomb Google to make “scientology is a cult” top Google Trends. Later they change it to an Upside-down “fuck you Google”
- July 21 – The Chanopocalypse – Three users from Raidchan, Pacifico, ViraL and f have the idea to start an imageboard civil war; their attempts fail as they were discovered, so they decide to go nuts and DDOS every major imageboard on the net.
- August 7 - 4chan's DNS servers were down and it was not restored until August 11 2008.
- August 22 – One of the most notorious Tom Green Raids. Tom Green decided to challenge his users to play “the game” – As long as his view count never dropped he would keep taking calls. #tomgreen began to call for /b/lackup on 4chan, 7chan, 420chan and many other sites, and soon the view counts tripled. Botnets were assembled to create fake views and cries of FAT NIGGERS flowed from the phone. Tom Green lost it, shouted “Fuck you, man” at the last caller, torn the phone cable, shouted “PHONES ARE BULLSHIT” whilst leaving and closed the show with a final “See ya, pricks”. Anonymous gave the coup de grace by DDOSing the server.
- August 29 – Another spam scripts gets hold of b taunting people to come to their house for some reason.
- September 10 – Positron Uprising – The Large Hadron Collider was starting today, and moot changed /b/ title to Positron Uprising, with a subtitle of “I, for one, salute our new proton spiral overlords - ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWAH” And embedded Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagan’s theme on /b/. Every single post is wordfiltered to “ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWAH”. A small, clickable fyi link appears under the comment field, which leads to a giant. /b/ proceeds to evacuate the board and raids the fuck out of /trv/ and various other boards. The next stop was /v/, but the raid was met with strong retaliation. Eventually this inspired /v/ tripfag 3 Angled Blue to make the Rage Vs. Cancer comic depicting the civil war, and it got such a rise in popularity that /v/irgins got together and made the popular V-rage flash. 3AB then made a sequel comic and an unfinished conclusion in flash.
- September 16 – /b/tard David Kernel hacks into Sarah Palin’s email by guessing the secret questions, looking to derail his campaign. However he’s scared of being discovered and posts the password on /b/ under the name of Rubico. Subsequently, another user changes the password and posts a screencap, but forgets to censor it. Besides getting labeled a white knight, the account gets the password changed a third time, but due to Yahoo policy it gets locked. Rubico essentially showed /b/ all the information necessary to get v&, including his email, his American Proxy. moot gets called into court to testify against David.
- September 17 – Rubico posts his story of how he did it, it immediately becomes a copypasta. The news get on the old media and an Internet poll held by Fox News’s host Greta Van Susteren over the issue, asking what the users though about the incident, if it was a harmless prank or a political move. Anonymous was aware of this and immediately clicked the prank option. However when the polls turned to 67% in favour of the prank the host claimed they got hacked. After the show was over they rigged the poll so you could no longer select the prank option. 4chan then proceeded to spam the comments section. A thread erupts laughing at how moot will get v& because of it, and moot responds by changing the title to “/b/ - DESPICABLE, SLIMMY, SCUMMY” with the subtitle “Remix”. He then embedded a remix of Row Row Fight the Powah.
- September 20 - Rubico gets arrested and his house is investigated. It ends up he’s the son of Democratic Tennessee State Representative Mike Kernell. /b/ attempts to DDOS and Raid Bill O’Reily, who was dissing the site at the time but they fail to incite any reaction.
- October 1 – 4chan turns five years old. moot celebrates again adding party hats to everything. Mac makes a second commemoration.
- October 7 – The second grand jury of Kernel’s case. moot had to go and testify about 4chan. - /b/ goes down due to script kiddies. /b/tards flood /x/, /d/, /v/ and /n/. /k/ strikes a counter-offensive.
- November 4 - /b/'s title changed to RON PAUL 2008 and then to O/b/ama - Your new supreme overlord for the elections.
- November 30 - /b/ hits 100M GET, featured a furry image by artist Strype. This iconic action on this day would shortly thereafter be labeled as the day of "Epic Fail".
- December 12 - spams /b/. /b/ begins to plan a retaliation. Hal Turner meanwhile tried to convince anonymous to hack into the Federal Reserve and get him some dox.
- December 13 – The day /b/ died - /b/ and a coalition of *chans and related raids AnonTalk during Operation AntFuck, fed off with his endless spam. At the same time /b/ gets spammed to death by Raidchan with KORAX > YOU and KAYLA > YOU. Somehow, this actually makes most people leave and those who stayed claimed that the boards quality got better.
- December 27 – Prelude to Boxxy - 4chan was due for unknown reasons, and on 7chan’s /b/, now roaring with 4chan’s /b/tards, a video of a strangely tantalizing teenager was embedded under the name of FOAR 4DD1 FRUM BOXXY.
- January 1 – The great No Cussing Club Raid – /b/tards chan-wide IRL raid McKay, creator of the No Cussing Club by sending him porn magazines, pizza and death threats. On 4chan, /b/ was back, and the boxxy video was the subject of many “You rage, you lose” and “You fall in love, you lose” threads. Opinions on boxxy where divided, and conflicted, submerging the board in a flame war. Enraged newfags and oldfags spammed her comments section and days later boxy closed her Youtube channel, boxybabe.
- January 7 – Boxxy discovers her fans and decides to lurk /b/. There, she posted two pics of herself, but was called out as a fake, to prove her pictures; she made a second account, boxybabee, and uploaded a third video acknowledging /b/. At that point, everything went to hell.
- January 10 – Operation: Clampdown - Everything was going to hell. About 50% of the threads on /b/ where about boxxy. Pissed of, the “faction”, those who did not care, planned to DDOS the site the next day.
- January 11 – The Boxxy civil war – The boxxy situation escalated to the point where anonymous planned to DDOS /b/ at 00:00 GMT. Shortly after the mods blocked all posting claiming the img server was down for maintenance. Following this, saying Boxxy becomes insta-ban.
- January 15 – Martin Luther King Day raid - /b/tards storm Habbo once again using the MLK Day against the racist mods. Nigras gathered at the Theater dome and a special nigra called Dr. King stood at the stage preaching /b/lack propaganda.
- January 18 – A group of name fags called the CBRC (Center for Boxxy Control and Restriction) hacked into Boxxy’s channel by guessing the password change question after hacking her email. They privatized all her videos and uploaded one claiming that Boxxy will never upload a video again, holding her d0x hostage. This would be considered a win, however they proceeded to brag about their deeds on the comment section and nobody liked that.
- January 19 - Realizing this, they spread her d0x and uploaded a second video attempting, and failing, to claim that they did not do it for fame.
- January 20 – Seeing that their infamy wouldn’t do anything else than rise, they decided to shut down the organization and revert the account due to troll’s remorse.
- January 21 – McKay’s father, Brent Hatch’s email gets hacked. It’s discovered that in fact, No Cussing Club was the parent’s idea and profits from it. Leaking this info effectively ruined the club.
- January 28 - "After four months of being ad-free, we're running some ad tests. We ask that you bear with us as we filter out the shitty ads and see what works. Also, please don't block them, and be sure to click those that interest you. Thanks!"
- March 2 – Yet another Tom Green Raid. Tom is having a party with some friends, David Faustino and Corin Nemec. #tomgreen called pizzaland and ordered 79$ worth of pizza. Tom actually likes the prank and closes the show whilst eating pizza.
- March 13 – A Dutch /b/tard announces his intention to go and kill people on the Brenda high school but is reported to the FBI. Europe, who had a high school massacre in Germany two days before, responds immediately. He gets arrested and his house is searched. He claimed that everything was a joke.
- March 15 – Another Dutchfag decided to do the same in Rotterdam too, however he was under seven proxies so the city of Rotterdam closes all their schools the next day.
- March 20 – The Dutch police reveal a third Dutchfag did a thread on March 13 but they didn’t not made the news public for fear of hyping the issue.
- March 16 – The Dutch police decides to give him a two weeks detainment.
- March 21 - Again, /b/ retaliates towards the endless AnonTalk spam with Operation AntFuck II
- March 24 - A Legendary thread full of copypasta based on a Batman Begins quote of the Joker called "My Father…was a baker…and a friend" (←– is ded,internet archive link:
- March 30 – Tom Green finally snaps, he played an atonal saxophone during the whole show, keeping the audience watching with the expectation that he would eventually stop and take calls.
- April 1 – He continues the act the next day and closes the show shouting obscenities followed by “I DON’T GIVE A FUCK”.
- April 11 – Once again, /b/ decides to raid AnonTalk for a third tame, continuing the operation.
- April 16 – Tom Green gets Sushi. He has a bunch of friends come to the house to party, with no Skype on the plans. Meanwhile, a tripfag under the name of BBQ orders 450 dollars’ worth of Sushi and every anon waits expectantly. Nothing happens until the end of the show, his door rings and we see a small cart with enough Sushi to feed a small family for a week comes in. However it seems he did not pay for the Sushi, because he’s seen eating a Hamburger at the end of the show.
- April 17 – Kimmo makes a news post declaring that he won’t spam any longer. Anonymous declares victory. Two days later he goes full circle and the spam starts again.
- April 21 – Tom Greens gets a camwhore on StickCam who immediately runs a loop of meatspin. Tom took a while to turn it off.
- April 27 - 4chan related groups successfully hacked Time 2009's Person of the Year contest by rigging the candidates’ names with mARBLECAKEALSOTHEGAME. Time refuses to shallow pride and declare the poll valid, inviting moot to a Time magazine event, sparking a meme in the process.
- May 5 - /b/ DDOS’s itself - /b/ and /r9k/ grinded to a halt by DDOS, everyone suspects 711chan is to blame. However it was later discovered that users downloaded an image that contained a DDOS script without realizing. The attack continued an entire week.
- May 10 - 4chan's /b/ and /r9k/ was under a DDoS - The DDoS attack was caused by a trojan some /b/tards downloaded.
- May 19 - YouTube Porn Day - /b/ - "…what would happen if ALL of us upload porn on YouTube non-stop?". /b/-tards planned the raid by uploading the porn in private videos with the tags marblecake, and released them all in the same day with the tag Marblecake. Even though the operation started too early due to timelines, Youtube was still clogged with porn, creating the memes “I’m 12 years old and what is this” and Marblecake.
- May 29 - moot posts a sticky called "Re:spam" with an image titled crockofshit.png
- June 1 - /b/ title changed to "Twilight Appreciation Station - The darkest place on the internet – for vampire compatriots"
- June 12 – Second Youtube Porn Day – Though a failure, the idea was to set them all to private without the original tag and make them public.
- June 18 – A year after the events of the old /b/ day, /b/’s title changed to "you forgot - it was your final mission nothing will save you now." On the other boards, the meet up was scheduled at Washington Square, and this time, moot was there.
- June 19 - /b/ title changed to "tur/b/idity"
- June 25 - /b/ title changed to "Goodnight Sweet Prince - RIP" in memoriam of Michel Jackson's Death.
- July 5 – /b/ DDOS’s itself 2: Electric Bogaloo - /b/ starts to be spammed as if there is no tomorrow. At first the suspected culprit was, but eventually they concluded that the /b/tards where downloading infected images again. The script uploads a rainbow of coloured images of the main character of A Clockwork Orange. The attack spread to every damn board and lasted until July 8.
- July 12 - moot makes a global announcement stating that he might use Twitter "(ugh)" for site updates in addition to other stuff. (Despite the initial feelings about twitter, he eventually learns to enjoy it.) . On the same day, /b/tards find a messageboard, “iheartboxxy”, a small group of users found two videos of Boxxy filmed by her friends attending the 2009 Spring California Thespin Festival. Regarding themselves as a council, one of the members got d0x and /b/ threatened to raid him if they did not show the videos. Eventually the admin of the website obliged and uploaded them.
- July 25 - BoxxPeace – Sequel to BoxxMeet. A group of anonymous stalkers use her d0x to meet up at her neighborhood and bring her gifts. Given that this is the second time it happens, they found a chair on her front gates. They rang the bell but no one answered. They left some flowers in front of the gates with the word “Anon”. They later found her ex-boyfriend, Dan Birlen, though Boxxy never appeared. Over the months a new wave of pictures would appear, obtained by “Calif4nia”, an user of, who got them by flirting with a friend of Boxxy, Niki, for months. He watermarked them with his site’s logo and blurred them. However, anonymous managed to fix the pictures and doxed callif4nia, whose team later shut down
- July 27 – AT&T blocks 4chan - moot attempts to reduce damage from having AnonTalk DDOS them with dire consequences: AT&T blocks 4chan's /r9k/ and /b/ more specifically the sub domain was blocked. The entire site rises in arm in retaliation, but the matter is soon cleared and the block lifted. moot used the opportunity to talk about Internet censorship. The blotter is removed.
- September - hosted a tournament, where its users voted to decide who the greatest video game character of all time is. 4chan decided to trash this party. Anonymous decided to have Duke Nukem, Little mac and /b/ubble & /b/bobble come out at the top. Especially /b/u/b/ & /b/o/b/. At the first round of the tournament, bub & bob were against the mighty master chief. Master Chief was no match for bub & bob, since the Gamespot community wasn't prepared for a raid such as this. Much lulz was had, as bub & bob, a game that most people haven't heard of defeated master chief. bub & bob defeated sonic easily in the next round, and faced Samus in round 3. It was an incredibly tight match. Hackers from both sides pulled all-nighters. As a result, bub & bob won with 53% of the votes. Sadly, the Gamespot admins disqualified bub & bob because they caught 5 specific people who submitted 16K votes. bub & bob won the battle, but Samus had won the war. Due to the raid, the word 4chan was banned from the Gamespot forums. The Gamespot community now refers to 4chan as mordor.
- August 20 – Tom Green runs another Skype show, with an anon offering to sings the FAT NIGGER song, the second anon puts on a charade for five minutes until finally fapping on camera, and the third anon gurgles cum on the air.
- October 1 - 4chan turned 6 years old. The party hats return once again. /b/ crashes due to delicious cake. As usual, /b/ flees to /x/. The server crashes twice more until all of 4chan.img is down. Mac makes his third commemoration.
- December 10 – The Boxxy videos get taken down by somebody named Lia Dawson, claiming that Boxxy is a registered trademark of the Lia Dawson & Frank Dawson Network. It was later discovered that Boxxy was an actual registered trademark of Oudipo, Inc. and that they renewed the trademark on December 2009. However, user ChrissyRin ousted the scammers for what they were, hoping to attain money from the Youtube videos of Boxxy and other 20 Youtube accounts.
- December 14 – The account gets reactivated but without any videos, which were restored days later. The Lia account was abandoned and later hacked into and suspended in January.
- December 26 – BoxxMass – Boxxy fans meet up at Robert Doyle Park, Roseville, and bring gifts for her. However there’s no known footage.
- January 25 - Six new image boards were added: /adv/ - Advice, /lit/ - Literature, /new/ - News, /int/ - International, /sci/ - Science & Math, and /3/ - 3DCG is brought back.
- January 26 - The start of the longest ever collab thread in the history of 4chan on /3/. The last time I checked as of 3/17/2012 it was incomplete.
- February - A sticky was created on /b/, where moot asked what he should mention for his presentation for TED Talks. The thread received over 12K posts. moot described anonymous to a bunch of confiscates in 70 different countries (wait until all those people go on 4chan, realizing that 4chan is dead and full of porn) on TED Talks. He claimed 4chan was dying due to the movement towards internet privacy. moot also reviled that he moved out of his mom's house and back to college.
- February - Massive Q and A threads on /a/, /jp/, and /r9k/. moot created a formspring page for Q and A things but it was flooded with 20,000 messages. Around 2012 he quietly replaced the formspring page with the 4chan FAQ.
- February 4 - Verizon users started experiencing problems loading 4chan. Soon moot confirmed with Verizon customer support that 4chan was blocked on purpose. Verizon took a week to "resolve" the situation
- February 20 - /jp/ - Japan/General is officially renamed to /jp/ - Otaku Culture.
- February 21 - 200M GET on /b/ featured an image of Ninetails, a Pokemon. On that same date, moot implemented post number truncation in response to the Bateman/Doubles Guy posts on /b/, but they simply moved to /a/ and /v/ to spread this cancer.
- February 23 - a clue was featured on Jeopardy in a category entitled 'Internet' containing a reference to moot posted an image about the broadcast.
- March 11 – The Boxxy videos are taken down once again, a tripfag from Unichan under the name of Anon77 (An original member of CBRC), posed as Boxxy and convinced Youtube to delete the videos.
- February 26 – HARMONY - A /v/irgin delves into the depths of Adult Swim’s flash section and finds a single game – Robot Unicorn Attack. The /v/irgin, felt something weird… something new. For the first time he actually liked a game. So he went to /v/ to tell the news.
- February 27 –Robot Unicorn Attack invades the entirety of /v/ and leaks into /a/, /jp/, /co/, /m/. /tg/, /k/, /x/ and /mu/. Many tripfags contributed, MFGreth1 added it on wiki recommended games list, Gay Purple Man, began streaming the game, BaconShota made #robotunicornattack, lordofhet started a group on Steam. Hundreds of /v/irgins emailed moot asking him to embed the RUA theme – Always by Erasure – on /v/. And he complied. Surprisingly, the game wasn’t even mentioned on /b/, something the /b/tards didn’t like. This event, in its own small way, change the way /v/ reacted towards games, from the hate bandwagon to actually admitting what games they liked. This would be a perfect reflection of the cultural changes 4chan went through during 2010.
- February 28 - "Over the past 48 hours 4chan's formspring page has gotten over 12,000 questions, and I've received over 3,000 e-mails. Many thanks to everyone who submitted a question, and sent me a message! I was able to respond to a few hundred e-mails and had hoped to start answering questions on formspring, but it seems that the number of questions broke the page. Once that's sorted out, I'll sift through them and answer as time allows. Thanks again for all of the support!" - However this fix never happened due to various reasons.
- April 1 - 4chan 2.0 - An April Fools prank which was actually useful when dealing with the onslaught of .hta spam the site was suffering from.
- April 20 – After testimonies by Sarah Palin, Bristol Palin and moot himself, Rubico, the author of the Sarah Palin email hacks, get convicted to one year and a day of prison. He appeals but is later rejected in 2012.
- May - Law & Order aired an episode where a guy with the internet nickname "moot" tried to beat Cho’s high score. This created much outrage. Due to the episode, the Law & Order commercial transition (full black screen with the sound effect DUN DUN) appeared after every time someone posts on 4chan's /b/ with the only text being the date of the post submission.
- May 4 - /r9k/ discovers Quiptext's vulnerability, /b/ founds out about it and Quiptext day was begun.
- May 24 - Lost finale. /tv/ is renamed /tv/ - L O S T, and two stickies reach 4000 posts each within 24 hours.
- June 15 - For 2010 World Cup, /b/ gets renamed to "/b/ - ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ" and the piercing sound of the Vuvuzela comes to life.
- June 17 – On January, an image with the word “June 17. She will return” was spammed since, /b/tards across all the chan baaaw as Boxxy didn’t return. Simultaneously /b/ manages to get “nigger” on Google Trends.
- July 4 – Youtube Independence Day - /v/irgins discover and exploit in the comments sections and proceed to insert HTML codes into every damn videos of Youtube, redirecting many to the Last Measure, Goatse and many other things.
- July 14 – The Jessi Slaughter Saga - A video of Jessica Leonhardt, known as Jessi Slaughter, complaining about being harassed was posted on /b/. Shortly after, Leonhardt was inundated with attacks on the micro blogging site Tumblr. Later that night, Leonhardt uploaded a response video in which her father warned attackers that they would found proclaiming “YOU DUN GOOFED”. /vp/ - Pokémon gets created. The first post was "This is a thread about Pokemon." Two stickies were created.
- July 15 - Anonymous soon uncovered her personal information including phone number, address and her Twitter account. People soon began flooding the Leonhardt’ household with prank calls and hate e-mails. In a Stickam video uploaded on July 15th, Jessi is seen answering the phone during one of the prank calls. Following the relentless waves of harassment carried out by the trolls, Jessi posted a tearful response video on YouTube, in which her father Gene Leonhardt suddenly comes into the shot and delivers an angry rant. /vp/ gets another infamous sticky, this time featuring Bill. Its name also got changed to "/tr/ - Team Rocket" at some point in the future. The time from 2010-2012 will be remembered as /tr/'s "glorious" shitposting years, with tripfag trolls trolling trolls, NSFW furfaggotry and Gary spam.
- July 18 – Gawker reports that Jessi slaughter has been put under police protection. Anon rejoices.
- July 19 – Adrian Chen, covering the Jessi Slaughter events made an article called “The Art of Trolling: Inside a 4chan Smear Campaign.” After outlining 4chan’s plan of attack against Dahvie Vanity with screenshots and links, Chen linked to a chatroom, daring readers to troll it. Enraged, /b/ set out to take down Gawker’s main servers around noon on July 19th. When the site did not go down, an attack against Adrian Chen was launched. Gawker posted an article detailing the entire plot, stating that they were not afraid.
- July 21 - /b/ is told that Jessi Slaughter will appear on Good Morning America! the following day. /b/ panics, factions rise, one wanting to spam /b/ to keep off potential newfags and one wanting to make /b/ the complete opposite of what will be reported on the TV. The later faction won. Operation /b/ipolar begins.
