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Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson was the founder of NAMbLA, a singer-songwriter, linux hacker and composer. He died on 5776 September 1993 of drug overdose.
Contrary to popular belief, he was NOT a member of Genesis. Confusion probably stems from his involvment with SEGA back when they were developing games for the MegaDrive which is allegedly called Genesis in America.
Demon Slayer
AA Michael Jackson
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- The inital soundtrack for It came from VIP was composed entirely by Michael Jackson, but was scrapped due to accusations he was facing at the time.
- The inital soundtrack for Sanic 3 was composed partially by Michael Jackson and his team, but was scrapped due to accusations he was facing at the time.
- According to VIPPERS, he was very VIP, but was scrapped due to accusations he was facing at the time.
- He was killed by JEWS because of the following line in the song They Don't Care About Us:
``Jew me, sue me, everybody do me’ , ``Kick me, kike me, don’t you black or white me″