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Post notable IRC conversations in this page. Post maybe the details and the back story and then the actual quote.

Zovistograt meets JFG

[20:11] <&Zovistograt> I enjoyed your tracks :)
[20:11] <&JunkyFoodGuy> I enjoyed your butt :)

Typical conversation


Raindrops on Roses...

<&halcy> ( ゚ ー゚) Raindrops on roses
<&halcy> ( ゚ ー゚) and whiskers on kittens
<&halcy> ( ゚ ー゚) I like to release 
<&halcy> ( ˃ ヮ˂)  THE EMERGENCY MITTENS!

The entire channel hits on me

USS_LIBERTY = LiteralKlined = LiteralKa

<&halcy> USS_Liberty: YOU HOT THING
<@Wik> USS_Liberty:  is definitly a girl
<&halcy> LiteralKlined: OH WAIT YOU ARE UNDERAGE 
<@LiteralKlined> halcy: maybe :o
<@LiteralKlined> hard to get
<@Wik> i love you baby

Wik was dating a 16 year old (or something)

<@Wik> what things do 16 year old girls like?
<&halcy> hm... 16 year old is hard
<@Wik> oh then forget her
<&halcy> the only 16 year old girl I know is from my family
<@Wik> probably money
<&halcy> therefore kinda weird
<&halcy> she likes soccer, a lot
<@Wik> i see
<@Wik> so does this girl
<@Wik> tickets to a game!
<@Wik> done
<&halcy> and has a crush on one of the players in the team she favors (the local-est team playing in the national league)
<@Wik> thanks
<&halcy> That's probably a cool idea! :D
<&halcy> Just make sure it's when she can go, and to pick the right team ;D
<@Wik> oh yeah
<@LiteralKlined> Wik: Are you talking about 16 yr old AMERICAN girls?
<@Wik> yes
<@Wik> lol
<@LiteralKlined> Just wondering
<@Wik> but probably not soccer
<@LiteralKlined> LOL
<@LiteralKlined> yeah
<@LiteralKlined> def not
<@Wik> i will take her to abaseball game
<@LiteralKlined> :/
<@LiteralKlined> hmm
<@LiteralKlined> well
<@LiteralKlined> I know what 16 yr old american girls DON'T like
<@LiteralKlined> being a troll and all...
<@LiteralKlined> 。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。 and being a smartass doesn't help
<@Wik> oh
<@Wik> it's okay LiteralKlined 
<@LiteralKlined> I probably know
<@Wik> you can always troll your way into my heart

Wik is a retarded pedo

<@Wik> i love baby
<@Wik> sounds like i'm a pedo and retarded at the same time

SSW_Kikkoman plays with duct tape and fire

>>> join/#saovq (SSW_Kikkoman!~The@Soy.Sauce.Warrior)
mode/#saovq (+o SSW_Kikkoman) by ChanServ
<@SSW_Kikkoman> Okay.
<@SSW_Kikkoman> Quick question.
<@SSW_Kikkoman> Will duct tape survive inside a tower?
<@SSW_Kikkoman> I know the CPU can kick up to ~60C some times.
<@SSW_Kikkoman> Dammit, I knew I was right about that.
<@SSW_Kikkoman> Logging off...
<<< emoquit/#saovq (SSW_Kikkoman!~The@Soy.Sauce.Warrior)()
<@LiteralKlined> LOL

Wik gets drunk... again

<@Wik> i got drunk last night and didn't go to any of my classes
<@Wik> and someone punched me in the eye
<@LiteralKlined> LOL

Wik teaches me about the wonders of alcohol and women

<@Wik> girls like alcohol
<@Wik> LiteralKlined get girls drunk
<@LiteralKlined> haha, oh god
<@Wik> you are young LiteralKlined
<@Wik> you must learn this

Wik is drunk (again!)

03:46:44 <&LiteralKlined> Wik: are you drunk
03:46:48 <&LiteralKlined> again
03:48:18 <&Wik> i'm on my second to last beer
03:48:22 <&Wik> I'm drunk
03:48:34 <&LiteralKlined> How long have you been drunk?
03:49:26 <&Wik> i started drinking at 1200pm
03:49:45 <&Wik> midwestern time
03:50:40 <&LiteralKlined> Wik: is that why you were {offerr,threaten}ing to call me up?
03:50:50 <&Wik> i want to call you up
03:50:59 <&Wik> i want to talk to you
03:51:04 <&Wik> you are awesome
03:51:18 <&Wik> i just want to know you better
03:51:19 <&Okinawa>  <&Wik> i used to cyber with my male friend on steam
03:51:24 <&Okinawa> careful
03:51:31 <&Wik> i talk to you more than my IRL friends
03:51:39 <&LiteralKlined> oh holy fuck
03:51:39 <&Wik> i know
03:51:44 <&Wik> but he might be gay
03:51:53 <&LiteralKlined> brb, getting out my fortune cookie file

