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How to: Quit SNS

dedicated to GirlAnon


Nitter (sauce) is a really easy way to browse Twitter profiles / tweets without having to register for Twitter or access Not only can you browse a profile via a lightweight, FLOSS frontend, you can also subscribe to profiles via RSS feeds โ€“ something that Twitter used to allow people to do, but later forbade.

Being able to access user profiles via RSS has an added bonus โ€“ alongside being able to "follow" people in a way that respects your privacy more, these feeds can also be fed into bots or other applications, adding a bit of utility.

For posters

If you simply cannot go without "posting," fediverse (Mastodon, Pleroma, and Misskey) are a viable alternative. Posts have an extended character count, encouraging better discussions; more files and more kinds of files can be uploaded per-post; hosting is bottom-up decentralized, meaning that you can easily find a server with moderation goals that match your needs or host your own barring that. Our SNS research group strongly advises use of Pleroma servers over Mastodon; while Mastodon was originally created by a team of SAoVQ VIPPERs, they sold out to the SJW cabal leading to the community feeling like an unpleasant mix of Twitter and Tumblr (full of adult babies โ€“ LITERALLY), whereas Pleroma is simply better software and is embraced by a more mature audience.