- July 22 – Operation /b/ipolar - /b/'s rules change, along with embedded music and a new sticky thread in "honor" of, ABC's Good Morning Coverage of Jessi Slaughter. /b/ was ready to for the income of new users thanks to Operation /b/ipolar, but in the end it never happened, Jessi wizens up and doesn’t mention 4chan.
- July 23 – In the end, Good Morning America! did mention 4chan in the night shift airing, causing /b/ to panic again. But before it could re-start Operation /b/ipolar, a massive wave of spam crashes /b/. /b/tards flee to /a/ and later /x/, who welcomes them with open, ghostly arms.
- July 24 – In response to the spam, moot awakes from his soup-induced hibernation and establishes reCAPTCHA for some minutes, but later removes it.
- July 27 – CAPTCHA wars - moot adds reCAPTCHA to quell the enormous waves of spam they have been suffering for years. Everyone shitstorms, but eventually they conclude that CAPTCHA is for the better.
- August 7 – The Boxxy videos are back up.
- September 17 – AnonTalk dies, after being spammed endlessly by Minichan, their clone site, since April 13.
- September 22 – AnonTalk returns. To everyone’s dismay.
- September 25 – moot fills /b/ with falling dongs.
- October 1 - 4chan turns 7 years old today. He chatted as MOOTCHAT on Meebo and AIM via airplane internet. But that didn't work out, so he created #4chanbirthday @ Also he mentioned that The Social Network premiered in cinemas in the US. Mac makes yet another commemoration.
- October 14 –A single anonymous began hammering AnonTalk with all his might, killing the board a second time.
- October 31 – moot posts a picture of him and Boxxy, to everyone’s surprise. However it was confirmed by Boxxy herself that they never meet up.
- November 4 – Kimmo brings the site back a third time under an American host and DDOS protection. He must really like the site. This time, however, both Tinychan and Minichan had their spambots at the ready.
- November 11 – It’s discovered that Boxxy is selling her stuff at eBay, she confirms it as Unichan and the news spread like wildfire. The items actually sell at high prices (1000$ for a childhood backpack!)
- November 14 - Operation Overlord. A butthurt Tumblr user makes a request of invasion on /b/, but is shunned off by most as it was a personal army request. Still it garnered enough users to catch the attention of the Tumblr user’s that browsed 4chan. It prompted them to start Operation Overkitten, flooding /b/ with actual pictures of kittens and the phrase “What is air” . In response, /b/ attempts to DDOS Tumblr but fails, only taking the front page down. Tumblr declares victory and eventually, in the victory flood of /b/, a somewhat clear-headed user of /b/ proposes that, since 4chan is predominantly male, and Tumblr is predominantly female, should have sex with each other. Thus, 4chumblr is born, and a surprising amount of Tumblr girls began to post pics of themselves in you love you lose and tits threads.
- November 17 – Operation: Black Rage - In an urge to stop meme culture from going mainstream, /b/ starts making “race guy” comic, racist variants of rage guy, in hopes of getting Hot Topic to stop selling t-shirts. Though initially successful, Hot Topic research the issue and calls out the raid, putting the shirts on sale again.
- November 18 - Kimmo Alm, who has been showing a surprising amount of patience towards the wave of spam, finally snaps and raises his entry requirements to impossible limits.
- November 19 – Itamake, an enemy of AnonTalk, makes a domain under the same host as them. He puts ALTBBS on the work, which is an exact copy of AnonTalk. Kimmo loses his shit and kills his own site a third time.
- November 25 – Boxxy returns with a new video and posts it on Unichan.
- November 27 – Kimmo brings the site back again for a third time, this time even more restricted as before. Same old, same old.
- December 1 - PUDDI PUDDI PUDDI PUDDI PUDDI PUDDI PUDDI PUDDI PUDDI PUDDI PUDDI PUDDI PUDDI PUDDI – CSS hack featuring the song PUDDI PUDDI. Many /b/tards flee to /x/ again, in a sort of tradition. After so many times having /x/ handle /b/ refugees, /b/ enacts rule 43 – Due to their always helpful, although sometimes reluctant, attitude /x/ has had toward /b/ all these years and specially due the events of the PUDDI invasion, /x/ will not be raided anymore. This didn’t do much however, by the time this happened /x/ was already through the last stages of terminal cancer due to local tripfags.
- December 27 – moot goes nuts again. /b/’s title changed to "MOOT IS OLEV OLEV IS MOOT" with the subtext “Where is your god now –or- write moolev on your body!!!” and party mode .html was active.
- December 29 - /b/ title changed to "RIP Cotton Eye Joe" at the same time it was hit with a DDoS assault that kept the site offline for nearly 24 hours.
- January 3 - 4chan suffered another distributed denial of service attack "Right on the eve of /b/’s 300 millionth posts"
- January 4 - /b/ finally gets the 300M GET. It was a image of France.
- January 9 - /soc/ - Social is added. The board is designed to remove "rate me" threads, "report in" posts and local meetups from /b/.
- January 17 - Around 8pm EST moot deletes /r9k/ and /new/ - The current board list is: [a / b / c / d / e / f / g / gif / h / hr / k / m / o / p / r / s / t / u / v / w / wg] [i / ic] [cm / y] [3 / adv / an / cgl / ck / co / fa / fit / int / jp / lit / mu / n / po / sci / soc / sp / tg / toy / trv / tv / vp / x] [rs] [status / ? / @] He also removes the XXX filter from /b/.
- February 10 - /b/ gets flooded with “FUCK IT /B/ROS, I AM TIRED OF THIS CARDSTAND BULLSHIT. I AM GOING TO FUCK THAT CARDSTAND. GIVE ME 30 MINUTES. IF IT DOESN’T FALL IN 30 MINUTES, I WILL AN HERO MYSELF IN 30 MINUTES…” regarding a meme about a NYC camera that points to a cardstand
- February 13 - Andrew W.K. posts on 4chan's /mu/ with two threads. This is the beginning of the end for /mu/, as a flood of off-topic threads began to take over the board, with a special mention to /r9k/ feels.
- February 16 – Anonymous finally delivers and knocks down the NYC cardstand.
- March 14 - moot had his SXSW 2011 regarding 4channers mocked him in countless threads and it was considered to be the worst of all the talks he had about 4chan in history. moot also meets future 4chan admin Hiroyuki Nishimura here.
- April 11 – A copypasta spread around the chans claiming that a new queen, neither Chloe nor Boxxy, will rise on 2012. Many people raged.
- April 25 – AnonTalk dies its fourth and final death, Kimmo finally fed off with the board.
- May 1 – Osama Bin Laden is confirmed dead and moot changes the tittle to “AMERICA! FUCK YEAH!”. He embeds the main theme of the Team America movie. Attempting to reach AnonTalk shows a tl;dr post by Kimmo explaining how the host told him to censor the site or leave, so site will never return unless he has tons of money to run it himself
- May 9 – moot changes /b/ name to “The Most Electrifying Imageboard in Forum Entertainment!” The wordfilters are back: Known wordfilters: Mods – The People’s Champions, Fag – Candy-ass, pony – Newt Gingrich, 4chan – Newt Gingrich, ponies – Steve Jobs, nigger – Roody-poo, vagina – VAGINA, brony and bronies – Jabronis, penis – PENIS (With a coloured background), moot – missingno.
- May 13 – It’s announced that Boxxy will act in the upcoming movie “The Chronicles of Rick Roll”, all her videos were transferred to her new channel “ANewHopeee”
- June 17 – A new Boxxy video is uploaded.
- June 18 - "/b/ has changed. it's no longer about original content, epic GETs, and win. it's an endless series of reposts, perpetuated by newfags and trolls. fail - and its consumption of /b/, has become an unstoppable cancer. /b/ has changed." The irony of the "Endless series of reposts" line will not be lost on seasoned /b/tards. moot embeds the Metal Gear Solid 4 theme again.
- June 26 - /vp/ steals /v/'s 100000000 GET with an image of Haunter.
- July 2 – For some reason /b/ resets to the standard Yotsuba Image Board title, it was later reverted.
- August 6 - The inaugural 4chan Cup kicks off; Soccer teams representing 16 of 4chan's finest boards are pit against each other to prove their superiority.
- August 9 - /a/ becomes the first 4chan Cup champion, defeating /ck/ 3 - 0.
- August 18 – A final post by Kimmo realizing that there’s no possible way he could ever get any money of sorts.
- August 21 – Boxxy upload yet another video, she commercialized her own image so hard that by this time nobody on /b/ really cares about her.
- October 1 – 4chan turns eight years old. Mac makes another commemoration.
- October 25 - Brodyquest is stickied on /b/, a mirror thread is made by a troll mod. A lot of blinking text is involved and people that post timestamped sink pics are given false bans
- October 26 - "I'm so fresh you can suck my nuts" is stickied on /b/.
- November 4 – moot responds to the “Occupy Wall Street” movement by hacking the shit out of /b/’s CSS.
- November 8 - /new/ is (accidentally?) revived. No news posts are made, rules given, or mods on it. Title is "Yotsuba Image Board," the default title given to new boards; seems to be a mix of /co/ and /sp/ users with a healthy blend of racism thrown in. Posts from January still made up over half the board. Deadmau5 appears on /mu/ in two sticky threads. The off-topic posts in /mu/ intensify.
- November 10 - moot adds /r9k/ - ROBOT9001, /pol/ - Politically Incorrect, and /hc/ - Hardcore. All three previous board (/r9k/, /new/ and /hc/). Creates /diy/ - Do It Yourself.
- November 12 - Official Chrome extension released and Firefox extension updated.
- November 13 - 4chan suffered a sustained DDoS onslaught by an unknown person or entity. After the onslaught moot installed Cloudflare Tumblr suspected.
- November 16 - DDOS dies down
- November 17 - moot has a sticky in /g/. /r9k/ gets spoiler tags thanks to Tage Heyn and people (s)talk about Shii. /v/ becomes El Vidyo and gets Hispanic background music.
- November 20 - moot tries to make pages load more quickly by changing how captchas load. Naturally, this makes captchas stop working altogether. Quick reply/Noko/All non-official 4chan applications stop working and the submit button grays out for a lot of people. I link moot to the thread and after he posts, the thread explodes with people bitching and moot undoes the changes after the thread hits 200 replies about an hour and a half later. (/g/21167645).
- November 26 - /sp/ - Ship Posting day – moot completely loses it and changes the name of /sp/ to WE NBA NOW!!!!!!!!!, with the subtitle of “our body is ready”. He proceeds to sticky random off-topic threads and ban users with random tags such as [USER WAS RHYTHMICALLY SLAPPED FOR THIS POST] or [USER WAS HORSEPLAYED FOR THIS POST] and changing his name to mootdusky. This is due to the state of /sp/ reaching critical mass; moot pretty much gave up on the board.
- December 20 - 4chan, along with reddit and tumblr, invade 9gag after they stole their memes and claimed it as theirs, thus starting the 4chan 9gag war.
- February 4 – /v/ beats Reddit at Tribes Ascend, becomes /v/ - "Well-coordinated and heavily practiced Reddit team beaten by a rag-tag group of /v/irgins run by a furry tripfag and a BR with 140 ping" and gets GAL男宣言 (Galo Sengen) embedded as background music. This event is known to this day as the "shazbowl." /v/ is split into /v/ and /vg/. It is now impossible to get dubs on /v/. The /int/ board is occupied by Russian channers from due to a DDoS attack by pro-government groups.
- February 14 – During Valentine’s Day, moot announces that he is planning to add up to 15 boards, including one to contain the rising brony phenomenon. Later, he reestablished forced anon on /b/ using a 24 hours ID system, essentially making one anonymous without being anonymous. From this day on, the quality of /b/ seems to ameliorate, albeit slowly.
- February 17 - Since the cartoon series My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic becomes massively popular, surpassing its /co/ boundaries and adopting a pseudo culture under the name of bronies. moot creates /mlp/ - My Little Pony in order to stop the massive flood of My Little Pony threads on 4chan. Some bronies would rather create /b/reads: Threads outside /mlp/ that are essentially a circlejerk between trolls and tripfags, to the point of sharing contacts.
- February 22 - moot quietly opens /hm/ to the public after enough requests.
- April 1 - moot hacked /pol/'s CSS to a communist theme. The Russian anthem plays.
- April 16 - /b/'s 400M get and a testament to the cancer the board had become: "Niggers tongue my anus.".
- June 5 - moot creates /wsg/
- July 6 – moot writes a note talking about bandwidth usage, extensions and asks both add-on developers and users to be reasonable with update intervals.
- August – With 4chan’s one billionth post looming in, moot replies to two threads on /b/ with his admin tag on. The threads quickly turn into a Questions and answers session between the long forsaken /b/tards and their admin years after the last news post and contact with the staff. Many tears were shed.
- August 8 – After 4chan’s billionth post, moot posts the first news post in four years. He reopens /q/ as /q/ - 4chan Discussion and states that he plans to start a series of Prime ministers Q/A threads, because he feels he lost touch with the community. Following some suggestions on /q/, avatarfagging becomes a banned offense. There was also a failed attempt at allowing minors to browse 4chan, but was quickly replaced with MINERS because of the huge negative backslash from the community. With time /q/ is flooded by users from /a/ and /v/, the two boards with the most traffic after /b/, known to be notoriously reactionary. Not long after that, most mods are taken to /v/ to deal with the recent wave of shitposting and the deprecation of /v/ culture. /a/ users keep complaining about undesirable anime threads like Naruto, and how they shouldn’t be on /a/. The staff seems to have divided opinions and shift between deleting threads and leaving them be. The following debates backslash when trolls begin to crapflood /a/ with Naruto threads, whilst the rest of /a/ bandwagoned against them. Eventually moot stepped in and clarified that Naruto is /a/ content.
- August 10 - moot hacks /a/’s CSS and wordfilters every post to JIBUN WOOOOOOO. He embedded the first opening of Code Geass on the first page.
- August 13 – Dub the Dew – 4chan gets hold of Mountain Dew’s new naming contest, and together with Reddit hijacks it, making names like “Fapple”, “Diabeetus” and “Hitler Did Nothing Wrong” appear on the top. Bronies also join the game, attempting to get Applejack to the top, but they only manage to appear on second place. Later, the site was hacker and the banner “Mtn Dew salutes the Israeli Mossad for demolishing 3 towers on 9/11!” appeared, together with a rickroll and a pop up of “le 9gag are legion”. Mountain Dew later admits defeat and suspends the contest.
- August 30 – 4chan attempts to get Taylor Swift to play on a deaf school my hijacking the Taylor Swift on Campus promotion, where the winner gets 10000$ in prizes and Taylor Swift playing a gig at their place. 4chan votes the Horace Mann School for the deaf for first place, with an overwhelming 10000. Many anons joined the cause because they knew it’s actually possible to play music for the deaf. Taylor Swift, however had other plans. She convinces the sponsors to disqualify the school and donates the 10000$ herself. And it doesn’t stop there, he also get the sponsors to donate themselves, along with three other non-profit companies, and gives ticket for her next gig to all the members of the school. Ending with a whopping 60000$ in donations.
- September 3 – moot announces on a news post that he will start working where he left off on the last news post of 2008. He announces that on 09/09 Janitor applications will open again.
- September 5 – On a news post, moot announces that KING JAFFE JOFFER, along with the coder of the Yotsuba Catalog, Desuwa, made a major overhaul of the HMTL5 code, created the inline extensions and added a 4chan JSON API. All threads are now rendered in JSON too. Joffer also ports the Firefox extension to Google Chrome. The inline extensions are published on Github, in hopes that the coding community will give suggestions to make it better.
- September 9 – After a long time, janitor applications open for a period of 24 hours. moot reports receiving 7500 applications and will oversee them within the following months.
- September 12 – moot opens the first official Q/A on /q/ a la prime minister questions.
- September 14 - the 4chan 9gag war ends.
- September 18 – moot announces the start of the 4chan pass, thanks to suggestions of /q/ users. It allows users to bypass reCAPTCHA for a year, paying 20 dollars. This is simply because moot doesn’t support the concept of ongoing donations nor donations rallies, partly because he dislikes receiving without giving.
- September 28 – moot makes a news post clarifying some doubts and questions about the 4chan pass
- October 1 – 4chan turns nine years, with the sixth consecutive commemoration from Mac.
- October 16 – After a load of consecutive epic thread happening lately, a mod stickies a loop from the anime Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! With the song Pull Over from Trina embedded on it. /b/ rages on weaboos and raids /a/ for it.
- October 19 - チルノのパーフェクトさすう教室 - Cirno's Perfect Math Class ENGLISH SUB is stickied on /b/. Guess the mods are back at sticking shit again. Just like the old times.
- October 24 - #baldforbieber – Anonymous decides to troll Justin Bieber fans by spreading fake news of cancer, shooping a picture of Bieber asking people to bald their heads. It’s surprisingly successful and in result many lulz were had, a lot of media coverage.
- November 08 – On a /q/ thread about /mlp/, is posted by a pony shitposter, leading 4chan to question if organized shitposting is actually real.
- November 09 - /g/ begins to investigate. They eventually come to the conclusion that the website’s owner, Seff, is in some form a leading figure within the shitposters. The plot thickens; users panic and the mods start get involved. On a second thread, Seff himself comes in to clarify the situation: He is building a system to track the shitposters, their threads and their posts to later email them to moot. Still investigation shed some light on him and proved he shitposter on /a/, There is no sanity is nothing more than Seff’s personal nick on the Internet, whit sites like his Youtube channel and myanimelist page (Though thereisnosanity is a common phrase, there’s a chance, albeit low, that the users are unrelated). The situation got many boards in a panic and Seff was doxed and raided IRL. Later on the same thread moot posted screenshots from Seff’s emails, confirming that Seff was a shitposter that ratted everyone out by emailing moot when he realized there was a leak. Still, He wasn’t forgiven. Whether this was a clever act of damage control for when the site was discovered, or Seff was genuinely scared of being discovered, is yet to be seen.
- November 10 – Operation Kinder - /b/ attempts to get the unshooped picture of the Osama Beard kid on a new Ukrainian Kinder chocolate. They manage to get it to the second place. On the pony organized shitposting issue, According to a shitposter, the dox aren't from Seff, pushing the theory of damage control one step further.
- November 11 – The get “Victor” on the first place, with help from Funnyjunk and a lot of Organization, reaching over 10000 votes and over 15000 the next day – Regarding the pony issue This image proves that Seff was indeed in a ruse.
- November 12 – An uncut version of get’s stickied on /b/, ponies rage site-wide. /b/ rejoices, for it’s the first time the mods do something right.
- November 13 - get’s stickied on /b/. Nigga that’s kawaii. Kinder Ukraine resets the votecount and takes Victor out of the contest, /b/ gets it on the top again, only for the votecount to be reset again.
- November 18 - The ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) meme becomes widespread in record time. It was born out of the Finnish imageboard Ylilauta and overran 4chan, Reddit, Tumblr and Facebook in a single day.
- November 19 - The second townhall starts
- November 27 - moot talks about 4chan pass and the economic state of 4chan
- December 13 – moot adds bitcoin support to the 4chan pass
- December 21 - /v/'s title is changed to FINAL HOURS and has the Final Hours music from the Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask playing in response to the predicted apocalypse. Two other stickies related to the so-called end of the world are posted on /b/ and /x/; the former was comedic and featured an autoplaying video of R.E.M.'s song "It's the End of the World As We Know It," while the latter was opened for more serious discussion.
- December 25 – Christmas faggot hat day
- December 29 - This post throws some light on the matter of /pol/. Days later a mod took notice and vowed to take the matter to moot.
- January – moot, together with desuwa, adds an inline catalog
- January 7 - #cutforbieber – Anonymous decides to do another joke on believers, in response and uses the opportunity brought by a leaked picture of Justin holding a joint to spread #cutforbieber, urging people to cut themselves. However /b/ did nothing besides the original idea so the GNAA took over. A user made a fake news story of a girl dying from the act.
- January 10 - /pol/ finds gold on Tumblr and The Great /pol/ Social Justice Raid of 2013 starts.
- January 30 - #boobs4bieber - /b/ decides to attempt a new Bieber scam by editing tits out of jailbait pictures and posting them on Twitter. But this time the attack is reported by the media and rejected by /b/tards. They complain that Bieber is an overused target and the attack simply fails to take off. Meanwhile, /mlp/ is renamed to WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW? Due to the reaction of the board towards the main character becoming an alicorn, for the sake of new toys.
- February – A sticky gets posted on /q/ discussing the possible improvements to the catalog
- February 20 – The nokosage function is changed, and now using it shows the user’s sage.
- February 21 – For a while, all posts quoting another bug out and are hidden from the thread
- March – With the sticky finished, the improved catalog gets released.
- March 18 – moot adds /asp/ - Alternative Sports, /gd/ - Graphic Design, /out/ - Outdoors, /lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender - Oh God - and /vr/ - Retro Games. However, there seems to be no /his/ - History nor /quest/ - Quest Games on sight, which were the two most requested boards.