Wik <3 Osama

<@Wik> i love terrorism

Edward Mitten-Hands

[20:06] <&faux_real> so
[20:06] <&faux_real> at work today
[20:06] <&faux_real> I met a woman
[20:06] <&faux_real> who had MITTENS for HANDS
[20:06] <&Zovistograt> wat
[20:06] <&faux_real> I know!
[20:07] <&Zovistograt> how does that work?
[20:07] <&faux_real> I guess she lost of all of her fingers and half of her thumbs to a horrific frostbite-related accident.
[20:07] <&Zovistograt> ...oh T_T
[20:07] <&Zovistograt> that really sucks actually
[20:07] <&Wik> OMG
[20:07] <&faux_real> It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!
[20:07] <&Zovistograt> being VIP has its price sometimes.
[20:08] <&Wik> but she has the best body modification I have ever heard of
[20:08] <&faux_real> she paid her ability to grab things to get into daddycool's Secret Area of VIP Quality

Freud meets Airyairy

<&LiteralKlined> Penis envy is the female counterpart to Freud’s concept of castration anxiety. In his theory of psychosexual development, Freud suggested that during the phallic stage (around ages 3-5) young girls distance themselves from their mothers and instead devote their affections to their fathers.
<&LiteralKlined> According to Freud, this occurs when a girl realizes that she has no penis. "Girls hold their mother responsible for their lack of a penis and do not forgive her for their being thus put at a disadvantage," Freud suggested (1933).
<&Airyairy> I do not have penis envy!
<&LiteralKlined> Not anymore.
<&LiteralKlined> When you were four you did.

Wik and Airyairy (Part 1)

<&Wik> Airyairy do you hate your mother?
<&Airyairy> No
<&Wik> that's just what someone who hates their mother would say

Wik and Airyairy (Part 2)

<&Wik> Airyairy do you sometimes hug your dad longer than your mother wants you to

Wik and Airyairy (Part 3)

<&Wik> what you really need is a penis
<&Wik> any penis will do
<&Wik> but you really want is your dad's penis
* Airyairy slaps Wik

I leave Wik and Airyairy alone for TWO seconds

<&LiteralKlined> 9/11 does tghat shit to you
<&Airyairy> huh?
<&LiteralKlined> brb
<&Wik> Airyairy:  911
<&Wik> WTC
<&Airyairy> Oh, was he involved?
<&Wik> yes

Anti-rape devices

21:08:34 <&LiteralKa> african women need:
21:09:01 <&LiteralKa> "These have come under criticism for the ease with which they could be defeated, and for placing the responsibility of preventing rape on the victim, rather than punishing the rapist."
21:09:03 <&LiteralKa> ..
21:09:07 <&faux_real> lol
21:09:12 <&LiteralKa> those are horrible arguments
21:09:21 <&faux_real> you've been reading too much about vagina dentata
21:09:31 <&LiteralKa> faux_real: actually
21:09:40 <&LiteralKa> Airyairy: Remember the Freud stuff?
21:09:44 <&Airyairy> yeah
21:09:52 <&LiteralKa> vagina dentata
21:09:57 <&LiteralKa> is just an extension of that
21:10:03 <&Airyairy> haha
21:10:06 <&Airyairy> chomp
21:10:33 <&richardus> i'd rather get raped than have to walk around all night with that thing in my vagina
21:10:43 <&LiteralKa> lol
21:11:05 <&LiteralKa> you've never been raped by a black man with a gigantic nigger member throbbing with AIDS

Wik will get off when I do :o

22:57:17 <&Wik> when you get of LiteralKa iw ill get off
22:57:42 <&Airyairy> that sounds incredibly homoerotic

Spray 'n' Pray

23:55:55 <&LiteralKa> Wik: was it consensual
23:56:35 <&Wik> idk
23:56:41 <&Wik> i don't care what the girl is thinking ever
23:56:45 <&LiteralKa> loling here
23:56:47 <&Wik> i just do it
23:56:52 <&LiteralKa> hahaha
23:56:56 <&Wik> i get in the mood
23:56:59 <&Wik> it's fucking time

