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delayclose.jpg}|px delayclose.jpg}}}|px}}






Generic box template


  • title - The box title. Default: "I am a box"
  • text - The box text. Default: "I contain lots of interesting things "
  • image - The image on the left of the box. Default: "delayclose.jpg"
    • img_border - CSS for the border around the image. Default: "1px solid rgb(127,127,127)"
    • img_width - The images desired width. Default: "100"
  • border - Colour for the box border. Default: "rgb(125, 106, 141)"
  • head_bg - Colour of the box head. Default: Same as border
  • bg - Background colour of the box. Default: "rgb(224, 190, 253)"
  • width - Width of the box. Default: "450"
  • color - Text color for the box text. Default: "rgb(0, 0, 0)"

Example Box

Use in sidebar






Will look like this ▶

220px is the de facto standard sidebar width. Don't change it if it is not necessary.

<html></html> <html></html>

Category:Articles with one or more notification boxes