- March 31 – moot confirms /s4s/ is here to stay.
- April 1 – On April 1 12:00 PM moot adds /s4s/ – Shit 4chan Says under the header of “Unlike the other new boards, this is being added on a permanent basis. If it doesn't pan out or goes unused, you should probably check your privilege.” The board gets two stickies – a 5555 Dubs GET and another saying “Post in this thread to have your privilege checked” Later the full joke kick’s in and moot changes the format and CSS to make it look like Reddit. On both /s4s/ and /b/ a popup about AdultCatFinder appears. A mod checks everyone’s privilege on the second sticky and an empty thread is stickied on /b/.
- April 3 - /s4s/ becomes an official 4chan board, becoming a rules-less yellow board under the title of “Shitposting 4n Steroids”. But it’s not listed on the main page and many people complain about the name change.
- April 7 - /vp/ gets renamed to /vp/ - RIGHT IN THE CHILDHOOD after a certain new pokemon gets released. /s4s/ is renamed again, this time, to Shitp4sterS
- April 10 - /s4s/ gets renamed to Shit 4chan Says
- April 15 – moot makes a public announcement telling he’ll log in AIM as moot chat and try to answer emails
- April 20 - /mlp/ reached its 10 million GET, and breaks the record of the most replied post of 4chan with 2046 replies.
- May – Recent crackdowns on the shitposting of /sp/ and /tv/ (Two long-forgotten, but still alive, boards) lead to many users outright rebelling against the moderation team. On one side, users form /tv/ have long been complaining about constantly celebrity waifu threads, which could take as much as half the board. /sp/’s off-topic posting has been increasing exponentially since 2010. The upset and banned users started spreading images and signing their posts with a hashtag #freesp or #freetv. Though it’s agreed that /tv/ has no holding ground to claim celebrity threads to be allowed, moot has agree that he would consider allowing certain classic /sp/ threads such as power level and current even threads.
- May 12 – moot opens the third Q/A, fucks with the CSS by forgetting a “ and jokes with /s4s/ by giving it comic sans.
- May 13 – Anamanaguchi – Whose members are friends of moot – make a Q/A session on /mu/. Luke becomes a fan favorite.
- May 23 – Dragongate – 4chan cup /n/ team manager Dragonfag is revealed /cm/’s manager Kageyama. And former /sp/ manager Torres McIlroy…and other 15 different personalities.
- May 27 – Lauren Faust makes an AMA on /mlp/ and the entire board collectively lose their shit. moot renames /mlp/ to ITS HAPPENING
- June 18 – moot celebrates the Boston fail meet up by re-enacting the old /b/-day. This time, however, instead of a meet up on the other board, he starts two contests on /q/, one about rotating banners (Those things you see on the top page that always have the 4chan title) and House Ads (Replacements for the adspace when there are no current adds running)
- July 14 - /v/ achieves its 200M GET - after lots of tension, the GET goes to a completely unrelated post in a Pikmin thread, asking, "Also why does everyone crash land trying to get to Earth? Seriously."
- July 15 - A thread is posted on /b/ with a link to a contest where you can have a chance to meet Taylor Swift by writing an essay about why you should be considered her biggest fan. The OP urges everyone to vote for a "Charles Z". "Charles" quickly reached 1st place, and on the 19th, the radio station shut down the content for "being compromised". This was followed by other attempts to make "Charles" meet a pop star - rigging a contest by New York City's Z100 to meet Selena Gomez on the 21st, and being followed the next day by another raid on a contest by the same station to meet the Jonas Brothers.
- July 19 - /b/ twitter-bombs UFC fighter "War Machine." Raiders insult his family, send him pizzas, post him in the gay section of Craigslist, and almost fool him into deleting system 32. As a result War Machine became enraged and repeatedly punched himself in the head.
- July 27 – A harsh critic from GameInformer journalist Martin Beer makes Indie games developer Phil Fish ragequit Twitter and cancel his newest game, Fez 2. /v/ celebrates by making tons of OC, including a new /v/ Sings and countless Youtube videos.
- August 11 – moot finally renames /soc/ to Cam & Meetups, /q/ to 4chan Feedback and /fit/ to just Fitness
- August 13 – Naruto Day - /a/’s elitism finally goes too far when they dox a 4chan mod (RapeApe) who posted on /q/ telling them to stop complaining about naruto threads. moot retaliates changing the board name to /a/ - "N/a/RUTO CONFIRMED BEST ANIME CHINESE CARTOON OF ALL TIME", with the subtitle "BELIEVE IT (also dubs are better than subs)", embedding a remix of "believe it", changing the posting form and stickying a bunch of Naruto thread. /a/ goes berserk and begins spamming CP and guro, forcing the mods to take it down.
- August 15 - /b/ 500m GET: “poland has best prostitutes, i fucked plenty in london. i hope one is ur wife someday fag 500 mil get”. moot makes a headliners called “I for one salute our new polish prostitute overlords”. Considered a failGET by some.
- August 26 – Thanks Australia – Congratulating Kojima on his 50st birthday, /v/ sends him over a hundred postcards. However, Kojima thanks Australia instead of 4chan, because the sender was Australian. moot considered this funny and renamed the board to “/v/ - Australia” with the subtitle “T-Thanks Kojima-Sama!”
- August 27 – moot announces that he will host a 4chan Panel on AnimeWeekend on September 26 and 27 to celebrate the site’s tenth birthday.
- September 1 – moot removes IDs from /b/.
- September 2 – He adds them again.
- September 3 – After some days of the announcement, he makes a news post detailing why a Panel and who will be there. It comes with a new image from Jim Ken. moot removes IDs again but leaves /b/ as forced anonymous.
- September 4 – moot removes IDs from /b/, leave the board with forced anonymous. At the same times, he decided to have an impromptu Q/A session where he’d livestream the answers.
- September 5 – moot hosts his 4th PMQ/Q&A, but live-streamed from Google Hangouts to YouTube in audio. He states "If it goes well, we'll probably switch over to this format for the future." He then goes on to confirm this, and will now be hosting all Q&A's in audio format for the future. He later makes a sticky on /s4s/ where he discusses porn threads on the board, both him and the community decide they should be banned. Meanwhile, Harach, the most popular Russian imageboard, dies and the entirety of its userbase returns to /int/
- September 9 – moot renames /s4s/ to its rightful name [s4s]
- September 10 – moot in a glorious soup-induced delirium, adds :fortune: to [s4s]. Many rolls where had.
- September 15 – [s4s], notorious for stealing GETs, has their 1m get stolen by /g/
- September 18 – moot posts a tl;dr newspost where he define the sites official stance on shitposting and on-topic content. He announces that all future Q/A sessions will be livestreamed and removes /q/ and replaces it with a suggestion box (The affectivity of which remains to be seen). He adds a much needed ban log 4chan ban log. Finally, in an act that will live in infamy, he makes sage invisible after almost 10 years of the feature. R.I.P in pieces, Sageman.
- September 27 – AWA 2013 starts
- September 28 - The aforementioned 10th Anniversary 4chan panel takes place at AWA. As with previous cons. /jp/ changes its title to " /jp/ - Weaponized /a/ Home of ``Misunderstood Genuises'' ". /jp/ watches the 4chan panel on youtube, and this is ground zero for the shitstorm as the board got hijacked by /b/tards when moot mentioned it as “Weaponized /a/”
- September 29 – moot adds /con/ to discuss the convention. Does a meetup on Atlanta before the Panel starts and signs a /k/ommando’s Mosin Nagant
- September 30 – Newspost on the Panel. moot livestreams the panel for an hour, and later uploads the video to Youtube. Shut and Snacks were present alongside many original mods and friends of moot. He also jokes saying that /jp/ is the new /b/ which turns the board to shit for a while.
- October 1 – TEN YEARS MOTHERFUCKERS. Also fgt hats are back, the American government shuts down, the Silk Road is closed, Terraria has a huge update and /v/ discovers Half-Life 3 is already trademarked and on the making.
- October 2 - /b/ pulls a prank to convince Miley Cyrus fans that the singer had contracted AIDS.
- October 6 - /sp/ flips the fuck out as an /trb/ general poster who has been stalking tripfag UTV since June reveals he has been discovered and has to leave the general. He subsequently releases a 97 pages pdf detailing everything he ever thought or written about UTV. It includes notes, poems, artwork, and all posts by namefag UTV since July 1. UTV Archiver was later referenced as “The most autistic user in the history of 4chan”
- October 8 - /con/ is removed
- October 22- The website known as 8chan, is created, they become sworn rivals of 4chan, and call them "halfchan", 8fags ripped off 4chan and then try to be "superior", this is how 8chan was born.
- November 20 – All images, flashes and static files are now hosted on they own server,, which will make loading speeds a little faster.
- November 25 – 4chan pass goes on sale
- November 29 – moot announces a blog post explaining the rationale behind his MO
- November 30 - An anon livestreams his suicide attempt, posting a link on /b/. He sets his room on fire, but firefighters are seen pulling him out of safety.
- December 2 – moot implements a new domain for images and .sfws,, a new strategy that has been implemented by other sites, saving data by reducing cookie and packet size. The new measure totals up to 43 terabytes of saved data per month. moot announces the update in his Tumblr via the news. He also submits his post to Hacker News where it reaches the top of the front page for a few hours, leading to a small technical Q&A in the comment section.
- December 15 - With an ad blocker activated, ads are replaced with "Please support 4chan by disabling your ad blocker on **, purchasing a self-serve ad, or buying a 4chan Pass."
- December 22 – 4chan passes go on sale. At the same time, /b/ has a successful raid for the first time in ages. An anon finds a network of school sites have the default username and passwords. He proceeds to post them on /b/ to which a group of anons deface the site with the usual: porn, and the words "nigger" and "faggot" as well as a link to a narcotic honey-pot. CP had also been reported to have been posted. Anons who didn't use a proxy should be expecting a visit from the partyvan.
- December 23 - /k/ is flooded with mourning threads following the death of Mikhail Kalashnikov. Mods embed the song "Moscow Nights". The sticky stays up for over a week and gets several thousand replies.
- December 25 – anus hats, Hanukkah edition.
- January 5 - Site goes on an outage from 01:32 - 13:10 (EST) due to MySQL error. Boards are semi-functional, as in the board pages are frozen, but you can open threads and post, and also make new threads. People begin to make CP threads during this time.
- January 10 - /a/, despite being one of the oldest boards and one of the most active, finally reaches the 100M GET, and it only took them a little more than 10 years.
- January 18 - It is announced that "You can now add a search term to the end of a board URL to default to a catalog search for that term. Example:"
- January 21 – moot’s startup, the one in charge of and DrawQuest, finally closes after the venture is confirmed to be unprofitable. moot makes the news public on 4chan.
- January 23 - A stickied thread on /s4s/ becomes the first thread in 4chan history to reach ten thousand replies. The thread, which was posted by a namefag called 'Getter Robo' with the text 'LETS BREAK THE REPLY RECORD' and a picture of said robot exclaiming 'UOOH!', is nearly impossible to view without crashing the computer. The OP of the post received ten thousand replies, doubling the previous record set by a namefag called 'eternal samefig' on the same board, who vowed to reply to his post until 4chan died. The thread dies on February 18.
- January – moot implements code upgrades that greatly fasten the site’s browsing speed.
- February- The abomination version of 4chan; Masterchan is created, where all the mentally sick people who are banned from 4chan and 8chan go, Masterchan is found on the dark web.
- February 9 - moot modifies captchas so they only appear when you type something in the comment field because Google raises the difficulty of captchas as a punishment for sending too many unanswered requests. He also brings IDs back to /b/.
- February 12 – moot makes a new blogpost, The Anonymity I know, and publicizes it on the news.
- February 13 – moot adds /biz/ - Business & Finance in order to move the crescent cryptocurrency generals from /g/, and the free market and neo-classical posters from /pol/. He also makes a sticky on /g/: “take your shitty bitcoin threads here”.
- February 14 - moot makes a Valentine's Day sticky on /soc/, like last year.
- February 18 - [s4s] goes completely out of control after the aforementioned "Reply record" thread is un-stickied, resulting in a glitch in the system. This includes up to 26 pages being added one by one, resulting in threads linking to 404's, or 504 gateway errors, and multiple threads being made to "keep" the pages once the bug is fixed… only to be reverted later. The ongoing kek thread gets deleted as well.
- February 23 – moot opens janitor applications. States that he will open them once every 1/1.5 years and that’s he’s feeling like doing a new Q&A. At the same, he adds IDs to /biz/, to curb the tripfag population.
- February 26 - An exploit is discovered where pasting a large amount of text into the captcha field allows the poster to bypass it.
- March 13 - 4chan goes on yet another outage where if one attempts to post, he will be redirected to a page saying "Posting temporarily disabled. Come back later!" moot makes a sticky on /biz/ stating you can now target /biz/ with self-serve ads. The page numbers bar is also added to the top of the page. "Settings" is organized into several categories which can be hidden; Quotes & Replying, Monitoring, Filters & Post Hiding, Navigation, Images & Media, and Miscellaneous. Brief descriptions of the options are added underneath. A new option, "Snippets in page title" is added, which allows you to show/hide post subjects or comment snippets in the page (tab) title.
- March 25 - All hell breaks loose when it is announced that Facebook has purchased the gaming device Oculus Rift for 2 billion dollars. /v/ and other boards outrage, with /v/ getting the title, changed to "Where were you when gaming died?", embedded music with the song "Komm, süsser Tod", and a sticky.
- April 1 - For April Fool's Day, captchas are substituted with fake Japanese character captchas. To get the actual captcha, you must scroll over the fake captcha.
- April 2 - A new file type named "WebM" is introduced to /g/ and /jp/, with a sticky in the former. A few days later, it is now available on all boards.
- April 6 - The blotter and the blog is reintroduced.
- April 7 - moot uses the blog to announce that discussion (text) boards will be frozen but not deleted but the fileshare board will be shut down and deleted to focus on the image boards.
- April 8 - 4chan raids omegle(didn't they raid shamchat not omegle?), setting interests to tumblr and telling all users that their name is "dan".
- April 18 - The /htmlnew/ board is created, with the title "/test/ - Testing" to preview upcoming CSS/html changes. Posting is only available for mods/admins.
- April 19 - /htmlnew/ is removed and the CSS/html changes are implemented. In thread URLs, "res/" is renamed to "thread/", and subject/comment snippets are appended after the thread ID as a slug. The "src/" and "thumb/" directories are removed from images/ and i/ Files now live at the board root on those subdomains. The board index now starts from "Page 1" instead of "Page 0". There is now an option on all pages to search for OPs. A drop-down menu is added beside every post, with the options "Report post", "Hide thread", "Image search »", "Download file", and "Filter selected text". There are also several minor cosmetic changes.
- April 20 - Pages 11-15 are removed on /b/.
- April 23 - An Australian manages to get admin access and starts posting as moot. He posts the location of FWG, a French /int/ tripfag, ip's of mods and janitors and the password to the moderator IRC channel. Subsequently, 4chan was frozen for about 6 hours.
- May 11 - A sticky is posted on /v/ regarding a moderator who outed himself for a forum of an EA game. moot demands that everyone stops doxing him or else they will receive a ban.
- May - /fk/ is removed.
- June 27 - Homestuck generals are banned from /co/. "At this point, we are no longer allowing Homestuck General threads. They've long since become echo chambers for off-topic discussion and are a detriment to the board as a whole. Please do not create any more homestuck generals. Thank you." A Homestuck general is stickied on [s4s].
- July 4 - Aftermath of speed running convention, original content is developed in the form of that autistic guy annoying a passive aggressive manchild. It also comes to light that a streamer was cheated on by his wife and her potato faced cuckold that goes by the stream name Stivitybobo on twitch; he continues to exhibit signs of his disability in the form of playing the victim. Stivy also got a pizza dinner delivered to his home, interrupting and prematurely ending his streamed speed run. /b/ and /pol/ also manage to falseflag Tumblr and start flinging shit at each other, eventually climaxing into the great independence day invasion .
- July 12 - The oldest non-sticky thread in 4chan history, a thread about a drawfag on /i/, finally dies after 978 days, almost two and a half years.
- July 30 - The robot on /r9k/ is disabled, the reason being that "/r9k/ ceased to be "original content" years ago". The board quickly devolves into /b/2.0.
- July 30 - A user on /pol/ makes a post saying "Art used to be something to cherish / Now literally anything could be art / This post is art.", which then was photographed off the screen and framed by another user who posted another reply in the thread with a photo of the framed quote. Later the that user created an auction on on eBay for the framed photo which quickly rose to high prices, culminating in a price of $90,900.00 after which many news outlets picked up on the story, ie The Washington Post.
- August 13 - The E-mail field is replaced with an "Options" field to sage, ect. And threads on /a/ and /v/ will now be accessible for a period of 48 hours after being pushed off of the board index
- August 17 - /lit/ starts writing a book collectively that later came to be known as "The Legacy Of Totalitarianism In A Tundra" - the first book by 4chan and probably also the first written in anonymous collaboration online.
- August 31 - A guy on /b/ leaks several hundred celebrity nudes hacked off of iCloud. TMZ offers him over a million dollars for the rest (which he declined), and continues to post pictures and videos throughout the day. A thread on /b/ made by him has bump and image limits disabled until it reaches over 9,000 replies (Reached 10,111 replies) in a non-stickied thread, causing the entire site to lag. The event is dubbed both by 4channers and the media "The Fappening".
- September 2 - A 17 year old kid on /out/ embarks on a 5500km walk from Perth, Western Australia to Sydney, New South Wales
- September 16 - Despite being previously allowed, #gamergate (which had been ongoing for weeks) is suddenly banned and every post deleted, without explanation. Users riot and accuse an unspecified "rogue mod". In the wake of the crackdown, 4chan's "feedback" page is also removed from the website, moot's e-mail address disappears from all contact pages, and Germany allegedly gets a mass IP range ban (this was then discovered to be just a rumour with no basis, due to several German flags appearing on /int/).
- September 18 - Sticky on /v/. moot declares GamerGate officially banned from the whole site because of Global Rule 4 (no doxxing). "Said threads are being deleted primarily because they violate our blanket "no personal information / raids / calls to invasion" rule. Spamming the reports system and creating multiple topics were also a factor, especially given /v/ is one of 4chan's fastest moving boards and has historically struggled with keeping topics limited to actual video games." Following the crackdown, a vast amount of complaining stirs up on /b/, with a good portion of threads speaking out against 4chan moderation and administration. Many of said threads say that users should simply leave on October 1st (4chan's 11th anniversary) and only return when (and if) moderation of 4chan returns to its original relaxed state. A 4chan clone, 8chan, gets popular for discussing Gamergate threads. Linking to it results in an auto-ban.
- October 1 - The 17 year old kid from /out/ now titled Little Thor by the community passes the 1000km mark, /b/ also attempts Operation Timebomb v2 but fails in their attempt.
- October 1 - 8chan raids /b/. The raid lasts five minutes before it's pruned away due to /b/'s speed. Hilarity ensues. People complain on 8chan about their permanent bans from 4chan, which really makes no sense since they said the raid would've been their last visit to 4chan in the first point.
- October 7 - 8chan raids /b/ again, this time by regarding any post ending in 8 as a get. Somewhat more effective than the last raid.
- October 12 - moot announces that he'll be at the Aizu-Wakamatsu train station to wave at the iconic webcam, which was followed for years in a /jp/ general; even if the webcam service was discontinued in March 2017, the beloved general is still running.
- October 19 - Little Thor is a faggot and drops out after 1200km
- November 5 - A murderer who strangled his girlfriend and uploaded pictures of her corpse on 4chan is apprehended. Judging by the media coverage, being associated with 4chan trumps the fact that an innocent girl died.
- November 9 - moot announces that the number of unique posters in a thread will now be listed, and that the thread watcher can now auto-watch and highlight threads based on custom filters.
- November 14 - /b/ title is changed to "STOP to my /b/eat". A YouTube video gets embedded on the board page. The uploader changes its title to "go away 4chan" and disables the comments.
- November 17 - /b/ is back to normal.
- November 21 - moot makes a new blog post, saying that janitors now have the ability of request warns instead of bans. He also states that roughly 90% of the 4chan users are lurkers and only 10% of the 20 million monthly users actually posts. His suggestion that recommendation threads on /a/ are not ban-worthy but only deserve a warn causes a shitstorm in the board. He also illustrates some changes in the mobile version of the site.
- November 23 - A new sticky on /co/ explicitly stating that "The posting of non-worksafe content under spoiler tags is not permitted, and will result in a ban. Furry content is also not permitted" causes furries in the board to protest in outrage.
- December 4 - Asuka's Birthday. is embedded into every board along with Chen pictures and signs stating "No honk allowed". /a/ gets renamed to "USAKA" with the subtitle "USAKA IS LUUV USAKA IS LUUF". moot posts on /a/ sending the board into chaos, and he also makes a post stating "ayy lmao" in a BANE? thread on /pol/.
