Title is a Really Long Song. It is really long. There are 18 verses, and enough bridges, choruses and encores to make it a 29-parts piece that lasts for 1:37:30. It contains about 61 occurrences of the line “Under the moon loli to issho”.
The Really Long Song started as a thread posted on the Elitist Superstructure of DQN on September 4660, 1993.
The thread itself was finished (by reaching the 1000 posts mark) on September 4783, 1993, and the recording of this song was finished on September 5447, 1993 — 787 days after the first post.
Various artists collaborated in this project, mostly anonymously, coordinating on the Elitist Superstructure, on the Tanasinn.info wiki, and on the /music/ board of the iichan/wakachan network.
Title is distributed as a 129MB zip archive. Your download will come with a fancy lyrics booklet.
♪ Tracklist ♪
Category:Mittens Category:DQN music Category:Electronic music