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saitama [2021/04/29 17:09] – external edit [2021/10/31 00:15] (current) – made picture smaller, the layout looks better on my laptop agiat
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-{{Saitamasaitamasaitama.jpg|Saitama! Saitama!! Saitama!!! Saitama! Saitama!! Saitama!!!}} +====== Saitama ====== 
- +{{ :Saitamasaitamasaitama.jpg?400|Saitama! Saitama!! Saitama!!! Saitama! Saitama!! Saitama!!!}} 
-<html><aa></html+<WRAP sjis><code
- +                \ │ / 
-''%%                 \ │ /%%'' +                 / ̄\  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 
- +               ─( ゚ ∀ ゚ )< saitama! 
-                 / ̄\  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄                ─( ゚ ∀ ゚ )< saitama!                  \_/  \_________                 / │ \                     ∩ ∧ ∧∩ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\ ∩∧ ∧∩\( ゚∀゚)< saitama saitama saitama! saitama~~~~! >( ゚∀゚ )/ |    / \__________ ________/ |    〈 |   |               / /\_」 / /\」                ̄     / /                     ̄ <html></aa></html+                 \_/  \_________ 
 +                / │ \ 
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 + ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\ ∩∧ ∧∩\( ゚∀゚)< saitama saitama saitama! 
 +saitama~~~~! >( ゚∀゚ )/ |    / \__________ 
 +________/ |    〈 |   | 
 +              / /\_」 / /\」 
 +               ̄     / /</code></WRAP
 +                    ̄
 Saitama is a prefecture and a city in Japan. A magical place, where money can be found in any municipal tip and cats can enjoy all-you-can-eat buffets of dead pensioners. Saitama is a prefecture and a city in Japan. A magical place, where money can be found in any municipal tip and cats can enjoy all-you-can-eat buffets of dead pensioners.
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 [[|News from Saitama]] [[|News from Saitama]]
-Category:Japan Category:Places Category:AA_Characters +{{tag>Japan places AA_Characters sjis}}