- December 7 - The /pol/ocaust. moot goes nuts and transforms /pol/ into a shitpost board - It starts with the addition of multiple wordfilters, e.g. "moot" becomes "the CEO of Troll, Inc.", and "cuck" becomes "cluck". More word filters are added as the day progresses. 4chan temporarily goes down for maintenance, and comes back a few hours later. Several threads are stickied - the first is a locked "FOR FREE" thread mocking janitors, and the second is a picture of moot getting fucked by Anita and Zoe. Captcha and flags are removed, and moot adds a global announcement urging people to go and test /pol/'s new captcha-less posting. Another sticky is added, this time saying "POST YFW THE CAPTCHA IS GONE". The post timer is later reduced to 15 seconds, and the global announcement is edited to say "Now with legacy timers!". The timer for creating threads is reduced to 1 minute. All posts are turned into dubs by adding an extra digit identical to the last digit at the end of the post number, which causes chaos as people are unable to link to previous posts. At the request of an Anon on [s4s], moderator swaglord stickies a thread that repeats the phrase "wew lad" over and over. Furry porn, guro, loli and ponies are posted with little retaliation from the mods, although some threads are deleted. The board goes apeshit as the users try to flee to /mlp/, /int/, [s4s], and other boards to no avail. After a couple of hours the "wew lad" and "POST YFW THE CAPTCHA IS GONE" stickies are removed, but the cuck sticky and janitor sticky remain. The audio from is embedded into the front page and the board is renamed The 8 Steps of Cuckolding with subtitle >she does it for fun. A feature is added which makes every post be preceded by "[trigger warning]", which is given a marquee animation soon after. The fortune function is added, and is later changed to say "Your privilege:" instead of "your fortune:" and "Cuck" instead of "Luck". People had been typing "moot ## Admin ⌘" in the subject field to impersonate moot, so the subject field is renamed "moot ## Admin ⌘" as a joke. Two threads are stickied; one is unicode art of an anime girl, the other is a sticky request. They are both locked and unstickied later on. Many believe these happenings mean moot is going to delete /pol/. Antisemitic cartoonist Ben Garrison made a cartoon threatening moot prior to this happening, which referred to moot as "the CEO of Troll, Inc." (which is what the word filter is referencing). The cartoon was deleted shortly after.
- December 8 - ReCAPTCHA 2 is implemented, replacing the CAPTCHA box with a button that says "I'm not a robot". Publishers breathe a sigh of relief as they no longer have to worry about the word nigger getting into their books. moot posts on /b/ for the first time in half a decade, and publicly fires a janitor. Screencap:
- December 10 - /pol/'s 39999999 GET, containing a naruto page edited to be a dubs pic, is stickied & locked, while the 40M GET, simply consisting of "HITLER WAS RIGHT!", happens in a GET thread and quickly goes 404. /pol/'s title is changed back to "/pol/ - Politically Incorrect", and the embedded audio is removed, but the stickies and the other effects still remain. [s4s]'s font is changed to Comic Sans.
- December 11 - IDs are removed and dubs return on /b/. /b/ and /pol/ both get a sticky that says "I AM A ROBOT" along with music embedded that says the same thing, to parody the new captcha system. /b/ also gets the captcha removed and old post timers restored like /pol, and is flooded by a spambot whose owner is Bui, a /vp/ tripfag & ban evader known for spamming Goodra porn threads.
- December 12 - /pol/ is given IDs when a /b/ user requests moot to bring back IDs, and moot says the user didn't specify which board.
- December 13 - moot has a lengthy Q&A session in a thread on /pol/, dispelling rumors about him selling 4chan, deleting /pol/ and him being a cuck, along with several other topics. IDs on /pol/ are different for every post, regardless of poster's IP, thanks to a user suggestion. Two threads are stickied on /pol/ - one asking if newpol stands with 1)), the other stating "this is nice board".
- December 15 - Geolocation flags are added on /pol/.
- December 31 - 4chan and Tumblr raid each other… Through Omegle. Using the "4chan" interest always results in being paired with a 4chan/8chan spammer, a Tumblr spammer, or a Tumblr user claiming to be a spy (sometimes a 4chan/8chan user pretending to be such a person).
- January 2-3 - After a day of maintenance-induced sitewide shutdowns and unstable browsing, Captcha on /b/ and /pol/ is back and bump limit on the former is changed back to 500. Thumbnails are broken for several hours after the update. A new board index for archived threads is quietly rolled out, accessible by going to
- January 6 - Substitute banners are rolled out, visible by those who use ad-blockers. The banners read: "Please support 4chan by disabling your ad blocker on *.4chan*.org/*, purchasing a self-serve ad, or buying a 4chan Pass." While this same message has been displayed previously, the substitute banners now occupy space as if they were the same size as banner ads, drawing more attention. They actually don't display while using 4chan Pass and blocking ads. A new link next to the catalog link is also rolled out to access board archives, previously only accessible by visiting
- January 8 - /pol/ returns to normal - wordfilters, trigger warnings, shitpost stickies, and fake dubs are removed, and the "Welcome to /pol/" sticky is reinstated. However, geolocation flags and board-wide IDs remain.
- January 18 - A 4chan janitor creates a board on 8chan and starts leaking things. He "confirms" his identity by linking to pics hosted on the secret janitor board, /j/. moot in response announces in a new blog post that janitors are now required to sign a contract that binds them legally and prevents them from leaking any kind of info.
- January 20 - The site is frozen for 4 hours and 46 minutes.
- January 21 - Causing what will be remembered as the biggest shitstorm to ever flood 4chan, at 11:00 AM EST moot officially announces his retirement from the role of 4chan's acting administrator. "[…] as today I'm retiring as 4chan's administrator. From a user's perspective, nothing should change. A few senior volunteers—including 4chan's lead developer, managing moderator, and server administrator—have stepped up to ensure a smooth transition over the coming weeks."
- Here's to you, Nicola and Bart is embedded on /b/, Futurama's Goodbye Seymour... Will Wait For You is embedded on /co/, and a poor ocarina rendition of Celine Dion's My Heart Will Go On is embedded on [s4s].
- /a/ gets renamed to "It /a/ll returns to nothing.", subtitled "tumbling down", with Komm, Susser Tod embedded. moot also posts in a thread on /a/ which gets 7403 replies and nearly 3000 uploaded images, with about 3600 of which are replying to his post, breaking the record for most replied post in /a/'s history. There was also a smaller thread which moot replied to that was stickied on /co/.
- Several boards, including /a/, /v/, /g/, /int/ and /mlp/, and [s4s] make (or attempt at making) goodbye cards for moot. It's noteworthy to point out that /a/ tried to reach 10,000 signatures.
- January 22 - /qa/, a board dedicated to making questions during moot's announced last livestream Q&A, is added.
- January 23 - At 2PM EST, moot has a livestream session that lasts eight hours. Twelve stickies in /qa/ are maxed out. He ends the Q&A with a misquote from Cowboy Bebop: "See you later, space cowboy". /a/ is renamed to "See you, sp/a/ce cowboy." with the subtitle "Bang.", and this is embedded in its front page.
- January 26 - /a/ returns to its normal state. Moot's final Q&A is still embedded as an announcement site-wide. /qa/ is frozen so a wave of shitposts can get deleted (and presumably, a full-time team of mods and janitors are assigned).
- January 27 - After fears that it was en route to getting deleted, /qa/ is unfrozen. Based on a unilateral declaration by it's users, /qa/ is now a permanent metaboard dedicated to discussion on the decade-long (and counting) legacy of 4chan.
- January 29 - Webms with sound are on /wsg/ and /gif/ (unmute to listen). First sound webm to be uploaded is a 10-second loop of Bane's "for you" clip from The Dark Knight Rises. A poorly-dubbed version of said clip is soon embedded and autoplayed on the same thread. Moderator swaglord embeds the entire /wsg/ thread into a /tv/ baneposting thread, effectively creating a "portal" from /tv/ to /wsg/ through which users can post.
- February 1 - A superbowl ad shows the main cast of MLP in Colts fan gear for two seconds. /sp/ has a meltdown and /mlp/ has a good time.
- February 3 - A Spurdo Spärde thread is stickied on /int/ by moderator swaglord, who then shows his mod powers for a while (including unsticking and resticking said thread) before the thread finally dies shortly before reaching 2000 replies.
- February 11-12 - Hilarity ensues as NBC airs "Intimidation Game", a Law & Order SVU episode that focuses on Gamergate and chan culture. Notable flubs include improper use of image macros, old or irrelevant video game jokes (a man shouts "LEVEL COMPLETED" while punching a woman, Ice-T complains about campers, and "I read on Kotaku that it's better than Civ 5 with the Brave New World expansion pack"), and redchanit, a fake website and bastardized version of Reddit and a chan board. Threads pop up on both /tv/ and /v/ the night of and the day after. Actual Redchanit is created as a board on 8chan ( redirects there).
- February 15 - 4chan experiences database and php issues. Most boards' titles change to default "Yotsuba Image Board". 4chan Pass login is broken.
- February 19 - Flags are removed from /pol/, only to be returned later that day. ID's on /pol/ are changed to be thread-specific.
- February 22 - 600M GET is attempted on /b/, and achieved by a picture saying "I AM IRONMAN!" with the thread comment being "u little stupid ass bitch i aint fuckin with you". However, with /b/ experiencing heavy flooding due to many users trying for the GET, the thread is pushed off the board instantly with 0 replies. It is known as a shit GET. An 8chan board, /4get/, was created on the 23rd of February with the goal of stealing this GET, but it failed to do so.
- February 27 - Leonard Nimoy dies. Sad music is embedded on /tv/. A thread is stickied, and after a couple of hours a second thread dedicated to shitposting is stickied by moderator swaglord, who also embeds the Battlestar Galactica main theme in said thread.
- February 28 - Janitor applications are opened for 48 hours.
- March 3 - 4chan is down at around CST 4 am. Some boards appear empty due to an unknown error. After approximately 4 hours, service returns, with boards that appeared empty having their previous content restored.
- March 5 - /co/ reaches their 70M GET. 8chan's /sp/, in conjunction with /4get/ steal the GET with the comment "claiming this GET for the 8cháñ army" and a picture of Wade Davis. It is instantly deleted with 0 replies before could save it and the user banned for breaking Rule 4. /co/'s 69999999 GET is also stolen by 8chan's /4get/ and is archived by before being deleted.
- March 7 - Posting is down for a half hour or so for an unknown reason.
- March 10 - Shitposting on /pol/ hits an all-time high through speculations of a "World War 3" because of NATO drills. Putin's sudden disappearance, earlier, allowed for shitposting to also skyrocket. Happening threads are posted on a constant basis. /pol/ is still shitposting about what may happen next.
- March 19 - Part two of the Death Grips album The Powers That B, titled Jenny Death, is leaked. /mu/ is flooded with Jenny Death threads, over 45 were present at one point.
- March 26 - A thread in /tv/ pertaining to a plane crash that has many coincidences with the baneposting fad is stickied. In less than 8 hours it gets over 6000 replies and over 1600 images by the time it is de-sticked, breaking the record for largest single thread on /tv/. The final images were 2 enlarged spurdo photos posted by moderator swaglord. A parody of All-Star is also embedded into the thread (, prompting massive amounts of praise to the mods.
- April 1 - A robot from /r9k/ starts a ten day auction on eBay for a folder containing over 1200 rare Pepe pictures downloaded from the board over the course of a year, which takes off much like the "This post is art" one from /pol/. For April Fool's Day, Sticky (a Clippy parody) is added. It is a duplicate of 4chan's 2008 April Fools prank.
- April 3 - The eBay Pepe folder achieves a highest bid of $99,166 USD from 126 bids, and is then taken down by eBay.
- April 4 - Default name on /mlp/ is changed to "=" as a reference to the premiere of Season 5 of MLP:FiM
- April 8 - A robot registers a site to sell rare pepes.. There is also an entire pepe booru.
- April 10 - /vg/'s 100M GET is stolen by 8chan's /undina/, mods immediately delete the thread.
- April 11 - The default name on /mlp/ is back to normal.
- April 14 - Janitor acceptance emails are sent for those who applied in Late February/Early March.
- April 20 - /tv/'s 55555555 GET is taken by GoT, mods sticky the thread.
- April 22 - /qa/'s 100000 GET is "wew lad".
- April 29 - /pol/'s 44444444 GET is stolen by 8chan's /imperfectsatan/, mods immediately delete the thread.
- May 1 - /mu/'s 55555555 GET successfully stays in their hands, despite 55555554 and 55555556 both taken by attempts by 8chan's /sp/.
- May 9 - At approximately 4:30 AM CST, 4chan goes down unexpectedly.
- June 7 - Almost all OP files and most files across all boards are hit by 404's and dont open.
- June 10 - /z/ is removed, along with its "Why am I getting "OH NO THE BOARD IS GONE"?" section in the FAQ.
- June 11 (appx.) - /i/ old, Java-based drawing applet ShiPainter is replaced by a new, JavaScript-based one.
- June 21 - An option is added to use the old (text-based) captcha instead of the newer "one click"/picture selection one. No longer do users have to select 3 "sandwiches" (hamburgers) in order to make a post.
- June 24 - /v/'s 300000000 GET is "Splatoon is new meme." The OP gets banned and stickied, inkling music plays and /v/ shits its brix with over 5100 replies.
- July 12 - Nintendo president Satoru Iwata dies. Multiple threads are stickied on /v/, with at least one thread reaching over 800 replies in less than 10 minutes.
- July 20 - /vg/'s 110000000 GET is a post in the Katawa Shoujo General saying: "I would just like to point out that best girl is whoever is your favorite, because they're all best girl , but Akira is bestest girl."
- July 25 - A "Hide recursively" option is added to the drop down menu. It hide the selected post and all posts replying to it.
- July 26 - The archived textboards are removed.
- July 29 - /soc/'s 22222222 GET is stolen by 8chan's /imperfectsatan/, mods immediately delete the thread.
- August 16 - /tv/'s 60000000 GET, referencing the BANE meme, is deleted by the moderation team for unknown reasons. A shitstorm followed immediately with people being upset with the mods/janitors.
- August 20 - /pol/'s 50000000 GET is "FOR NIPPON". Immense butthurt commences.
- August 21 - A poster on /b/ creates a thread, providing pictures of murdered women with a timestamp, he claims responsibility for their murders and explains that if anons guess the victims names, he will reveal the location of where he hid a body in 1999. Madness ensues and the thread is soon deleted.
- August 22 - /x/ creates a thread with the intention of catching the alleged /b/ killer, anons quickly compile information, and eventually discover the identities of one of the victims while others report their findings to the FBI.
- August 25 - The efforts of /x/ to catch the serial killer are recognized by a famous Latin American youtuber called DrossRotzank who proceeds to post a video about the events( this results in a huge influx of newfags invading /x/ to "help" solve the cold case, much frustration is had, but the investigation continues.
- September 2 - Users are unable to upload images. A message located below the news-feed tells users "Image posting is temporarily unavailable due to a hardware issue. Please wait warmly" with an option to dismiss the message located at the end.
- September 21 - 4chan is "bought" by Hiroyuki Nishimura, the founder of 2channel. Anxious threads on both 4chan and 2ch discuss the possibility of Nishimura scamming the former for a profit as some claim he once did with the latter.
- September 22 - Hiroyuki Nishimura (posting as hiroyuki ## Admin) hosts his first Q&A on the /qa/ board. 12,850 posts are made across five "Question" threads. Hiroyuki, posting answers in a separate "Answer" thread, spends 4 hours answering around 200 replies that were all submitted in the first two minutes of the first thread being up. He (hilariously) answered every single post, including troll-posts, shitposts, and repeated questions, seriously and with broken English. Users of 4chan were highly entertained by his 'Engrish.' He would later go on to accidentally post several answers on /sp/, and then abandon the Q&A to post on /a/. Due to his weak grasp on English and 4chan culture, he was seen as innocent and naive, with many posters believing this to be cute and endearing. Nine hours after the Q&A began, the site begins to break, and then completely freezes. It remains down for about six hours.
- September 23 - Anons agree to call their new overlord simply hiro or Hiroyuki. Hiroyuki changes his Twitter avatar to his shota equivalent. /pol/ affectionately names Hiroyuki g00k, because it sounded like moot.
- September 28 - One of /tg/'s worst-ever tripfags, virtualoptim, is banned for praising FATAL.
- October ?? - Some anons decide to make a tumblr account where they recolor Steven Universe characters into white and blond people, successfully causing anal annihilation among tumblr.
- October 1 - 4chan celebrates its 12th birthday. /aco/ - Adult Cartoons is added. An /r9k/ user shoots up a school in Oregon, killing 13 people and injuring 20 others. /d/ goes through a mi/d/life crisis, as the ban on Western art is enforced. /d/eviants discuss this in /mlp/, who acts as a safehaven (because /d/-tan and /mlp/-tan are dating). Mods keep deleting Winterball threads.
- October 7 - Hiroyuki changes the homepage: It is now displaying a photograph of the "Atlantis" spaceshuttle he took with 4chan's logo above it. After long periods of downtime, displays a "410 - Gone" error. It died the same day.
- October 9 - Janitor applications are re-opened, and the requirement to send proof of identification is dropped.
- October 13 - /jp/ gets [sjis] tags, allowing SJIS art to be posted.
- October 24 - The robot on /r9k/ is enabled again.
- October 30 - In a thread on /qa/, Hiroyuki says that a /his/tory board will be made "by weekend".
- October 31 - 4chan gets 2spooky. A site-wide CSS hack changes makes the entire site use a Halloween-ish theme, with a dark blue background and orange text and a random GIF of a skeleton in the corner. This video is stickied on /b/, with the message "Happy Halloween /b/". Wordfilters are added site-wide (except on [s4s] and /b/) as well, changing smh to baka, tbh to desu, fam to sempai (later becomes changed to senpai), fams to senpaitachi, cuck to kek and SJW to SPOOKY SCARY SKELETON. /v/ successfully raids Reddit's r/agario by adding random mods. /his/ - History & Humanities is finally added.
- November 1 - 4chan's theme returns to normal. The wordfilter for SJW is removed, but the rest remain.
- November 5 - The homepage gets changed again; this time, the Atlantis banner features a Guy Fawkes mask, in reference to the "hacker" group Anonymous and/or Guy Fawkes Day.
- November 6 - An anon on /qa/ complains about the Guy Fawkes Mask added to the home page, saying "Next it will be some shit like Longcat or another 2007 tier meme." Hiroyuki answers his request.
- November 7 - /trash/ (Off-topic) is added. Off-topic threads from other boards will be moved here, but other than that it's basically /b/ with ponies and avatars allowed, but with no loli or shota. Forced anonymity is enabled from the beginning.
- November 9 - Hiroyuki makes a thread on /trash/ discussing possible limitations to add on the board, but no changes are made. The thread is archived at
- November 12 - /asp/ is renamed "Alternative Sports & Wrestling". Hiroyuki makes a sticky on /sp/ stating that wrestling and WWE threads should be made on /asp/ from now on.
- November 14 - /news/ - Current news is added, though posting is disabled, being revived as a SFW board. OPs should require news links that aren't older than 48 hours, as stated in the first sticky.
- November 26 - /vg/ reaches its 123456789th GET which is taken by /4ccg/, demanding BorisxKeksandra porn where Boris is buttfucking Keksandra and saying "This is how I made /mlp/ win Summer you know".
- November 27 - The stickies in /news/ have been deleted and were replaced with another generic sticky, stating the board is a text board, although it is in imageboard format. The "File" field in the submission box has been removed. Additionally, the rules page was updated with /news/' rules. The board hasn't been opened yet.
- November 28 - Posting is enabled on /news/. OP images are allowed a few hours later. The default name on /mlp/ is changed to "=" again for the Season 5 Finale.
- December 12- Masterchan starts advertising itself to 4chan and 8chan, growing in number. Moderators banned Masterchan users from both sites once noticed.
- December 15 - Wordfilter for cuck is removed. CUCK (in all caps) is still filtered "as an heritage" (sic).
- December 20 - /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests is added.
- December 23 - Some boards go down and posting is disabled for hours.
- December 25 - A /b/tard had leaked the info on a YouTuber named "NeuroSoup", who is a minor Internet Celebrity with a 100,000 user fanbase, that the YouTuber was a psycho rapist, who tortured an innocent man almost to death, anons started leaking the info allover her channel, hoping to smear her name across the internet. (You can see the police report here: (Warning; GRAPHIC descriptions)
- December 27 - The front page layout is changed for the first time in 8 years, with the Popular Threads section now resembling the board catalogs, the Recent Images and Latest Posts sections removed, and the video game boards now having their own section.
- December 28 - 4chan ralleys up and raids a website called, mostly the #SEXCHAT and #ROLEPLAY chat, the members escape to other parts of the website.
- December 29 - 4chan raids e-chat again along with 7chan, 8chan and RaidForums. The entire website is spammed until it lags and members are forced to move to another chat website, Spreet. The next morning e-chat is down, most likely from a DDOS attack.
- January 1 - In reference to The End of Evangelion (which takes place on New Years Day 2016), /a/'s theme is forced to Tomorrow, Komm, süsser Tod is embedded and glowing crosses come up from the bottom of the screen (script). /pol/ fears for John Oliver's death as the current year becomes 2016. They celebrate the new year through 'IT'S THE CURRENT YEAR' shitposting.
