Table of Contents
Secret Area of VIP Quality
/\___/ヽ /' ':::::::\ In SAoVQ yoU cAn juSt cHilL and . |(●), 、(●)、.:| + dO whATevEr anD totAlly RelAX | ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,, .::::| if yOu pAyme EnoUgh ;) . | `-=ニ=- ' .:::::::| + \ `ニニ´ .:::::/ It's VIP QUALITY! ,,.....イ.ヽヽ、ニ__ ーーノ゙-、 : | '; \_____ ノ.| ヽ i | \/゙(__)\,| i | > ヽ. ハ | ||
Unfortunately we cannot disclose the location of the Secret Area of VIP Quality unless you payhim enough ;) As of sometime in 2012, CP was posted to the image board having the mods to forcefully take it down. RIP.
While we await your payment, you can read A Guide to SAoVQ.
In July 2015 the website went down because the owner didn't paid Daddycool EnoUgh. ;(
In September 2015 since the old site was definitely looking dead, multiple VIPPERS tried to create a new website for the homeless VIPPERS resulting in the textboard and the imageboard Which one is better is to debate the imageboard textboard imageboard textboard imageboard textboard imageboard textboard imageboard textboard imageboard textboard imageboard textboard imageboard textboard imageboard textboard imageboard textboard.
Homegrown VIPtronic Album
Currently held on most Saturday nights via Skype. Go to Secret Area of VIP Quality IRC and harass LiteralKa ~9EST (or just msg LiteralKa on Skype). Pretty much dead
2021 update: all the voicecallers now use Discord. Ask in IRC for an invite; you must pass a formal interview and pay an entry fee to gain access to our premium chat platform, which is much safer than IRC as the CIA reads all of our posts.