DQN Short Novel
The DQN Short Novel - currently untitled - is an ongoing collaborative project which began on the 6520th of September 1993. It is well known for its erratic narrative, non-linear chapter order and general lack of coherence or plot.
At the end of the first thread, it was revealed that it was in fact the first of a trilogy, defying the usual constraints of the categorisation "short novel" - namely, being a short novel.
The novel is currently being recorded as part of the DQN Short Novel Audiobook Project.
Book 1
EPILOGUE: Dying Flames of a Dokyun's Heart
Chapter 4: It's Always Sunny In Venice
Chapter 3 Version II: Nobody Cares About Venice
Chapter 4: A gaseous cat in the knee
Part 4: Clandestine Cat Culture and the Carnivorous Calico Cormorant
Book 2
Prologue: The Death of DQN-kun's Motivation to Continue His Short Novel
Chapter One: Love and TEA ON A BLACK AFTERNOON ~ Phantasmagoria of Indecent Degustation
CHAPTER 3: HARRY UP and the Goblet of Beer
Chapter 104: Return of the Great Sky Loli and Tharsh's Insatiable Appetite for Toast
Chapter 104-B: Return of the Great Sky Shota
CHAPTER 3 + 4i: Partially Imaginary Tea Party ON DRUGS
Chapter 4 - i<sup>-2<sup>10<sup>100</sup></sup></sup>: The Penis with a Thousand Lacerations
Chapter 5. The Dreaded Penis Flytrap
Chapter 6. Goscone the Razorback Hog and his Ridiculous Rumpus
Chapter 8: Over the River and Through The Hair
CHAPTER e<sup>i</sup>: The Moment After the Beginning
Chapter 2x(NEET)-1^(cot y): In Which the GSL Gets All Tangled Up In A Bunch of Sinister Plots
Chapter 37.9299292: Michelle Obama is Fat and Angry
Chapter 八百万: The Night of Endless Bifurcations
Chapter dick: in which DQN attempts to deliver DQN-ness and struggles to do so.
Book 3
Prologue: Mr Gray and his Exploding tripcode pals
Chapter Dragon Dildo, Part 2: In the Briar Patch, GSSiblings To Issho ~ ラブラブ 150% EDITION ~
Chapter 222: The Untold Elegance of A Young Girl's Cute Anus
Chapter Genghis: A Sweet End to a Bitter Non Sequitur
Chapter: A Rude Rebeginninging / Chapter 1: Conquest of Western China
Chapter 10: Pedantic Interlude
Chapter Butts: A Vacation Interrupted
CHAPTER MXMIII: The Pure Love of
Chapter 2.71828: The Bombastic Bison of the Bolivian Blood Basin