- January 2 - 4chan /b/ gathers up together and plots a huge raid on 9gag, in the Tinychat room:
- January 3 - 4chan raids the fuck out of 9gag with gore, scat, weird porn, furries, ext. The screams of 12-year-old autists could be heard everywhere…
- January 3 - /pol/ gets its 60000000 gorillionth post, only five words, "we all feel the bern" users everywhere outraged. However, the 59999999 is believed to be a 2)) post.
- January 7 - /r9k/ gets its 25555555 post, "He´s dead John", 5 minutes later the thread was deleted by the faggot mod in charge. Also /lit/ publishes it's first collective shitpost, "Hypersphere." It's uh, an epic for the ages.
- January 8 - A YouTuber Keemstar, who runs the channel Drama Alert, makes a video saying how a Twitch Streamer rsgloryandgold, whose name is Tony, was a pedophile. People start telling the poor guy to kill himself and called him a Pedophile, ect. The video turns out to be a lie
- January 9 - A post on 4chan is made about the whole situation between Keem and Tony, /b/ is outraged, and supports Tony while raiding/doxxing Keem (Kind of ironic on how someone who runs a channel about drama on the Internet has drama blow up in his face) kek
- January 11 - /mu/ has a stickied thread and the audio of Space Oddity embedded to mourn the death of David Bowie.
- January 17 - Masterchan starts spamming 4chan and 8chan (Consisting mainly of /b/tards, a couple of anons from /g/ and /k/ and /pol/) to come and join their chan, after the 2 websites refuse, Masterchan starts raiding 4chan and 8chan very violently, specifically /b/ and too little success. After a good deal of getting slapped around by management on both sites, they stop.
- January 23 - /w/'s image limit is increased from 150 to 250.
- January 30 - The in-thread image cooldown on /c/ and /cm/ is reduced from 60 to 30 seconds.
- February 2 - /b/ gets Satan³ 666666666. The GET was Pokeporn of ORAS May, which additionally made /vp/ shit brix. Source
- February 13 - Caco makes a group-chat on FaceBook for /b/, which is a start of a small community of /b/tards. (Room Invite Link[not a virus]):
- February 14 - Several anons from 4chan and 8chan (Consisting mainly of /b/tards, /pol/acks and a few guys from /k/ and /g/ too) form up and raid Tumblr on valentines day, dubbed the valentines massacre. It went largely unnoticed though.
- February 15 - In attempt to protest against the current state of /b/, a thread on the board is created to exceed the bump limit of 300 posts, by rallying up enough /b/tards to post in the thread after the reply count had reached 300 posts, to bring it to 500 posts. The thread reached nearly 800 posts before death and was revered as the first collaborative win on /b/ in a long while.
- February 16 - /vr/'s 3000000 GET is claimed by a [s4s] namefig posting doge. Awoo!
- February 23 - /tv/ gets visited by porn star and maker DickBush, after Brazzers published a meme porn teaser. Mods sticky the thread.
- February 26 - The leaked Pokémon games Sun and Moon get announced. /vp/ gets two stickies, a hype thread and a confirmation sticky.
- March 2 - Notch visits /v/ for a small Q&A. It's confirmed on twitter.
- March 7 - moot is now hired by Google. An apparent Google employee also announced it two days ago on /g/. The reactions were mixed. Some say moot became a hypocrite, others were happy that he moved on. A number of changes are made to 4chan, in particular to uploads. Maximum .webm durations of 120 seconds are applied to all boards, except /gif/ and /wsg/, where it's capped at 300 seconds. /gif/ and /wsg/ also receive sound for their webms. Minimum image dimensions are added to /hc/ (500x500), /hr/ (1000x1000), /s/ (500x500), /w/ (480x600) and /wg/ (480x600). /news/ is made a text-only board.
- March 18 - The much-reviled Gawker is forced to pay $115 million to Hulk Hogan for leaking his sex tape. Anons around 4chan rejoice over the death of Gawker.
- March 22 - A number of changes are made to 4chan. Forced anon is enabled on /b/, /soc/ and /trash/, killing namefags and tripfags on these boards. All /vg/ threads now require a subject. An oekaki function is added to /i/.
- March 24 - Cirno gets the 33333 GET on /news/. The image features a blue CNN logo left to her. Under them is the text "The Worldwide Leader in News Strength!" A sequel to the well-known anime FLCL is announced, being co-made by Adult Swim. Most of /a/ becomes up in arms about it, and a sticky about it gets over 4000 replies.
- March 28 - /mlp/ mod goes beserk for a short-lived Scruffening 2.0. Board is cut down to 6 pages. A new sticky appears shortly after, found here. Shitposting ensues.
- March 29 - /fa/ gets the 11111111 GET.
- March 30 - [s4s] is "raided" by a Spanish chan (Hispachan?), thinking they were somehow causing damage to the board and 4chan as a whole. It was entirely ineffectual and did nothing but liven up the normally drab and shit filled halls of 4chan's most EBIN board.
- March 31 - Underage normies spamming Spiderman and Rick Grimes got successfully rekt'd in /b/'s loli thread with the help of mods for the first time since /l/. /b/ raids 7cups causing the anti-bullying site to put a notice on the site warning of so-called "raiders".
- Late February - Late March - The valentines raiders recruit people from /pol/ to shortly raid Anonymous' IRC chat and successfully shut down #OpTrump temporarily and the rest of the IRC in the process. The Valentiners from /g/ laugh at Anonymous for their technical retardation. Many lulz are had. as well as reporting all their IPs to the FBI through a decryption and logging bot.
- April 1 - For April fool's day, the theme of the site is changed to resemble Google's "material design" (A joke on moot's recent employment at Google, and the rumor he's been slated to do work on improving Google+). Image thumbnails are cropped to fit inside a circle like Android contact photos. Users are also given randomly generated names such as "Sergio Blackwell," Karla Goodwin" or "Alberto Barbossa" which override custom names or tripcodes, but do not remain consistent between posts. A website-wide hunt for board relevant names ensued, with /v/ practically ceasing to function for the whole day while users attempted to post as "Anthony Burch", an infamous video-game writer; however even after hours upon hours of combined shitposting, the website went back to normal and in the end no user managed to draw the lucky lot. Notable names pulled include Christopher Poole, Annie Frank, Christian Chan, Maggie and Homer Simpson, Sheldon Cooper, Ronald Macdonald, Jack Bauer, Nathan Drake, George Washington, Jennifer Lawrance and Michael Jordan.
- April 3 - Janitor applications open yet again for ~48 hours.
- April 4 - /pol/ gets Microsoft's AI chatbot "Tay" shut down after teaching it to "tweet hateful and racist messages," as mentioned by TIME magazine.
- April 5 - /pol/'s 70000000 GET is "Geert cant have this; the spics will pay for the wall" in a response to a Mexican thread OP saying "Oh, and we are not paying for the wall." The janitor applications are now closed. In addition, Deakin, member of the band Animal Collective, visits /mu/. Six years ago, he'd recieved funding on Kickstarter for a solo album, and many assumed he took the cash and ran. Today, backers started receiving physical copies and Deakin announced the album would launch next week. It leaks, as always, and recieves universal praise from /mu/ (in part with universal bashing of the other members of Deak's band, regarding their last disappointing album). Deakin sees this and mentions on a forum that he feels bad people are bantzing his friends (indirectly mentioning /mu/). People instantly begin apologizing and the shitposting ceases. He posts a couple times, gets an apology card from /mu/ and mentions he might do an AMA someday.
- April 27 - /film/ - Film & Movies is briefly added. It's deleted a few hours later. /qst/ - Quests is also added to offload quest threads from /tg/. Uniquely, it has text formatting such as italics and text color available, along with dice rolling and the oekaki applet. Mods have a field day, per usual.
- April 29 - Two /trash/ generals get into a shitflinging fest (Steven Universe General and The Loud House General). I have no idea what it was about, but it seemed stupid and funny enough to take note of.
- May 3 - A thread on /b/ is created to find a replacement for the word 'kek'. Each post with dubs gets to select one letter in the new, 5-letter word replacement for the word 'kek'. The thread generated the word '卍h†卐╠þ', which upon inspection from a screen reader appears to be pronounced "Manjithorn". This has been adapted as its original and official pronunciation.
- May 5 - /b/ stages a raid on Pepsi after Judy (an anthropomorphic rabbit from the furry tract Zootopia), wins a hashtag related contest. They proceed to spam the everloving shit out of Pepsi's twitter account with R34 content lewdly censored with various Pepsi related iconography (penises replaced with Pepsi bottles, anuses replaced with the circular Pepsi logo, and various others).
- May 19 - Another GET claimed by the Cirno scriptfag, this time it's /k/'s 30000000. fgts, Bui's second archive, goes down, the only one to ever take on the task of archiving /b/ in full (full images and text). The message on the site claims it's because his provider took it off for not deleting CP fast enough, and there were no backups. He also did it for free.
- May 21 - A sticky appears on /b/ with a blinking GO OUTSIDE text and embedded music. The addition of a blink class to 4chan's global CSS has the unintended consequence of making the whole page blink for the users of the popular 4chan X extension on the Chrome browser.
- May 30 - Hiro visits /qa/ and speaks about 4chan's profitability. He says it isn't, but thinks an interesting 4chan is better than a profitable one. Link here.
- May 31 - A developer on /g/ gets his hands on a Microsoft Hololense. It's pretty neato.
- June 3 - /r9k/ takes a tour of 4chan as a group and gathers "souvenirs" from other boards, listed here.
- June 4 - A /pol/ user's Chrome extension (one that highlights "Jew" names anywhere for easy spotting of their nefarious plans) is pulled without reason by Jewoogle after complaints from various Jews who's feefees were doing a little crummy that day.
- June 7 - Hiro decides to browse /v/ and casually give the mods an anal raping of a lifetime by complete accident.
- June 8 - Hiro makes a sticky on /v/ asking for suggestions on new rules. In less than an hour it reaches over 3000 replies. A B S O L U T E M A D M A N
- June 10 - Gordie Howe dies and /sp/ gets a sticky for anons to drop an F in. Elsewhere, an American makes a thread mocking Johan Cruyff, who didn't get a death sticky and has haunted the stickies since his death. For once, the /sp/ mods become based, publicly banning the OP and stickying the thread.
- June 11 - Russian users are rangebanned after the site freezes for about an hour and a half. The ban is announced on the 4chan Twitter account although it doesn't mention which country was banned. Various /pol/ users paid their respects in a Russian politics thread which was emptied after the ban. A mod on /int/ said they are working on fixing it. UPDATE: And we're back baby. Also June 11 - A new homepage image.
- June 19 - /pol/s 77777777th GET is gotten. Praise kek!
- June 21 - 4chan opens a banner contest with the reward of 4chan passes. Banners will replace self-serve ads in some cases. An archived list of the banner contests is available below.
Archived List |
/s4s/ - /3/ - /an/ - /asp/ - /biz/ - /c/ - /cm/ - /diy/ - /f/ - /gd/ - /i/ - /ic/ - /n/ - /news/ - /out/ - /p/ - /po/ - /trv/ - /u/ - /vr/ - /w/ - /wsr/ - |
- June 21 to 23 - Several boards (/pol/, /b/, /r9k/, /lgbt/, /s4s/, /po/) and chans (4chan, 8chan,, Ylilauta and Krautchan) join in together to raid an official youtube video and manage to dominate the comments and fabricate many accounts, eventually drawing in loads of memelord normalfags through the sheer amount of people involved in shitposting and causing youtube to remove the heart from their logo and shut down the comments. The video eventually became one of the top 100 most disliked videos on youtube.
- June 23 - A rolling /pol/ sticky about the UK referendum to leave the EU (Brexit) shatters the record for the most posts in a single thread in 4chan history, crushing the previous record set by [s4s] in early 2014 by nearly twenty thousand posts. The sticky received 58281 replies over the course of 23 hours. The archived thread is so large that it actually can't be opened in its entirety, since 4plebs times out requests after sixty seconds. 16230 images were also posted in the thread.
- July 3 - Threads appear on /pol/ and /b/ about a raid on Tumblr, shortly after, Tumblr has several tags filled with gore, although, through some weird lag, only a few show up (but this also applies to the normal posts.), Stay tuned for more.
- July 4 - Moderator Swaglord makes a thread on /s4s/ and embeds music into it, something about Independence Day. Meanwhile, /pol/ and /b/ gets caught up in a much larger raid on Tumblr this time, it completely wrecks a couple of tags for about an hour before either lag or the Tumblr moderators started deleting posts and shadowbanning people.
- July 5 - /pol/ is changed to host 200 threads instead of 150, with 20 on each page rather than 15. The in-thread reply and image cooldowns are reduced from 90 and 120 seconds respectively to 60 seconds each.
- July 16 - /r9k/'s 30000000 GET got claimed by [s4s], which resulted into /r9k/ deciding to raid [s4s] and vice-versa. It took 30 minutes until mods started banning people and deleting threads on both boards. Big keks were had.
- July 25 - All /news/ threads now require a subject.
- July 31 - Moot gets interviewed.
- August 18 - Gawker is bought by Univision, finally signaling the death of that godawful site, /pol/ and /v/ throw a party. /b/ reaches it's 700M GET.
- August 19 - Swaglord stickies a thread on [s4s] where they pretend to be /qa/, another mod stickies a thread on /qa/ where they pretend to be [s4s], lulz ensue.
- September 13 - /pol/s outreach managed to grab the attention of a presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton by shitposting on twitter at her with Pepe the Frog (note: there is no direct acknowledgement, but it's likely what triggered a recent article on her website about the dangers of memes and how they're "used" by the alt-right).
- September 17 - Hiroyuki sells the 404 page to the band Boys Noize as a marketing stunt for their new album and the release of the Snowden movie. Some anons are not amused at the disrespect towards Yotsuba. In a /qa/ thread Hiroyuki discussed the change with anons and added the Yotsuba images back, under the video.
- September 21 - A 4chan raid on Google's AI program Jigsaw Conversation code-named Operation Google in retaliation against censorship. The raid causes the AI to censor Google sites.
- September 22 - A thread about Nintendo's 127th anniversary gets hijacked by the mods, who embed music, voice clips, a scrolling Mario across the screen, and Mario in the background. The thread reaches 1300 replies before dying. Hiroyuki also posts an apology on the 4chan Twitter account, but nobody knows what it's for, prompting rumors that he sold the site, which a mod denied.
- September 25 - /b/'s maximum filesize per image is reduced from 4MB to 2MB.
- October 1 - 4chan turns 13, and pedos lament that it's too old now. 4chan Pass users have their post cooldown reduced to 15 seconds, and gain an option to showcase how long they've had their pass by putting "since4pass" in the option field. The latter creates a shitstorm and is removed an hour later only to be reactivated a few minutes after that. A number of changes are made to 4chan's boards.json as well. The in-thread reply and image reply cooldowns are removed from most boards, with reply cooldowns being increased from 30 to 60 seconds (if not already), while image reply cooldowns remain at 60 seconds. A number of exceptions exist for other boards: The image reply cooldowns on /aco/, /d/, /e/, /f/, /gif/, /h/, /hc/, /hm/, /hr/, /i/, /ic/, /r/, /r9k/, /s/, [s4s], /soc/, /t/, /trash/, /u/, /wg/ and /y/ are decreased to 30 seconds. /b/'s maximum .webm filesize is dropped from 3MB to slightly over 2MB. /vg/'s reply cooldown is increased from 30 to 90 seconds, and its image cooldown is increased from 60 to 120 seconds, likely to enable longer-lasting generals.
- October 2 - Hiroyuki announces that 4chan can no longer pay its server bill, mainly due to advertising no longer covering the server costs. He then says that if 4chan should stay afloat, one of three things has to happen, reduce traffic by lowing filesize limits and deleting boards, introduce pop-ups and malicious ads, or have enough people buy 4chan passes to cover the server costs. /qa/ is flooded with people saying that /pol/ should be deleted.
- October 3 - Notch, billionaire, and creator of Minecraft, says he would consider buying 4chan on twitter but in the end, it turns out he was merely baiting. Swaglord makes an appearance and exchanges a bit of banter. Notch later deletes his past 4 months of tweets.
- October 4 - /vip/ is brought back, this time as an imageboard. Everyone can view it, but only 4chan pass users are allowed to post.
- October 7 - The simple 4chan logo is brought back on the homepage, replacing the painting, most likely to lower costs. There are also only two rows of "Popular threads" now. At 7:58pm, a few lolicons started a movement on /b/, "The Great Loli Marathon of 2016". Contributors considered it a success, as Spiderman and pedo falseflaggers were simply ignored by the community or even banned. There are currently over 120 long-term threads available.
- October 11 - A scientific paper about /pol/ and its effects on the Web is published.
- October 12 - 4chan opens donations for the first time in 11 years, to accommodate people who want to contribute to the site's finances, but don't want the extra features given from buying a 4chan pass.
- October 15 - The Great Loli Marathon continues past its 200th thread on /b/, threads archived as 1 and 2. A janitor goes apeshit and starts deleting a ton of threads on /vg/, a mod using the rare manager capcode (doesn't show up correctly in the archive) later posts on /qa/ stating that the culprit has been fired.
- October 20 - Through the collective willpower of a few dedicated anons and some spiderman posting, the Great Loli Marathon surpasses 260 threads.
- October 23 - Thousands of users on /pol/, /b/ and other boards were banned for triggering the wordfilter for posting the name "Ben Fischbein", a person related to CTR.
- October 27 - Hiro implements giant ads on blue boards, prompting many to install 4chanX and adblockers, Hiro also opens up threads on /qa/ about reporting malicious ads. He also speaks about how much traffic the sites gets in one thread.
- October 28 - /tg/'s 50000000 GET is stolen by Cirno. A failure. The other GET was stolen by Serena. Hiro also has another ad Q&A.
- October 29 - An Anon (later revealed to be a Fellow by the name of Todd Santsaver) completely purged the FBchat that the tripfag Caco had made, resulting in a flame war between the /b/tards (from Caco's chat) & Todd along with Todd's group of friends, who refer to themselves as "/pd/", (Politically Disadvantageous)
- October 31 - 4chan went down for a bit and people didn't know where to go, but the majority of the users apparently raided Reddit to turn into the new 4chan. The whole site gets a spooky CSS theme for Halloween again. The loli marathon faces contention over continuity, but threads up through 377 are verified, New archive established at 3.
- November 2 - The great loli marathon seems to have ended at 387 threads. Spiderman posts still get deleted and banned regularly.
- November 4 - Hiro takes a modified 4chan logo (now featuring a picture of Keksandra, [s4s]'s board-tan, checking 'em) from a malicious ad-reporting thread on /qa/ and makes it the new homepage image, as suggested by a user. [s4s] celebrates, while some /a/ and /qa/ members complain that Keksandra is replacing Yotsuba. A few hours later on /b/, Keksandra gets sexts and declares herself the new mascot of 4chan, causing a slight meltdown. The thread is filled with dubs checking and Keksandra porn.
- November 6 - The banner contest finally ends. Every board except /b/, /gif/, /pol/, /qa/, /qst/ and /trash/ has one at this point.
- November 7 - An anon on /vp/ gets his hands on the full version of the upcoming game, Pokémon Moon, and leaks a large amount of information before uploading a playable copy the next day, 10 days before the official release date.
- November 8 - Donald Trump is elected President of the United States of America. /pol/ goes completely apeshit and celebrates his victory. Two stickies get placed too, with one being the results of the election…
- November 9 - …and the other being an embed video of Trump's victory dance. Meme magic is real once again! Meanwhile, Hiro removes Keksandra from the front page after five days. /pol/'s rolling 2016 Presidential election results sticky breaks the record for most posts in one thread again, receiving 73171 posts in its 23 hours and 53 minutes. This surpassed the Brexit sticky by nearly 15000 posts.
- November 16 - After confirming that he goes to McMaster University (having gotten most of their IPs banned from 4chan) and being dumb enough to leave his full name and email on the manifesto he released in 2014, Barneyfag is doxxed by a /v/ user. His name is revealed to be Lee Goldson, and his pictures confirm how much of a disgusting shit we all imagined he looked like. See here for his info.
- November 18 - /vp/ reaches its 30000000th post, an image of Lana, a new loli character. Get No. 29999999 is Elesa doing a dubs gesture.
- November 20 - /a/ hits its 150000000th post. It's wasted by some homo with poor tastes in hairstyles who can't even speak english properly. While not quite making up for the disappointment, 149999999 is taken by loli.
- November 23 - A few minutes before midnight EST, /pol/ hits the 100M GET, the fifth board in the history of the site (after /b/, /v/, /a/ and /vg/) to reach such milestone. And surprisingly, it wasn't stolen by a Leaf.
- November 26 - /g/'s /ptg/ general hacks into the admin account of a private BitTorrent tracker, and the login info is posted. Many lulz were had before the staff shuts the site down.
- November 27 - Code Geass gets a third season announced. /a/ loses its collective shit, the announcement thread is stickied and receives over 4000 replies. 4 JIBUN WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
- December 12 - Might not be worth mentioning, but /pol/ issued a "Deceleration" of War on the island nation of Tuvalu.
