Table of Contents
A Work of an Infinite Amount of Weapons Containing One or More Sharp Edges
The materials that were required for producing this particular bladed weapon comes from the organism that I call myself.
The framework that is my body is produced from an alloy consisting mostly of iron, with a carbon content between 0.02% and 1.7 or 2.04% by weight, depending on grade and
instead of a liquid flowing through my veins, arteries, and capillaries, a rapid oxidation process that creates light, heat, smoke occurs.
I have gone through the process of producing multiple various blades for an amount of times exceeding a thousand.
Not currently acquainted with the concept of the cessation of all bodily functions, however, still having no previous knowledge of these functions themselves.
Have remained stoic to ignore the pain caused by the manufacturing process in order to complete the forging of numerous tools of war.
Yet these two intricate, prehensile, multi-fingered body parts normally located at the end of each arm shall not maintain a firm grasp on any single object.
Therefore, I reverently attempt to communicate with some deity or being greater than my own in order obtain
A Work of an Infinite Amount of Weapons Containing One or More Sharp Edges
Unlimited Copy-Pasta Works
I am the Bel of my Air.
CTRL+C is my body, and CTRL+V is my blood.
I have reposted over a thousand posts.
Unaware of post limits. Nor aware of flood protection.
Withstood bans to ruin many threads.
Waiting for one's arrival.
I have no regrets, this was the only path.
My whole life is Unlimited Copy-Pasta Works.
Unlimited Satori Works
I am the bone of my SICP.
Scheme is my body, and Lisp is my blood.
I have typed over 1024 parentheses.
Unknown to Java.
Nor known to C#.
Have withstood emacs to write many programs.
Yet these skills will never lead to a career.
So as I pray, Unlimited Satori Works!
Unlimited Troll Works
I am the kami of my 2GET.
DQN is my body, and VIP is my blood.
I have created over a thousand kusosure.
Unknown to world4ch
Nor known to 4-ch.
Have withstood bans to create many flamewars.
Yet, those posts will never contribute anything.
So as I pray, Unlimited Troll Works. <html></aa></html>
I am the 1000 of my GET.
VIP is my body, and kopipe is my blood.
I have created over 999 posts.
Unaware of /b/.
Nor aware of fchan.
Withstood bans to create many flamewars.
Waiting for one's arrival.
I have no regrets, this was the only path.
My whole life was Unlimited Troll Works.
Unlimited Fail Works
I am the epic of my fail.
Stick is my body and fail is my blood.
I have created over a thousand threads.
Unknown to b&, nor to age,
have withstood sagebombs to create many threads.
Yet, those hands will never win anything.
I am the tanasinn of my tanasinn.
dots are my body, and ∴ is my blood.
I have corrupted over a thousand ASCII.
Unaware of thinking.
Nor aware of not feeling.
Withstood pain to create many tanasinn.
Waiting for enterprise integration's arrival.
I h∴ve no r∴∴rets, t∴∴s is∴∴∴∴ pat∴.
∴y ∴h∴le li∴e ∴as "U∴∴mit∴∴ tanasinn ∴∴k∴∴∴∴
∴ ∴