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( ´∀`)

Monar (Mona) is the AA depiction of Japanese or just the depiction of 2channelers in general[citation needed]. He has his own board on 2channel, and is the most popular AA character on 2channel. His favourite phrase is オマエモナー, or "Omae mo na" which rougly means "You too" or "Screw you".

   ∧_∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  ( ´∀`) < Look who's talking!
  (    )   \____ 
  | | |


Mona originally came from a thread where a troll posted Mona with him complaning "You people have too much time on your hands". Another user decided to use Mona and make him say "You too!"

Monar's Friends

  • Morara (Moralar)
  ∧_∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ( ・∀・)< mataーRISIYOUYO♪
 (    )  \_______
 | | |
  • Morara is a friend of Mona, and a foil to him. He appears to be more sensible, and likes to chill out.
  • Onigiri
  • Omusubi

Monar's Arch-rivals

This is a very accurate depiction Monar evolution

   1st Gen Monar
    ∩_∩     ∧ ∧
   ( ´∀`)    (´⊇`)
 Round-Ear Monar  Mohya
   ( ´∀`)
  Current Monar
  |   ∧_∧  ∧_∧   ∧_∧  ∧_∧  ∧_∧  ∧∧∧
  |   ( ’∀’) ( ´曲`) ( ´▼`) (' д `) ( O O ) ( `皿´)
  |   Ganar   Tenar   Ganar   Yonar  hibagu   ochilar
  |                             (non-bug?)
  ∧_∧         ∧_∧   ∧_∧   ∧_∧    other subspecies
  ( ・∀・)───┬─( TДT) <丶`∀´>  ( ^×^)
   Moralar.    .|   Mokar   Nida     Monei
    |      .│          │           |
    |         │       Nida genus    ┌┴────┐
    |  \ | / ∧_∧           ∧_∧ ハゥッ!  ∧_∧
    |  ― Θ ―( ・∀・)          ( *^×^)彡   ( ・*・)
    |  / °\( つ  つ         SenzuriMonei  Analar
    |      Nokar             (WankMonei)
  │   /⌒\          ∧_∧ ∧_∧.    ∧∞ ∧       888888
  │   (    )         ( ・  ・)(    )   (,, ・∀・)        ( ・≧・)─┬─etc
  │   |   | Maralar     (   ∀ )( ・∀・)    Morako       Fellatio   │
  │   ( ・∀・)             Momolar(?)      │               etc
  │     │「Maralar Bros」        │     ┌─┴──┬─────┐
  │                      ∧_∧    ∧-∧   ∧_∧   ΛwwΛ
  │  /⌒\     /⌒\      ( __ __)  / ノハλ) / ノノハ)  ξノ))ヘ)ヽ
  │ (  ・∀・) ─ ( ^人^ )      (6 ・ 」・)  8 ノ ・∀・ノj o ・∀・ノo ζ・∀・ノ
  │    Marapo     Kitoh      (  ∀)           Moraly    Mana
  │  (Maraboy?)  (2編出身)     Paipan
( ・∀・)               円_円      人        その他の亜種
ジサクジエン             ¥・∀・¥    (__)
  ├───┬────┐      マニー   \(__)/
 ( ゚∀゚) (´∀`)  その他の亜種         ( ・∀・ )
  アヒャ   ジゴウジトク                Unko
  |   |
 (^∀^) (´Д`)
  ゲラ  オイヨー