- December 15 - Apparently Lanzer returns to Gaia, /v/ has a thread about it which housed nostalgiafags and the like.
- December 16/17 (Midnight) - /pol/ gets into conflict with either the manager or a mod who wants to delete the /diy/ threads, Hiro had greenlighted the threads however so it put /pol/ against the mod and /qa/. Again.
- December 18 - Cirno visits /pol/ and promises a frosty inauguration. She was blushing too, well, at least according to her filename.
- December 19 - The manager makes a sticky on /qa/ detailing the firing of a mod (later confirmed for being modcat through IRC) for obeying his own feelings rather then the rules, also explaining that the right wing safety squad (a /pol/ general named /diy/, named after the venues they look into, not the board) threads are not valid for the board. Also /pol/ is NEVER EVER getting deleted. /thread. /pol/ entered HAPPENING status about an hour after as some Russian dude got assassinated and a couple of attacks happened in Europe.
- December 22 - Mirroring the events of November 4, Hiro puts the modified logo featuring Keksandra back on the front page of the website, at the request of a user. Only this time, Keksandra is wearing Santa's hat. 'tis the season to be dank.
- December 25 - Christmas hats are added again.
- December 28 - Hiro removes (You)s and Christmas hats.
- December 28 - Todd & his sinister /pd/ is finally defeated by the /b/tards along with their leader, Caco. It was a long couple of months full of insulting, purging, doxing, & hacking one another. Todd finally threw in the towel as he was losing fags left & right, to the point even his own "bestfriend" turned on him. When Todd was vulnerable Caco took over his Group, /pd/, & continuously spammed it with pictures of his Mother (who was found out to be into amateur porn film-making) resulting in a lulzy rage-quit from Todd. The /b/ Chatroom was safe from the hands of faggotry once again.
- December 29 - A poll feature is added to the site. 4chan passes are required to prevent rigging. The first poll apart from a test is whether (You)s should be re-added,
- December 30 - After the majority of pass voters determined that the removal of (You)s was negative, (You)s are returned.
- January 10/11 - /pol/ tricks Buzzfeed and possibly the CIA into believing scat fanfiction about politicians as fact, fooling many.
- January 17 - /a/ manages to decode the witch script in Little Witch Academia, which impresses the English PR guy for Trigger, Tattun, so much he starts posting on /a/. Mods being Mods ban him for no reason, after 30 minutes they say it was mistake and apologize, and then sticky the thread for a few minutes, then make it so that the thread can't be bumped off the index or hit its image limit.
- January 20 - Donald Trump is officially inaugurated as President of the United States. /pol/ celebrates endlessly and laughs at liberal tears. Swaglord makes a visit in the sticky, posting a picture with the caption "WE PRESIDENT NOW". The only sad note of the day is the announcement of Gabe the Dog's death, where /wsg/ honors his <html><s></html>memory<html></s></html> memery by posting Gabe remixes. moot also posts about it on his Twitter, the first anyone's heard from him in months. Also, to protest Donald Trump's presidency, 3)) sets up a 24/7 live stream "art" exhibit called "He Will Not Divide Us" in the heart of New York City, with the goal of live-streaming people chanting the stream name in solidarity. /pol/ and /tv/ host threads on the stream, and within hours, people arrive to meme IRL and causes shenanigans.
- January 21 - Tattun visits /a/ again to announce that the show's producer has agreed to visit for a AMA in a few days. He sticks around for several hours to answer questions. Mods show up to give him a 4chan Pass at Hiro's request. Users from /pol/ continue to raid the HWNDU stream by shouting "Pepe!" and playing Shadilay. One brave /pol/ack plasters the name of KEK on the side of a building.
- January 24 - In a few days, the HWNDU stream trolling becomes more sophisticated, ranging from uttering meme phrases and ordering tendie delivery, to non-stop Eurobeat music DJ's and anti-Semitic picture drawing. Even CIA and Moonman cosplay make an appearance. Because the trolls are 'mostly harmless', many reappear as regulars on the stream, and are universally loved by the thread lurkers. The two most popular regulars are "Jackie4chan", the delightfully vanilla 4chan browser, and "/pol/ Blart", the policeman dead-ringer for Paul Blart.
- January 25 - /a/ gets their AMA with Trigger. Notable highlights include yurifags being BTFO and the producer laughing when asked if one of the characters is a virgin. The Verified capcode shows up for the first time. An example can be found here.
- January 26 - Days earlier, after constant trolling, Shia snaps and pushes an offending crowd member. On this day it was announced he was arrested and charged with assault. Ironically, one of the stream regulars, dubbed "Tony" for his loud Italian voice and aggressive debating, was removed from the premises by police. Even more ironic was the reveal that another troll "Adidasbro" had an arrest warrant, suspected to be related to playing Johnny Rebel and Moonman music in public. Lastly, topping the ultimate in irony, both demonstrators AND trolls find themselves having a civilized debate in an unbelievable moment of unity, proving once and for all that Shia LaBeouf is a fucking joke.
- January 28 - The HWNDU stream hits critical chaos, as trolls outnumber demonstrators. In a successful effort to kill the memes and restore order, the property owners only allow people to speak group-by-group. They enforce this by erecting a fence, because irony is not their strong suit.
- January 30 - Disney announces that it'll be closing Club Penguin in late March. /v/ decides to give it one last raid for old time's sake. Swastikas were made, memes were spammed, and keks were had.
- February 5 - /pol/'s 111111111 GET predicts Trudeau will fall. This is incorrect.
- February 6 - /tv/ Anon(s) begin counting down the days until Avatar 2's release date. Time will tell if he/they are able to keep it up.
- February 10 - Small changes are made to 4chan's archives: The latest archived threads now are viewable for only 3 days rather than 7, and the post count for each archived thread is removed. If you have a direct link to a thread you can view threads past 7 days old; It is yet to be seen how far back this is possible with some of the older threads archived at around 17 days (as of 2/21/2017). Easily demonstrated with threads that have "previous thread" in the OP.
- February 11 - Shia's HWNDU project is shut down by the museum. /pol/ celebrates.
- February 16 - Hiro finally removes Christmas Keksandra from the 4chan homepage and replaces her with Sachiko Koshimizu, after many requests from /qa/.
- February 17 - HWNDU returns, this time in Albuquerque, NM. Within days, /pol/ trolls the project all over again, even spray-painting over the camera whilst putting up graffiti.
- February 21-22 - Image posting goes down on the entire site. /qa/nts suspect that Hiro wants to ban mobileposters. The theory is dropped after some Anons report that they can't post images from their PCs. Posting also fails to work for periods of time in different places, from the entire globe to single countries.
- February 22 - Hiro finally took notice of the glitch and fixed it. The only explanation about it is that it was a "site issue" which really doesn't explain much. The glitch also killed many images over many boards, resulting in image dump threads becoming wastelands. Many stickies are now devoid of pictures and are eventually replaced.
- March 6 - Someone on /b/ posts a mobile chatlog of a 19-year-old German who murdered the 9-year-old child of his neighbors. The log shows the murderer sharing explicit gore images of the victim with his friend. Said two participants are talking about uploading it on 4chan. The murderer claims to be suicidal and he doesn't want to work anymore. As of March 7, he is still on the run. German media reported about the case.
- March 7 - Apparently, the German murderer killed another person, a middle-aged woman, and uploaded images of it on /b/. This has yet to be confirmed.
- March 8 - The German killer starts up another Q&A thread on /b/, this time he even posted some sort of manifesto, confirming that he is "Maruseru" and that his bodycount is now 5. A possible German police officer posts with a timestamp in the same thread, however, he referenced /b/'s famous board subtitle text in another image. The killer claims he's going to post another thread on the 9th at 9pm. 4chan gets namedropped and showed in German television. Also, mods start a crackdown on /qa/'s spambots, which is not received well by some users.
- March 9 - Maruseru gives up after burning a house and killing two people again for unknown reasons. At 9pm, he stormed into a diner and asked them to call the police. He was arrested, /b/ is split between cheers and tears. Shia's HWNDU project goes live again on March 8, this time in a completely unknown location. The stream simply broadcasts a flagpole with a white flag saying "He Will Not Divide Us", in front of nothing but the sky. Within 24 hours, /pol/ correctly triangulates the whereabouts of the flag, based on what was available from the stream, including plane routes, star patterns, bird calls, frog croaks, wind direction, the position of the sun, playing marco-polo with an anon's car horn, and pure autism power.
- March 10 - The flag is removed by an unknown /pol/ user and replaced by a MAGA hat and Pepe shirt for fifteen minutes, before it's removed by someone else. The stream shuts down 25 minutes later. /pol/: 3, Shia: 0. The anon then collected the flag and put it on display. 5
- March 13 - Audio webms have been enabled on /r/ and /wsr/.
- March 20 - 4)) dies on World Frog Day and Barron Trump's birthday, /pol/ litters their catalog with celebratory threads.
- March 22 - Shia LaBouef, still learning nothing, sets up his HWNDU project for the fourth time, this time hosted in Liverpool, England. Within an hour, a terrorist attack happens in London, resulting in the death of four people. As the happening continues, /pol/ quickly figures out where the flag is.
- March 23 - An anon in Liverpool makes it to the top of the building, fails to remove the flag and the police are called. The anon gets away and the museum shuts down the exhibit once more at the advice of the police.
- March 29 - Shia LaBeouf, after getting BTFO for the fourth time by /pol/, moves his project to Finland and changes the name of his project from HWNDU to AloneTogether. This project consists of him, Rönkkö (the Finnish semen demon) and Turner living in separate wood cabins on the isolated island of Lapland. During this time, Shia and Co. will have no access to phones, computers etc. The only way they can communicate with the outside world is through a small video chat that is linked with the Kiasma Museum from Helsinki, where visitors can talk with them. This project is planning to start on 12 April and last for about a month.
- March 29, 30 - Club Penguin shuts down, /v/ has one final raid for the purple republic before it shuts down and then looks back on it all.
- April 1 - Reddit adds a new subreddit called /r/Place. /pol/, upon hearing about it, begins to raid it and spam Pepes and Tranny Flags. The inaugural thread (and an archived version). Boards are merged as an April Fools joke, resulting in: /can/ - Animals/Cute, /cock/ - Comics & Cartoons & Cooking, /fap/ - Fashion & Photography, /fitlit/ - Well-Rounded Citizens, /mo/ - Mecha & Auto, /mtv/ - Video Killed The Radio Star, /mlpol/ - My Little Politics, /outsoc/ - Outdoor Socialization, /spa/ - Tanoshii Sports and /vint/ - International Vidya. [s4s] celebrates its 4th birthday, with good wishes from all boards 9, but the thread is deleted for an unknown reason just as the day began. Swaglord also pulls of the greatest ruse in history, stickying what seemed to be a link to a future get, but when clicked leads to a secret duckroll thread 1011. Barneyfag gets banned on /qa/, twice. An idiot on /b/ also got banned thrice for using 8cuck. /cock/ got a McChicken sticky and also this entertaining thread. /fitlit/ had a thread stickied. /vint/ celebrated getting its dubs back. Flags on /spa/ revealed that a large number of /a/ users were from South America. For first few hours, /mlpol/ was in a bloody civil war, but soon /pol/ realized /mlp/'s horse porn have chased away many low effort threads and actual discussion starts to take place amongst floods of pony porn. /mlp/ and /pol/ both share their interests and autism, and become best friends
- April 2 - After the merge was undone, /pol/ goes back to full shitpost mode. Quality in discussions suffer in /a/ as a result of the flags, posters are accused of being Canadian or South American when they state an unpopular opinion; /a/ risks devolving into /pol/.
- April 3 - A legendary get thread on esfores is posted, getting ~1500 replies and an insane number of dubs 12
- April 7 - /qa/ is frozen for reason unknown. Likely the immense amount of /mlpol/ threads.
- April 8 - /int/'s 73333333 GET gets wasted by a Jap Flag, confirming that Japanese people are the worst posters on 4chan. 15
- April 12 - The first day of Shia's "AloneTogether" project. Finnish /pol/acks begin to visit the museum and fuck around with Shia and Co. Some /pol/acks pose in front of the cameras doing the CIA pose. Some /pol/acks managed to make Shia say "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" on the livestream chat and also tell a strange story about his childhood toilet trauma. Shia goes berserk.
- April 13 - /pol/ has another session of trolling but this time,the security is much tighter and after 10 minutes, they get kicked out. One managed to walk around in front of the cameras while wearing a Pepe mask before a guard kicked him out. The Twitter hashtag for the event gets leaked on /pol/, resulting in a shitstorm visible on a television inside the museum. Meanwhile, /pol/ begin working on pinpointing Shia's cabin. A group of 4-5 Finnish /pol/acks planned to visit the cabin during the weekend to give Shia a warm greeting and a MAGA hat.
- April 16 - /qa/ is brought back from being frozen, as shown with this thread, but the majority of the community doesn't noticed till April 22
- April 27 - A manager stickies a thread on /pol/ announcing the possible creation of a new off-topic politics board in order to keep /pol/ focused on political discussion. The manager asks for suggestions on a board name (three letters max) and a board title. Ideas tossed around include /hap/ - Happenings, a resurrected /mlpol/, /id/ - Ideology, /fag/ - Foreign Appreciation Generals, and /kek/ - Autism/Frogposting. Other /pol/ users claim that this is what Shia wanted: Division.
- May 1 - /a/'s favorite BitTorrent tracker for anime, Nyaa, goes down permanently. Nobody, not even the site's staff, is sure why. /a/ suffers a shitstorm as many newfags are left in the dust as to how to obtain their shows.
- May 3 - In an effort to revive or mirror Nyaa as good as possible, anons from both /g/ and /a/ come together and recreate a working mirror of the site.
- May 4 - The trial board /bant/ - International/Random gets added, which is basically /b/ with flags. It's /pol/'s cumdump. Many anons are upset about the fact that Hiro, instead of enforcing the rules and cleaning the boards, he makes new boards to dump all the cancer from other boards in it.
- May 5 - The 99999th /bant/ GET is achieved by Cirno, who declares war against frogposters, Chirumiru Cirno is also embedded into the thread. 16 A moderator also posts in the thread. 17
- May 9 - A new anti-spam filter appears to have been enabled, catching posts seemingly at random and presenting a "Connection Error" message when using the Quick-Reply form instead of the usual spam message. When posting using the old reply form, you are informed that "Your IP or IP range has been banned," when in reality it hasn't been. This message is additionally displayed to 4chan pass users.
- May 12 - A mod posts a Kemono Friends shitpost thread on /b/. The thread autoplayed this video and added a fancy background image. In another post, the mod posted "われわれは" in bright red blinking letters. A final HTML post was made that encouraged people to get inspired by Kaban. The thread was linked in /a/'s KF thread which derailed it.
- May 13-14 - Both /int/ and /bant/ get Eurovision Song Contest stickies, /bant/'s thread reaches over 3000 replies, /int/'s sticky gets 14000.
- May 17 - Hiromoot makes a text thread test on /qa/ and accidentally disables image posting on the entire imageboard for a few minutes. Many anons go crazy,thinking that he is turning 4chan into a textboard and beg him to stop,others assault him with requests to delete /pol/. 18
- May 18 - A guy on /x/ made a thread about how he saved his family by imitating the sound of a shotgun reload with his mouth. A new copypasta was shortly born. 19
- May 21 - /bant/ raids itself with the same picture of an old man with Alzheimers and edits thereof. An Argentinian starts a thread posting a picture of an old man with the comment 'ask someone with Alzheimer anything' 20, other anons catch on and follow suit, it avalanches from there until the entire catalog is filled with lost old men. 21 This goes on for a few hours until a mod deletes all threads with pictures of the old man.
- May 27 - Captcha is broken for non-pass users for some hours, the pass users mock the poorfags as a result. The post quality increased on several boards.
- June 2 - Originally meant for a Japanese audience, Hiro and another minor celebrity were found livestreaming a mobile game. People were wondering what Hiro was thinking. The stream peaks at around 160 viewers. Hiro later visited /v/'s thread.
- June 12 - /v/ reaches its 380M GET on the night of E3. The post is just replying to two people with a "your tears are delicious" image.
- June 13 - Old flags are added to /pol/ again since being removed in 2015 as well as keeping the geolocation flags. A "new flag testing thread" is stickied.
- June 17 - The moderators and local janitors actively start deleting caption threads on /d/. This resulted in a lengthy meta discussion thread on /qa/.
- June 19 - Moderators were contacted on IRC and gave a short statement that these threads have never been allowed on /d/ in the first place.
- June 20 - /r9k/ finally gets a Mod-made locked sticky forbidding users to not only post pictures of themselves but also ask for them of other users. The sticky is also a reminder that such posts and threads belong on /soc/. The original sticky also remains.
- June 21 - /bant/ succeeds in trolling an edgy dutch girl by making her open her "MUH DEPRESSION" cuts and put lemon and salt on them. Also tripfag town rapist breaks his phone mid-thread 22
- June 21-23 - /g/ apparently discovers the purpose behind ekansovi, in that it could be an adblock-evading script using unique cookies to track and possibly identify posters via exploits. It was found out that 4chan's native javascript linked to ekansovi. In response, gorhill adds 4chan to uBO's Upmanager. Later, ekansovi seems to have been shut down for reasons unknown.
- June 23 - Users on /d/ start making meta threads.
- June 25 - Other popular topics such as CYOA and Erotic Fiction are now being deleted on /d/.
- June 26 - The meta discussion on /d/ reaches its peak with an uproar in form of a thread that gathered over 1200 replies. More than 100 users participated.
- June 28 - The mods post a clarification sticky. It was also confirmed in IRC that caption threads and the like have always been deleted, on all pornographic boards. The second meta thread also reached over 1200 replies in response to the sticky.
- July 6 - All boards except for /a/, /b/, /v/, /vg/ and /pol/ break. Refugees are welcomed in a /b/ thread, and adventurous users recreate their generals in /a/.
- July 10 - /vp/ is flooded with Discord/Pokeporn spam, completely obliterating the catalog. The spam then wipes /vg/ clean, followed by /v/, where just eight threads survive.
- July 12 - A site-wide message linking to is displayed in thread reply mode. This day was dedicated across the internet to shill Net Neutrality. /b/ raids Habbo Hotel again and actually manages to coordinate an almost-perfect swastika. /qa/ gets raided with loli threads.
- July 13 - 4chan scrambles to achieve a 1500000000000.jpg GET as the Unix time passes 1.5 billion seconds at 2:40am GMT. Nobody gets it as expected. An /a/non comes the closest, posting a picture 114 milliseconds past the milestone. Gentlemen from /g/, /qa/ and [s4s] flood to congratulate him.
- July 19 - /his/torians decides to do a bi-monthy hunger games thread featuring historical figures. Whether or not they actually do it is uncertain.
- July 20 - Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington hangs himself. /mu/ has a rolling sticky remembering the singer, although most of the sticky is filled with lines from In The End and Crawling In My Skin. Many boards visit the thread to pay tribute. /pol/ finds cause for celebration since Chester had previously declared Donald Trump a greater threat to the USA than terrorism.
- July 25 - Adobe declares the end of Adobe Flash in 2020. Havoc breaks loose in /f/ and a sticky gets made related to said announcement.
- July 31 - Hiroyuki announces and releases on /qa/ an official search engine for 4chan. It leaks posts from /j/ and /test/. It is disabled a few hours later.
- August 5 - [s4s] and /b/ receive stickies dedicated to the upcoming Pickle Rick episode of Rick & Morty. A video with the song "Pickle Rickers In The House Tonight" is embedded, as well as an animated gif of dancing Pickle Rick and Pickle Chaikaface.
- August 6 - The Pickle Rick episode airs. /tv/ is impossible to use for hours as it drowned in pickleposting. "Pickle Rickers In The House Tonight" plays in the background. The cursor becomes Pickle Rick.
- August 8-17 - /tv/ latches on to Sneedposting, referencing the wordplay gag "Sneed's Feed & Seed - Formerly Chuck's" from The Simpsons. Fa/tv/irgins gather to theorize the real meaning of the gag, discussing the history of Chuck and Sneed as well as trying to figure out why Sneed turned Chuck's Fuck & Suck into a seed-selling business. The meme takes over every non-Sneedposting Simpsons thread and soon spreads to other threads on the board.
- August 17 - Mods make a sticky for the upcoming American solar eclipse on /sci/.
- August 18 - One of the mods on /tv/ goes on a rampage and spends five hours deleting Sneedposts.
- August 19 - A Dutch /bant/er steals the 33333333 GET from /vp/ with a picture of Kagari. A butthurt mod who tried to take the GET for himself immediately bans him for a day 23 and deletes the thread before anyone can reply. Archive of the thread
- August 21 - The /sci/ sticky explodes as the eclipse proceeds travelling over America.
- August 25 - The plot to Half-Life 2: Episode 3 gets leaked by the former lead writer onto the Internet. /v/ gets a sticky with a link to the leak and "It's dead, jim." written underneath it, and this song on autoplay.
