Table of Contents
Insomnia is a vital skill of all VIPPER, Otaku, neet, and hikikomori.
| // / |// /┃ / ̄''' ┃ プラーン | (-_-) | U U | UU | (○) | ヽ|〃  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
- Have obsessions
- Fast – eating dulls the mind or makes you sleep
- Be stressed / anxious
- Practice meditation – it can substitute the need for sleep
- Use stimulants, such as coffee, energy drinks, nicotine, amphetamines
- Cover your windows with heavy, thick curtains
- It's quieter at nighttime
- There's less people about
- The internet is faster
- All the kids are asleep
- Make friends with people on the other side of the earth
Movies about insomnia
- Fight Club
- The Machinist
- Waking Life