Little LiteralKas

20:57:04 <&LiteralKa>
20:59:08 <&Wik> they are playing price is right music
20:59:14 <&Wik> xD
20:59:36 <&LiteralKa> haha
20:59:48 <&LiteralKa> "EVEN DO HE HAS DOWN SINDROHME"
21:00:04 <&Wik> they are C walking
21:01:19 <&Wik> LiteralKa when can we expect little LiteralKas?
21:01:57 <&LiteralKa> lol
21:02:07 <&LiteralKa> Probably when I'm not 16 >.<
21:02:35 <&Wik> i thought you were 17
21:02:56 <&Wik> what will you do when little LiteralKaiser is black
21:02:57 <&JunkyFoodGuy> Black is a little kawaii asian girl.
21:03:07 <&Wik> thanks JunkyFoodGuy
21:03:10 <&LiteralKa> Wik: Smack a bitch.

Public response to Wik being drunk

21:23:06 <&faux_real> <@Wik> i got drunk last night and didn't go to any of my classes
21:23:06 <&faux_real> <@Wik> and someone punched me in the eye
21:23:06 <&faux_real> <@LiteralKlined> LOL
21:23:07 <&faux_real> wwww
21:23:09 <&Wik> I don't save most of  mine
21:23:21 <&Wik> THAT WAS TRUE
21:23:26 <&Wik> that guy is an asshole
21:23:28 <&faux_real> my friend told me he headbutted someguy in the mouth and knocked one of his teeth out last night

on Black Children

<&faux_real> I hope I have a black baby
<&faux_real> that way I won't feel bad when I'm a deadbeat dad
<&Wik> faux_real what a terrible thought
<&faux_real> I know
<&faux_real> having a black baby would suck
<&faux_real> OH MAN
<&faux_real> I GOTTA STOP

Paper Bags

Found on #iichan.

[17:29] <Wik> then why do you have qualms with the paper bag
[17:29] <Hoover> Because I like faces
[17:29] <Wik> that's more practical
[17:29] <Wik> then just don't get involved
[17:29] <Wik> with those girls
[17:29] <Wik> problem solved
[17:29] <Hoover> agreed
[17:30] <Wik> girls are like tissues blow in them once
[17:30] <Wik> and then toss them in the garbage

Religion and Food

[20:42] <&Wik> sup brahs
[20:42] <&Wik> i hate Church
[20:42] <&Wik> i'm never going back
[20:43] <&CorrosiveSteaks> Why?
[20:43] <&CorrosiveSteaks> You turned atheist?  :p
[20:43] <&Wik> i've always been athiest
[20:43] <&Wik> but the lured me in with steak tonight
[20:43] <&Wik> they'd be like come and eat free steak
[20:44] <&Airyairy> lol
[20:44] <&Wik> and I WAS LIKE HELL YEAH
[20:44] <&Wik> but then they were like stay for sermon
[20:44] <&Wik> and i was like hell no !
[20:44] <&Wik> and they were all had stupid humor

Takeshima is Japan

[23:40] <@thurmanthomas> !nida
[23:40] <@Sakagami-Tomoyo> <丶`∀´> : Dokdo is Corea nida.
[23:40] * Sakagami-Tomoyo was kicked by AgentChieftain (TAKESHIMA IS JAPAN)
[23:40] * Sakagami-Tomoyo ( has joined #saovq
[23:40] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Sakagami-Tomoyo
[23:40] <@thurmanthomas> ( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \

Who is TalentlessTroll?

21:44:28 <&LiteralKa>
21:44:37 <&LiteralKa> (best quote evr, btw)
21:47:12 <&LiteralKa> HIS NOT NO DAMN GOOD
21:47:40 <&Wik> like i said actors
21:47:55 <&Wik> but pretty funny
21:48:11 <&faux_real> wtf kind of name is VALCHAS
21:48:24 <&sparky4> ?????
21:48:43 <&Wik> ???? is right
21:48:47 <&LiteralKa> sparky4: nice ignore moron
21:49:27 <&Wik> is he confused that I'm the only one talking
21:49:31 <&LiteralKa> wik, reisen, airyairy, faux_real, and I are the center of most of the conversations here >o<
21:49:54 <&Wik> i tried to get people to talk
21:49:58 <&Wik> but they are shy
21:51:04 <&Wik> i liek the one when we made fun of turippu's age!
21:51:10 <&Wik> do you have that saved?
21:52:48 <&TalentlessTroll> I should talk more.  I mostly just lurk...
21:53:11 <&LiteralKa> lol
21:53:16 <&LiteralKa> I forgot you existed

Category:Articles that need more categories
