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DQN Short Novel

The DQN Short Novel - currently untitled - is an ongoing collaborative project which began on the 6520th of September 1993. It is well known for its erratic narrative, non-linear chapter order and general lack of coherence or plot.

At the end of the first thread, it was revealed that it was in fact the first of a trilogy, defying the usual constraints of the categorisation "short novel" - namely, being a short novel.

The novel is currently being recorded as part of the DQN Short Novel Audiobook Project.


Book 1

Book 2

Prologue: The Death of DQN-kun's Motivation to Continue His Short Novel

Chapter One: Love and TEA ON A BLACK AFTERNOON ~ Phantasmagoria of Indecent Degustation

CHAPTER 2: ROYAL JAPANESE SAUSAGE, THE TIDAL "BORE", THE GREAT BEARS OF KADIAK, OLAF'S GREAT LESSON, and THE GRASP OF CIRCUMSTANCE: A weird series of tales of shipwreck and disaster, from the earliest part of the century to the present time, with accounts of providential escapes and heart-rending fatalities

CHAPTER 3: HARRY UP and the Goblet of Beer

Chapter 104: Return of the Great Sky Loli and Tharsh's Insatiable Appetite for Toast

Chapter 104-B: Return of the Great Sky Shota

CHAPTER 3 + 4i: Partially Imaginary Tea Party ON DRUGS

Chapter -7 + 24i: Nope

Chapter 4 - i<sup>-2<sup>10<sup>100</sup></sup></sup>: The Penis with a Thousand Lacerations

Chapter 5. The Dreaded Penis Flytrap

Chapter 6. Goscone the Razorback Hog and his Ridiculous Rumpus

Chapter 8: Over the River and Through The Hair


CHAPTER e<sup>i</sup>: The Moment After the Beginning

Chapter 2x(NEET)-1^(cot y): In Which the GSL Gets All Tangled Up In A Bunch of Sinister Plots

Chapter 37.9299292: Michelle Obama is Fat and Angry

Chapter 八百万: The Night of Endless Bifurcations

Chapter dick: in which DQN attempts to deliver DQN-ness and struggles to do so.

Chapter dick, episode 3: The Great Sky Shota's Quest

CHAPTER FINAL: A Wedding, a 999 GET and the Untimely Revival of Ugly Baby the Almighty Overlord of an Unfortunately Placed Thermometer Which Caused the World Much Trouble For Years to Come who was capable of miscellaneous evil deeds including extortion, human trafficking, money laundry, sweatshop dirty diaper production and black market croquet festivals.

Book 3

See Also
