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Ham Radio

Loved by radio otaku, military otaku, spies, and the like.


AirChat is a free open source program developed by the Anonymous hacking group to anonymously communicate with other people over the air waves. To be able to use it you will need a ham radio with the open source Fldigi modem controller connected to your laptop or desktop computer.

AirChat transmits data using a radio connection, there is no need for Internet infrastructure or mobile phone network coverage. Sending data over the air waves has been possible since the invention of radio, as the Morse code pulses over the airwaves proved. Amateur radio operators send each other data messages daily with just their radio equipment, the Anonymous collective is not devising any new technology, what they do is to add privacy and security to something that already existed.

AirChat encodes data inside air waves with Anonymous own Lulzpacket protocol handling integrity and encryption. Due that in some countries encrypted airwaves over specific frequencies are banned, you are given the choice of sending the data unencrypted to avoid breaking the law. Other legal considerations are that ham radio operators must be licensed to operate on amateur radio frequencies, that will put you on a government list but this is not necessary if you only plan on listening in.


How do you shitpost memes to space? That's easy – Slow scan television!

Family Developer NameColor Time Lines
AVT Ben Blish-Williams, AA7AS / AEA8 BW or 1 of R, G, or B8 s 128×128
16w BW or 1 of R, G, or B16 s 256×128
16h BW or 1 of R, G, or B16 s 128×256
32 BW or 1 of R, G, or B32 s 256×256
24 RGB 24 s 128×128
48w RGB 48 s 256×128
48h RGB 48 s 128×256
104 RGB 96 s 256×256
Martin Martin Emmerson - G3OQD M1 RGB 114 s240¹
M2 RGB 58 s 240¹
Robot Robot SSTV 8 BW or 1 of R, G or B 8 s 120
12 YUV 12 s 128 luma, 32/32 chroma × 120
24 YUV 24 s 128 luma, 64/64 chroma × 120
32 BW or 1 of R, G or B 32 s 256 × 240
36 YUV 36 s 256 luma, 64/64 chroma × 240
72 YUV 72 s 256 luma, 128/128 chroma × 240
ScottieEddie Murphy - GM3SBC S1 RGB 110 s240¹
S2 RGB 71 s 240¹