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On 2014-02-28 02:32 a VIPPER created a thread on SAoVQ. While it was discussed on IRC somewhat it is finally in the makings. As of now, the contributers are VIPPER who later went anonymous, VIPPER who later went anonymous, Blank who fell out and just is a guest, Mittens is MIA, Wik, and new comer Meltingwax. If you want to contribute go to the IRC on rizon, channel #saovq, or post on the thread. Also, you can sign up on the mailing list here

Official VIPcast BBS

You'll have to come here to get the new releases. We aren't doing soundcloud anymore.

Episode list

VIPcast Title LengthReleased Link Guest
VIPcast #1 28:43 March 30, 2014soundcloud Blank
VIPcast #2 Seagull accented57:38 May 24th, 2014 and Meltingwax

Software Used