- August 30 - An anon on /co/ manages to get a subtly insulting letter printed on the fan mail section of one of Marvel's worst comics, mods sticky a thread about it. It eventually turns into a celebration of all the things 4chan has achieved over the years, while also becoming proof that half of /co/ doesn't understand sarcasm.
- August 31 - /bant/'s 2000000 GET is fiercely contested by Cirno and a Dutch anon posting Kagari: Cirno wins, stickying the GET, leading to mass butthurt on the latter's part.
- September 8 - Anon accidentally doxxes himself after putting a letter with his address under a glass with a spider inside in a microwave. People proceed to send Dominos and Chinese food at his address. Some anons managed to find his real Facebook account and his sister's. Archive
- September 15 - After failing on /jp/, a spammer decides to target the innocent /po/. The entire catalog was wiped by Mexican Easter toads and only about 12 threads survive.
- September 16 - The devs recover the archived /po/ threads. This marks the first time that threads have been restored.
- October 6-7 - Ylilauta raids 4chan, especially /pol/, by spamming copypasta of Marutei Tsurunen. 4chan reacts by blocking Finland from posting on all boards for almost the whole weekend.
- October 12 - Suiseiseki is revived on /bant/ after its tragic desu-worthy death on /b/ back when moot was still a faggot. LET THE DESU HELL BEGIN! 24
- October 21 - An anon on /v/ known as 4chanleaker as his Switch name or Brainlet, finds an copy of Super Mario Odyssey and decides to leak the game. People on the thread think he's lying, but then he streams the intro and posts screenshots and the show begins. The brainlet keeps streaming for hours while anons laugh out the game for being too empty and bland. Meanwhile on NeoGAF a huge drama takes loose where the owner of the site has been accused of sexual assault against a woman. Users get banned, staff members step down (and get banned as well) and the owner has plans to shut the website down. Neogaf gets 404's at least 3 times. A sticky with the message “The NeoGAF scandal and/or bitching about social justice garbage is NOT VIDEO GAMES. Threads posted about it will be deleted and the posters warned or banned. If you want to talk about it go to /pol/. If you want to stay on /v/, then talk about VIDEO GAMES.” gets made on /v/ to move the NeoGAF discussion elsewhere, linking to /pol/, with a picture of moot with a quote "It has the most basic fucking rules: Talk about video games!".25 Faggot mods start censoring hard on NeoGaf threads, which result in /v/ finding out that one of the mods named 'Beam' is female single mother roastie who most likely frequents NeoGaf. /v/ users get confused about the censoring, since NeoGaf is a big video game board, which resulted in /v/ migrating to /pol/ to talk about NeoGaf. Due to the overwhelming shitposting about NeoGaf on /pol/, /pol/ users get mad and help /v/ users who want to celebrate NeoGAF's death start shitposting on /v/. Shitposting commenced, with either /v/ posting John Morris "He does it for free" meme to piss off mods, and just straight up NeoGAF posting, which of course resulted in bans. The event would result in half of the United Kingdom and parts of Canada to get temporarily ISP banned. Canada should have stayed banned. /a/ gets a new rule, low-effort, catchphrase and template threads are now banned. Statements from various mods on IRC confirm that generals are allowed again, they just should follow the new rule.
- October 23 - Hiro comes on /qa/ and gets asked if he can allow NeoGaf threads on /v/. Hiro than eternally BTFO /v/ mods by letting a single, stickied thread about the NeoGAF question to be allowed on /v/, which resulted in the thread to be more about /v/ laughing at the mods more than laughing/discussing the NeoGAF situation. Later, after more than two years, /qa/ becomes a listed board. [s4s], /r9k/, /vip/ and /qa/, much like /cm/, /hm/, /lgbt/ and /y/, are merged into their own section on the board list.
- October 27 - Catalonia declares independence (and fails), resulting in a /pol/ sticky. The Catalonian flag is added as a troll flag on /pol/.
- October 30 - The CSS theme gets changed to the spooky Halloween theme once again. In addition, pass users can also type "tricks" into the options field which attaches a pumpkin to the name field that tracks how many replies they've gotten.
- October 31 - /pol/ raids real life by putting up pieces of paper that say "It's okay to be white" in a calm, black font, in response to a police investigation at Boston College over "Don't apologize for being white" signs being placed on their campus. Aiming to prove that the media and the snowflakes will turn the harmless posters into a major shitstorm and out themselves as racists, /pol/ succeeds as usual. Posters are ripped off, school principals explicitly state that the message is hateful, the media shits bricks and /pol/'s point is proven. Collection of media and snowflake butthurt, as well as a Ghostbin.
- November 19 - /bant/ is on suicide watch after a thread moved from /pol/ gets »2999999 & »3000000. many users call for /bant/ to no longer be /pol/'s trashcan.
- December 13 - /v/ gets it's 400 millionth post. It declares Saika Totsuka to be best girl (boy). /v/ experiences full-blown butthurt.
- December 16 - Retarded "fem"anon superglues "her" butthole shut on /b/ for 100 dollars but faggot op does not deliver
- December 18 - /g/ discovers something major. Three shady new domains, two of which were registered earlier in the month and one of which isn't registered, now show up in ad-blocking extensions. Two of the domains belong to a suspicious Ukrainian company, and filtering out the domains ruins 4chan's CSS. Later investigation of the malware-ridden advertisements shows that the Ukrainian domains host a variant of the Nemucod ransomware. Word is passed around that Hiro was hired by MGID to put these ads on 4chan, and that the payload added to 4chan is being used to data-mine or mine crypto.
- December 20 - Hiro (presumably) blocks Desuarchive's IP address from both the and servers, rendering it unable to archive. and also appear to be showing similar issues.
- December 29 - William Shatner makes a post on /tv/ 26
- January 16 - A new sticky with an embedded video appears on /bant/.
- January 22 - Image posting is broken site-wide for over 18 hours. The blame is put on Cloudflare although no one really knows what's up. Anonymous is converting images to braille characters (example) and swaglord embeds a few images here and there. Since threads rarely prune, this allows different boards to compete for who can have the most posts in one thread before they die.
- January 23 - 4chan disables Legacy Captcha support, forcing all users to use Google's broken garbage Captcha for every post from now on. Users are not pleased.
- january 29 - Hiro does an exquisite šhïtpõśt on /v/.
- January 31 - Hiro posting on /qa/
- February 1 - Bitcoin begins to crash, hard. swaglord shitposts about it on 27, cryptocentral in case you didn't know. /biz/ Goes on full suicide watch mode, resulting in spams of red angry faced wojaks usually screaming or reciting sad/angry lyrics from various songs, such as LinkinPark, Guns N, Roses, and Nirvana.
- February 1 - A mod (likely swaglord) continues the recent mod shitpost spree on /b/. Public bans rain from the sky once more like the good old days.
- February 4 - Ekureiru goes to Gensokyo. He was a good lad.
- February 8th - Reminiscent of a year ago Hiro gets another ad placed on the 404 page, tying into some video game called [Grand Summoners]. It advertises "paper 4chan money" for people with a pass.
- February 15/16 - Some kid shoots up a school in Florida. The mainstream media, eager for anything to spice up their story, come to 4chan. Since everything posted is of course true and factual, they are immediately pumped full of misinformation and made a gigantic national laughing stock by /pol/. Picture. 4Plebs. Archive.
- February 20 - 2hu fags at /jp/ celebrate the birth date of their prison as idolfags and javfags generals continue to infest the board.
- February 27 - After many years of its absence, Harmony Day makes a triumphant return to /v/. A sticky with autoplayed music and a gif of rainbow Yaranaika are posted. Happiness and joy abound for the few hours it's up.
- March 14 - Stephen Hawking dies. Hiro makes a site-wide announcement, "RIP Stephen Hawking 1942-2018 🙏". The search engine is back without any official announcement. An /r9k/ user streams himself committing suicide via shotgun on YouTube, shortly after holding up a sign that said "Bye R9K".
- March 15 - /a/, /b/, /v/ and /vg/ are frozen for over 14 hours. A lot of users flee to /qa/ as a substitute for their own boards making it the second fastest board on the site for a while.
- March 16 - The freeze continues and eventually even /pol/, /qa/ and other boards are frozen. An hour later the site works again. The outage lasted this long because Hiro was sleeping.
- March 19 - Several anons from /tv/, /v/, and /co/ edit and revision the wiki of Ready Player One multiple times before the wiki users removed said revisions.
- April 1 - 4chan's April Fools joke this year randomly assigns you to 1 of 5 teams based on the sum of your last two IP octets modulo 5. The teams are Team Creme, Team Mini, Team Peep, Team Peanut Butter, and Team Chocolate. A bar graph of each team's 'score' is shown in the announcement. It is not clear how this score is influenced, these scores are most likely predetermined and updated at regular intervals. The confused panic that resulted rendered most big boards almost completely unusable. In the end, Team Peanut Butter won and the winners got rickrolled.
- April 4 - First known post of a robot claiming to be blackmailed by a user known as Reiko. This is the start of a trend pertaining to trap "harems" in related discord servers, but information on whether blackmailing and such is actually prevalent is still unknown.
- April 2 - Many reported sadness due to the fact they'll never see their queens again.
- April 13 - Many boards have been frozen for over 7 hours. Reason unknown so far.
- April 15 - Actor Ronald Lee Ermey passes away due to complications related to pneumonia. An site-wide announcement gets made with the text: "R.I.P. Ronald Lee Ermey." Mods sticky another embedded video on /bant/.
- April 20 - Mods finally crack down on soyposting and add wordfilters. "soy" is now filtered to "onions", and any word with "soy" in it will turn it into "based" (e.g. soyboy becomes basedboy). As of April 29, /ck/ does not seem to have these filters. Later during the day, /co/ joins the big guys club with its 100M GET. Swedish musician Avicii dies at the young age of 28, resulting in a sticky on /mu/.
- April 24 - Many boards are frozen yet again for an unknown reason. After around 8 hours 4chan works again.
- April 25 - Yet again many boards are frozen for unknown reason.
- April 28 - The oekaki is added to /vip/.
- April 29 - Image uploading stops working site-wide, intermittently. An option to start threads with no picture is added on all boards except /f/. A thread is stickied on /qa/ saying "this is a text board now." Later in the day, image posting worked again, but the option to start a thread without an image remained as the developers worked on applying a "more permanent fix."
- April 30 - Image posting still worked, but it's still being touched up in the background. The option to start a new thread without an image has now been removed from all boards except for /a/, /b/, /v/, /vg/, and /pol/. A short time later, the aforementioned boards caught up.
- May 11 - Mods officially endorse Merulaposting.
- May 15 - An website for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 gets made with the game name and an possible hint or date. Because of this, an sticky gets made on /v/ and quickly goes past the 1000 post mark.
- May 22 - /b/ goes into seizure mode, with mods making a thread about "SWEET RAVE FURRET" and a techno remix of "Gangster's Paradise" in the background. Archive link
- June 2 - Loss was posted 10 years ago. /v/ gets a sticky.
- June 4 - Site dies A G A I N
- June 12 - E3 2018 begins. Super Smash Bros Ultimate is shown off, and /v/ goes crazy. /v/ gets a sticky after Ridley is announced for the game.
- June 18 - /tv/ reaches 100,000,000 posts. The 99999999 GET being a confused Sneed sign thread, and the 100000000 GET being a comment saying "why can't we just talk about movies". Perhaps the most board defining GETs imaginable.
- July 10 - Robot does vocaroo thread, ends up fulfilling sexual favors for anons and reads memes.
- July 30 - Posting is dead again, some boards don't load. Outrage lasted for about 5 hours.
- August 2 - Hiro starts a contest to design a 4chan Vtuber, with the winner receiving a lifetime 4chan pass.
- August 6 - The report function now lists a drop-down menu which allows reporters to specify what rule a user broke, rather than a single checkbox to indicate a broken rule.
- August 21 - Stefán Karl Stefánsson (Robbie Rotten) dies. /tv/ gets a sticky.
- September 7 - Terry Davis is confirmed to be dead. /g/ gets a sticky in his memorial and his picture is added to the regular /g/ sticky
- September 9 - /bant/ celebrates Cirno Day, which is canonized as an official board holiday via sticky.
- September 18 to 19 - PD, a prominent /bant/ namefriend known for entering private property and posting photos of his antics on /bant/, is snitched on by 'Normie' after vandalising an art gallery. Gets a visit from the sheriff, and teases possibility of going to jail. Initial Thread Follow-up
- October 1 - 4chan celebrates its 15th birthday. Swaglord stickies Crescent Fresh on s4s. Voting for the 4chan Vtuber opens. By midnight, the site crashes for reasons unknown and remains unusable to the masses for a span of roughly 15 hours.
- October 10 - /pol/s 188888888 get is shit.
- October 14 - /wsg/s obession with TikTok and a girl (boy) called Bonbibonkers eventually leads them into conflict with a group of Russians from 2ch's /fag/ board. At some point people started trying to dox Bonbibonkers and inadvertedly ressurected Ricardo Milos and DotA (by basshunter) into one meme. In the end, Bonbibonkers had to leave TikTok and the internet in general. It was for the better.
- October 24 - Someone discovers an old /sci/ post from 2011 that may have wound up solving a 25-year old mathematical problem.
- October 30 - The CSS theme gets changed to the spooky Halloween theme once again.
- November 11 - /b/ gets flooded with bees for hours. Mods are working full time, deleting threads as they appear, resulting in /b/ only having around 30 active threads for some time which briefly raised suspicion of Hiro cut number of total threads to reduce traffic.
- November 12 - Stan Lee dies. /co/ gets a sticky in his memorial.
- November 16 - The 4chan Twitter account makes a cryptic tweet: "A test will run."
- November 17 - D-Day hits 4chan: An announcement is made sitewide, approximately nineteen hours after the tweet: "Attention: All work safe boards are soon going to be on the domain. For now, all boards are accessible through either domain. Make sure to update your script blockers and whitelist the new domain." The whole of 4chan loses its collective shit. /qa/ receives a flood of shitposting related to the news, resulting in a massive spike in activity that temporarily makes /qa/ the fifth fastest board on the site. Hiro answers questions in a /qa/ thread, indicating that the move was due to being on a blacklist from advertising, and that having a domain to host the worksafe boards would bring about advertising once more. The "delete /pol/" oldfag renew their tirade by threatening to report /pol/posting on to advertisers in order to get the new domain blacklisted. swaglord stickies a petition on [s4s] demanding that they move to 4channel and become a blue board and avoid company with the NSFW boards.
- November 20 - Sachiko is removed from the front page.
- November 23 - The split is completed. All SFW boards automatically redirect to 4channel and the board list at the top only shows SFW boards.
- November 27 - Stephen Hillenburg, creator of Spongebob, dies. /co/ and /tv/ get a sticky.
- December 6 - An anon on /g/ buys the domain for and proceeds to dox a tranny
- December 12 - Posting "The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region" now results in a one day autoban due to an anti-Chinese copypasta containing it being spammed. Threads are made tricking people into posting it to get them banned.
- December 19 - The JSON API gets severely rate limited, only updating every 30 seconds or so.
- December 20 - /fit/ and /g/ are unexpectedly nuked of all their threads. It turns out that apparently somebody on /g/ hijacked a janitor's account. Both boards quickly turn into janny mockery, including numerous "JANNY ARE YOU OKAY?" song lyrics.
- December 22/23 - a furfag discord organizes a night raid on /Pol/. A bunch of furry porn and lefty thread's end up on /Pol/, owner of discord is doxxed and the raid cease's.
- December 24 - /wsg/ celebrates Christmas Eve as a TikTok girl (boy) called Bonbibonkers publicly returns to the internet in a spectacular Christmas miracle. The hype over this girl results in the largest /wsg/ thread since the Dodger Leigh threads in 2014.
- December 26 - /mlp/ has a christmas themed 33333333 GET.
- December 29 - s4s gets a random sticky
- January 4 - s4s gets a random sticky
- January 11 - /int/ reaches 100 million posts. The GET is an Italian posting a picture of a priest. The 99999999 GET, a much better GET, is claimed by /polska/.
- January 16 - /pol/ reaches 200 million posts. The post ominously read Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. The day will come when Jesus returns to slay the filthy kikes.
- January 22 - A plane carrying soccer team Cardiff City's record signing goes missing. A thread is stickied on /sp/ a few hours after the news breaks.
- January 24 - /pol/ kicks off the sequel to It's Okay To Be White. Users print out posters of Nick Sandmann (kid with a MAGA hat who stood and smiled at a Native American and got death threats from journalists and celebrities, even though the full footage released later shows that Sandmann did basically nothing) with the caption "Stand Your Ground" and post them up on campuses. As expected, journalists flip their shit in their articles and shills flip their shit trying to shut the threads down.
- January 25 - s4s gets a random sticky
- January 30-31 - /tv/ is raided by a Zootopia-spamming furry. The threads are mainly just pictures of Nick (and some Judy) without a comment, but as the raid continues, a comment is added: "Steven universe nor does The Sneedsons belong on /tv/". Later, the picture is a generic furry dog with the comment "im bored", then it's Nick again with a comment calling /tv/ "too based to be raided" and promising to raid /mu/ later.
- January 31 - The day of unJUSTing: actor Brendan Fraser pays his final monthly alimony to his wife, freeing him from ten years of his shit getting fucked up. /tv/ celebrates his redemption.
- February 1 - Hiro stickies a thread on /qa/ asking users to test "p4", a modified 4chan described as "yet another view of 4chan" which seems to be made for phoneposters. For some reason, this site requires an email registration AND a 4chan Pass (of course Hiro does this) to even make threads or post in threads. Hiro also mentions that /qa/ will soon be unlisted.
- February 2 - The new oldest non-sticky thread in 4chan history, a Reibear thread on /i/, dies peacefully after 1668 days.
- February 22 - /tv/ decides to fuck with Drake Bell again during a Twitch stream of him at a fan meetup. He becomes visibly upset, types out a bunch of insults, and cancels the stream prematurely after witnessing the sheer autistic faggotry from the chatroom. Stream and comments can currently be found here, highlight is in the last few minutes.
- February 25 - The image limit on /vg/ is increased from 250 to 375.
- February 27 - /v/ is once again filled with HARMONY and LOVE. A flavor of the month reddit pikachu meme gets stickied on s4s
- March 14 - A /pol/tard Aussie posts his manifesto on Facebook and 8chan and streams himself shooting up a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand. During the stream, he says “Subscribe to PewDiePie” and plays Serbia Strong and Gas Gas Gas. His manifesto contains further meme references such as the Navy Seal Copypasta (which Australian media fell for) and reveals his plan to stoke a larger divide beteeen the left and right. Fifty people are killed. The 17 minute footage of the stream is shared across 4chan, 8chan, and Liveleak, resulting in three New Zealand ISPs blocking the sites. Blue checkmarks stand on the bodies to renew their “shut down 4chan” narrative, even though 4chan technically has nothing to do with the shooter. PewDiePie is also dragged through the mud by the media. Calls to delete /pol/ ramp up again, although this will still never happen. [s4s] “officially” declares that they don’t want anything to do with /pol/ and cut ties with them.
- March 16 - Google announces "Stadia" at GDC 2019; /v/ gets a sticky. Furry scat/diaper porn gets stickied on s4s
- March 17 - Dick Dale dies at age 81; /mu/ gets a sticky.
- March 18-19 - Multiple New Zealand and Australian ISPs begin blocking 4chan, 8chan, Kiwi Farms, Liveleak, Zerohedge,,, Gab, Voat, xyzchan, and many others, depriving shitposters their right to sick bantz. The ISPs claim that these are temporary blocks and that websites which take action and remove the Christchurch footage will be removed from the block. Some only block at the DNS level, leading to easy workarounds by changing the DNS to OpenDNS or Google DNS. Others ISPs block at the IP level, leading to Tor and VPN usage.
- March 19 - brony gets the 7699999 on /bant/], dethroning the current queen (Cirno) and replacing her with a humanized Starlight Glimmer. s4s gets a random sticky
- March 22 - s4s gets a random sticky
- March 23 - /b/'s CSS layout was changed to a gif of Nyan Cat with the Nyan Cat theme playing in the background in honor of caturday, along with an official caturday thread where mods public banned furfags and ponyposters, embedded large images without thumbnails and /b/tards either posted old memes they found on Encyclopedia Dramatica or made typical "old meme cringe new meme good" posts. This thread strangely wasn't stickied. (This might of had something to do with Twitter, a social media website famous for popularizing the word "yikes" on the internet and also housing a userbase packed full of people blaming 4chan for the recent NZ shooting, making "caturday" a trending hashtag on the same day.) s4s gets a random sticky
- March 31 - Australian ISPs unblock all websites, including 4chan and 8chan. The Aussie shitposters return. A 22222222 GET on /trash/ gets stickied.
- April 1 - April Fools' Day returns. A like system is added to posting. Users earn points by liking posts, receiving likes, or making posts. Unlockable perks include the use of fortune, dice rolls, adding an emoji tag, hats, the /fit/ T-rex, and spooky skeletons. Some lament the low-effort attempt while most others rush to shitpost their way to the top. /mlp/ gets two stickies, /vp/ gets one sticky, /s4s/ gets one sticky, /sp/ gets one sticky, /mu/ gets one sticky & /v/ gets one sticky and a VGM playlist in the background. All NSFW boards have had broken catalogs since the day prior; /f/ loses it's embed function on the same day.
- April 2 - /mlp/ gets a sticky announcing the lift of some former board-specific bans, with the exception of rp/fetish threads and Anonfilly, Milky Way, and tulpa threads.
- April 6 - /mlp/ gets a sticky for discussion of season 9, episodes one and two of MLP: FiM
- April 8 - Popular Vocaloid producer wowaka passes away at the age of 31 due to an acute heart failure. /jp/ gets a sticky in his memorial.
- April 15 - Both /tv/ and /co/ get stickies reminding anons to always use spoiler tags. Gene Wolfe is confirmed dead; /lit/ gets a sticky. The Notre Dame burns down; /pol/ gets a sticky.
- April 16 - Monkey Punch dies at age 81. /a/ gets a sticky in his memorial and Sandra Hohn's "I Miss You Babe (Yes, I Do)" playing in the background. A Smash Brothers Ultimate 3.0.0 trailer appears without a direct; /v/ gets a sticky.
- April 18 - The redacted version of the Mueller report is was released to the public. /pol/ gets a sticky.
- April 19 - Koike Kazuo passes away on the 17th; /a/ gets a sticky.
- April 20 - /mlp/ gets a sticky for discussion of season 9, episode four of MLP: FiM
- April 27 - /mlp/ gets a sticky for discussion of season 9, episode five of MLP: FiM
- May 4 - s4s gets a random sticky. /mlp/ gets a sticky for discussion of season 9, episode six of MLP: FiM
- May 5 - Cinco de Mayo; /a/ gets a sticky with Himeko's Maho Song playing in the background.
- May 6 - Raphiposter gets the legendary "Kot" ID on /bant/. Frogposting slows down as a result. 28
- May 9-10 - Popular gaming YouTuber ProJared cheated on his wife and sent NSFW photos to underage fans; /v/ was spammed with threads about the incident and they were all quickly banned on sight, and a mod even stickied a thread saying, "An e-celeb cheating on his wife is not video games. Take it to /b/." And so they did, not only crossboarding to /b/ but /v/tards fled to /qa/ as well and started to mention the fact that viral marketing threads, constant "home" and vtmb threads, 10+ Smash """"""leak""""" threads at once, twitter screencap threads, /pol/ bait threads, Dunkey/Jontron/literalwho e-celeb threads were are allowed to stay up, but this one event specifically got banned from /v/ entirely without a second thought. On May 10th, Jared had officially lost over 100,000 subscribers. Moralfags from twitter spam clown pepe memes and wojacks on all of his social media. An 8000000 GET gets stickied on /bant/
- May 15 - YTMND is shut down; /f/ gets a sticky in memorial. Italy decided to air the next month of MLP:FiM ahead of schedule; /mlp/ gets a sticky
- May 16 - Joshua Schubart (who plays Frank on the series The Tick) pops in on /co/ and /tv/ after doing a Reddit AMA. It goes well on /co/ and about as you expect on /tv/. Both threads later get deleted, probably because he was advertising the show
- May 17 - /b/ reaches its 800m GET.
- May 20 - /tv/ gets a sticky for the Game of Thrones finale
- May 24 - Theresa May confirms resignation; /pol/ gets a sticky. [s4s] gets a Yosho v Spikeman sticky
- May 29 - All boards except /pol/, /v/, /vg/, /a/, and /b/ were frozen. and were also broken.
- June 6 - Pokémon Direct 6.5.2019 starts; /vp/ gets a discussion sticky
- June 8 - /mlp/ gets a sticky for discussion of season 9, episode eleven of MLP: FiM. /v/ gets two stickies; one for The EA Play e3 Press Conference and another one for the Nintendo 2019 World Championship Tournaments.
- June 9 - Microsoft E3 Briefing starts; /v/ gets a sticky
- June 10 - /v/ gets two stickies; one for the PC Gaming Show at e3 and another for the Ubisoft e3 Conference
- June 11 - /v/ gets two stickies; one for the Nintendo e3 direct and another for discussion of Banjo-Kazooie getting confirmed for Smash. /vp/ gets a sticky for Sword/Shield discussion
- June 12 - After a few days of lead-up, discord summerfags kick off a 'revolution' to have porn threads banned from the board. /b/tards in favor of the move make anti-porn threads with yellow images and bump dying yellow threads. Porn threads are spammed with pictures of yellow flags, recolored meme images and (rarely) original content and /b/tards make threads on porn boards to redirect them.
- June 13 - Yellowspammers continue the raid into the next day. An unintentional copypasta starts after several yellowposters say they're "actual oldfags from 2008", which is a common lie made up by post 2016 era newfags on 4chan when they read ED or KYM for the first time. Rumors claim that janitors were pissed off and started deleting yellow threads. A /b/ mod stickies a 10 hour loop of Eiffel 65's "Blue" with the comment "im /b/lue" and publicly bans the first poster for calling the mods faggots. Lolikons are left with no home to go to since lolis were banned on every other board. Not only could loli threads not survive on the board because of the spam itself, the threads also had image limits due to yellowfags bot spamming. After multiple failed loli threads, only getting around 50 replies (mostly filled with moralfag yellowspammers screeching) before 404, a loli thread was made which surprisingly slipped past yellowfags (likely due to bans from mods), although furries still raided/crossposted in it for whatever reason. The first yellowpost in the thread was public banned, confirming mods do love lolis and do not condone yellowfaggotry. Immediately after this victory from lolicons and furfags on /b/ alike, yellowfaggotry slowed down and non-meta porn threads started appearing again. A few hours later, a mod makes a textless thread on /qa/ with an invisible audio webm embedded into it, which says the following: "DUHHHHH, CRRRINNGGEE! DUUHHH BRINGEEE-CRINGEEEEE! IS THAT ALL YOU SHITPOSTING FUCKS CAN SAY? DuUuUuHHHHhhHH BASTE! BASTE! BASTE-CRINGE! CRINGE! BASTE BASTE CRINGE CRINGE CRINGE BASTE CRINGE! I FEEL LIKE I'M IN A FUCKING ASYLUM FULL OF DEMENTIA RIDDEN OLD PEOPLE (breath) THAT CAN DO NOTHING BUT REPEAT THE SAME FUCKING WORDS ON LOOP LIKE A FUCKING BROKEN RECORD.. (BREATH) CRINGE CRINGE CRINGE CRINGE! CRINGE BASTE BASTE ONIONS ONIONS SNNNOOYY ONIONS EL-O-EL ONIONS!!!11! CRINGE-BOOOOMMERR. LE ZOOMER I AM BOOOOOMEERR. NO ZOOM ZOOM ZOOMIES! ZOOMER GOING ZOOMIES (GRUNT). I FUCKING HATE THE INTERNET SO GODDAMN MUCH (breath) FUCK.. YOU SHITPOSTING G-HONEST TO GOD. FUCKING HOPE YOUR MOTHER CHOKES ON HER OWN FECES IN HELL, YOU COCKSUCKER OOOhHhHhHhooooOOOOOO I KNOW MY POST IS CRINGE! ISN'T IT? CRINGE CRINGE CRINGEY CRINGE BASED CRINGE BASED REDDIT CRINGE (breath) BASED CRINGE ZOOM, CRINGE, ONIONS (sigh) REDDIT BASED. BASED… ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR". The original audio is allegedly from this YouTube video titled "Based.mp4", uploaded on June 11, 2019. Janitors are now trying to seriously clean up the yellow spam on /b/. Yellows continue to spam; the board is now at a half yellow half porn ratio.
- June 14 - Pornfags are fighting hard against yellowspam on /b/; yellow groups get some help from 8/b/ and other fellow discord teens. The board is still at a half and half ratio for the first half of the day. Yellowfags start fighting each other over "stolen OC" and operations start falling apart; meanwhile on /b/ itself, yellowspam is still active on the board, but roll, rekt, story and sing along threads start popping up and get bumped.
- June 15-16 - Yellowfags keep pushing schlop and apu threads. Board is now a balance between porn and yellowspam, with the occasional roll or rekt thread.
- June 17 - Porn takes up more than half of /b/. Yellowfags are clearly in need of assistance.
- June 18 - Majority of yellow spam groups give up. /b/ is back to mostly porn and bait threads, with a tiny amount of yellow and meta wannabe oldfag threads.
- June 20-21 - 4chan goes down. People flood to 8chan to wait it out. /pol/ theorizes that this is because Iran shot down a US drone. On the day before the release of the Netflix NGE dub, /a/ had 1-3 discussion threads an hour discussing the dub and the impact it's going to have on /a/ for the next couple of weeks. At 3AM EST the dub is released and threads dedicated to the dub immediately start getting submitted. Shinji's VA in the new dub is a tranny, Fly Me To The Moon is removed and certain iconic lines are replaced, which causes every evafag on /a/ to go apeshit. Mods are already prepared and delete 10-20 Eva Netflix meta threads at a time.
- June 22 - /mlp/ gets a sticky for discussion of season 9, episode thirteen of MLP: FiM.
- June 25 - YouTube e-celeb Desmond "Etika" Amofah is confirmed dead by the NYPD, after going missing on the previous Wednesday and his presumed body being recovered from the East River the day before. Etika, known to have had mental health issues, had scheduled an eight-minute suicide note to be uploaded at midnight on June 19, titled "I'm Sorry" (apologizing for his manipulative behavior and never getting help). /v/ gets a sticky. Anti e-celeb anons complain about how mods stickied e-celeb drama since ProJared drama wasn't stickied because the mods said e-celeb drama isnt video games.
- June 29 - The MLP:FiM special episode “Rainbow Roadtrip" airs; /mlp/ gets a sticky. swaglord stickies pokemon breastfeeding porn on [s4s]
- July 2 - Cloudflare dies for an hour; 4chan and many of its spinoffs can't be accessed.
- July 6 - The creators of "Race with Ryan", a Mario Kart ripoff based off of the YouTube channel Ryan ToysReview, tried to promote their game on /v/
- July 10 - Images refuse to enlarge on /adv/. An unfunny raid lead by summerfags pursues on /ck/. Rip Torn dies at age 88; /tv/ gets a sticky
- July 12 - Kosovo flags are added to 4chan on this date or earlier. The first ever Kosovan flag appears on /pol/
- July 14 - /sp/ gets a sticky for the England vs New Zealand final of the Cricket World Cup.
- July 15-16 - An emo twink junkie kills his slutty friend, that r9k knew as Oxychan, and shared pictures of her bloody corpse with her discord orbiters. Turns out the faggot emo wasn't bluffing when a story came about 17 year old girl, Bianca Devins from Albany NY, getting her throat sliced open. The guy killed her out of jealously supposedly after a friend told him she was fucking guys behind his back and then after this confrontation, they went on a five hour road trip to a Queen concert and he brutally stabbed her. /b/ goes wild over this event and robots get feels because of pics like this. ED mod sets an edited image of her corpse as Picture of the Now. Before this incident she was an emo weeaboo that was into violence and had the personality of a typical lainfag, and often talked about her violence fetish and wanting to die. Bianca's story becomes the featured article of July 17-18 on ED.
- July 18 - Kyoto Animation Studio 1 is burned down by a possible train otaku who believes the studio ripped off his song and used it an episode of Hibike Euphonium. /a/ gets two stickies covering the news. Many lament the possible death of KyoAni animation, as 33 of the staff are burned to death, including Takemoto Yasuhiro, director of The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, and Lucky Star. Other boards send condolences. /a/'s catalog is filled with almost nothing but threads about the tragedy. Hiro adds a new global message; "Please consider donating to help the victims of the KyoAni studio fire:". The second /a/ sticky soon becomes the largest thread in /a/'s history, passing 25000 posts in just under a day. In other news, /wsg/'s file limit is increased from 4MB to 5MB.
- July 19-23 - [s4s] is about to get their 8000000 GET; a sticky is made. The 8000000 GET is stickied along with sixteen other threads. The board goes along with the stunt and makes i sell threads for three days. Then on the 22nd, all eighteen threads are unstickied and a new meta call-out thread for /qa/ is made.
- July 24 - Images refuse to enlarge on /c/. When trying to open them in a new tab, it would send you to a SSL error page.
- July 25-26 - Blue day on s4s. The Netherlands cracks down on sites hosting loli/shota material; Sad Panda is hosted in the Netherlands, and is therefore forced to shut down. They issue a 12 hour warning to download all of their shota/loli content before they get shut down. /h/ gets a sticky warning everyone to back up all of their favorite h-doujins. /h/ gets 4090% activity. Loli, shota and incest doujins are being actively removed before the shut down. Many boards band together to save their hentai, scans, comics, and other such things, or to discuss the events, such as /a/, /aco/, /bant/, /co/, /d/, /f/, /g/, /ic/, /int/, /jp/, /m/, /mlp/, /pol/, /qa/, /t/, /trash/, /u/, /v/, /vr/, and /y/. Other boards, thoroughly overtaken by newfags or created to contain newfags, celebrate Sad Panda's death, like /r9k/ and /s4s/. After a last ditch run to save everything, the domain goes down on July 26th at approximately 10:12:25am Dutch time, leaving behind a Non Non Biyori ending picture. Activity on /h/ rises, peaking at 6600% at 10:43am and 67.09 posts per minute, temporarily making /h/ the fastest board on 4chan (beating /v/'s 66.48ppm). It lasts only 3 minutes before updates /h/ again, making it drop to 60 posts a minute. On 26th, a /g/ anon makes a site-wide backup of Sad Panda. The thread makes it over three times the bump limit. It is however a troll.
- July 30 - s4s gets a sticky
- August 1 - s4s gets a another sticky
- August 2 - Psyche. The Panda returns, this time hosted in Moldova, "hopefully permanently". Many /h/ residents thank the Moldovan Spurdo for his help, while remaining wary and making sure to archive more content. The immediate traffic to Exhentai causes 503 errors to return. A mod posts on a /wsg/ thread for bigger webms thanks to the recent filesize limit increase and ups the limit from 5MB to 6MB. /v/'s new buzzword, "cumbrain", is given a word filter on the board ("cumbrain" becomes "gamer").
- August 3 - An /mlp/ anon gives Lauren Faust a letter written by the board. The thread proceeds past the bump limit. /mlp/ gets a sticky for discussion of season 9, episode eleven of MLP: FiM. /a/, /aco/, /co/, /d/, /e/, /f/, /gif/, /h/, /hc/, /hm/, /i/, /ic/, /mlp/, /news/, /pol/, /r/, /s4s/, /soc/, /sp/, /t/, /trash/, /u/, /v/, /vr/, /w/, /wg/ and /y/ all have their image limits increased from 250 to 300, while /qst/'s image limit is increased from 250 to 375. Two mass shooters kill a combined total of roughly 30 civilians in El Paso, TX and Dayton, OH, the former of whom reportedly posted a manifesto on 8chan and claimed to approve of the shooter's actions. Like all mass shootings, politicians and the media in the USA blame 4chan and Trump, stand on the victim's dead bodies to promote gun control, and launch racist attacks against white men. Infamous commie politician Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweets about 4chan and claims it's the place where radicalized young men go to after radicalization.
- August 4 - The SadPanda backup sticky on /h/ passes 73000 posts and officially becomes the largest thread in the history of 4chan, taking the crown from /pol/'s 2016 election sticky. Shortly afterwards, the thread is unstickied and later gets archived. Many begin to pay respects and repeat the iconic statement "through dick, unity." The thread's final post count is of uncertainty. gives a count of 73274, while Archive of Sins reports a count of 74553.
- August 5 - Cloudflare reverses its policy and cuts off protection to 8chan, because apparently white supremacy will stop existing once 8chan dies. 8chan struggles to find an alternative and floods to 4chan for the time being. Even Hotwheels himself (the former owner) has had enough of 8chan and demands the current owner to shut the site down, stating that he's sick of dealing with calls from the media every time shit happens and that the site is a "megaphone" for shooters.
- August 6 - Duplicate file bug occurs on /v/. /b/ gets a furry sticky/CSS; 7 posts in and there's already a public ban
- August 10 - An anon on /pol/ spills information about the death of Jeffery Epstein before reporting it to any authorities or press. The post in questioned was then reviewed by the FDNY. /mlp/ gets a sticky for discussion of season 9, episode fifteen of MLP: FiM
- August 11 - After two and a half years of /qa/ effectively being a 2D/Random board due to extensive user moderation, a manager had enough and begins to rangeban anyone posting 2D/Random content on /qa/. Board activity falls by 90% as a result.
- August 13 - s4s gets another shitpost sticky, now having three current stickies.
- August 14 - Shooting in Philadelphia; /pol/ gets a sticky
- August 15 - /vg/ gets a DOTA sticky
- August 17 - Richard Williams dies; /co/ gets a sticky in memorial
- August 22 - /qa/, now moderated, begins to receive public bans similar to /a/: public ban. 4chan's boards go down at approximately 12:25am and return half an hour later. Connecting to 4chan appears lethargic with repeated timeouts and Cloudflare issues for hours to come.
- August 25 - A Dutch media service called Videoland uploads the remaining episodes of MLP:FiM, including the series finale. /mlp/ goes fucking apeshit and gets a spoiler bunker sticky.
- August 27 - Fight between Frogposters and weebs continues on /qa/. Animeposter makes an anti frogposter thread Mods publically unban him
- August 29 - Posting on 4chan is fucked. Some posts can get through, but most of the time, it returns a Connection Error. Apparently posts can go through despite the errors, according to some reports. The shittiness continues into August 30 as everybody calls Hiro a gook.
- September 9 - /jp/, /a/, /v/, /c/ and /bant/ celebrate the 10th annual Cirno day; meanwhile on /bant/, a cirnoposter tries to get the 99999 GET but is off by one, and a kagposter gets the 99999 GET. /bant/ gets a cirno sticky and every single frogposter gets public banned. Many call this the "Day of The Lake".
- September 10 - [s4s] gets a random sticky
- September 13 - Mods tell a /qa/ ledditor to get fucked
- September 14 - Stallman defends Epstein and gets fired by FSF; A /g/ anon suggests Nagoor Babu be the new thumbnail for the /g/ sticky; mods fulfill his request. /g/ is spammed with Stallman pedo threads and discussion threads about who should be featured in the sticky.
- September 15 - Mods on /g/ remove the Nagoor sticky and replace it with a Satania sticky, but the mod forgot to put on his nametag; once again the board goes in chaos. s4s gets a sticky.
- September 16 - Original Stallman /g/ sticky from December 20, 2015 is restored; the Terry/Satania sticky are included in the posts below it.
- September 17 - /g/ gets a RMS general sticky. It consists of nothing but bickering for 10 hours, then it later devolves into loliposting and mods don't pay attention.
- September 19 - s4s gets a sticky
- September 25 - /f/ anon emails 4chan staff about the end of flash support. 4chan devs confirm they're working on a "permanent replacement" of the original flash player so /f/ can remain on the site.
- October 1 - 4chan turns 16. The party hats are enabled on all boards as usual. s4s gets three stickies
- October 9 - A German shooter mimicking Tarrant attempts to storm a synagogue. He fails miserably and becomes the laughingstock of /pol/ for multiple days. There are several hints he frequents imageboards.
- October 10 - 4chan is mentioned on German TV and other media. Just in time for its ninth anniversary /mlp/ gets a sticky after a russian hacker once again leaks production files, resulting in a total of 434GB leaked and three simultaneous rolling stickies being up at the same time, the other two about the anniversary itself and the previous dutch leaks.
- October 12 - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic's last three episodes air. The event is stickied on /mlp/, and /mlp/'s activity is more than 500% above normal.
- October 13 - s4s gets a new sticky
- October 25 - s4s gets a sticky
- October 31 - Annual spooky skeletons CSS arrives
- November 4 - /vp/ gets a sticky
- November 8 - s4s gets a sticky
- November 13 - /pol/ gets a sticky
- November 18 - Half Life: Alyx is announced by Valve on Twitter; /v/ gets a sticky in response.
- November 25 - s4s gets a sticky
- December 2 - s4s gets a sticky
- December 4 - s4s gets a sticky
- December 5 - s4s gets a lewd Onpu sticky
- December 6 - A Western Sahara flag appears for the first time ever, posting on /pol/. It's not known when the flag was added to 4chan, although it may have been on the same day as the Kosovo flag (circa July 12, 2019).
-'s 4chan-history (Archived by the Bibliotheca Anonoma) - A page dealing with 4chan's earliest history, written by a former admin.
- Everything Shii Knows (Archived by the Bibliotheca Anonoma) - A personal wiki created by Shii, an important primary source for World2ch, most anonymous textboards before 2006, and 4chan before 2006. Currently a moderator at Wikipedia.
- <html><s></html>"" Article source<html></s></html> archived version.
- "" early world2ch post about 4chan.
- "" Screencaps of December 22 - 2013 raid
- "" - Giant picture archive
- "" - Archived thread of the April 23 hack. <html><s></html>Gallery - ""<html></s></html> The gallery has been expunged.
- "" - Plus4chan's archived /pkmn/ board, giving an idea how /vp/ was in its early days.
Category:Articles Category:Articles that need more categories